1. . ? . ?
  2. Simon Fraser University ?
  3. Educ47l-4 ?
  4. Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice
    1. Fall Semester 2004 ? Instructor: Dr. J.D. Clarkson
      1. Thursday 4:30 - 8:30 ? Office: ? 8637
      2. Room: ? Phone: ? 604-461-9592
      3. Prerequisite
      4. Assignments
      5. Required Readings

. ?

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Simon Fraser University ?

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Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice
Fall Semester 2004
Instructor: Dr. J.D. Clarkson
Thursday 4:30 - 8:30 ?
Office: ?
Web Site: http://www.sfu.ca/
E-mail: ida rksosfu.ca
60 Credit Hours
Course Description
In British Columbia, the purposes of education, the ends to be achieved in teaching, and
the strategies that might be employed to pursue them are prescribed or at least strongly
indicated by the Mission Statement for Schools and the Integrated Resource Packages
published by the Ministry of Education. The content and methods of instruction that
teachers might choose are further constrained by the forms of evaluation that students
will experience at the end of their courses. Provincial examinations, for example, are an
incentive for teachers to stay close to the kind of content that will appear on the exams
and to use methods consistent with learning it. Nevertheless, teachers must choose among
the prescribed ends because they cannot teach all that is listed, and they must adapt
suggested teaching methods to local conditions. As teachers go about planning their
lessons, then, they must at least be able to choose wisely. This course will provide
prospective and practicing teachers with the theoretical and practical ideas that will allow
them to do both, develop educational curricula and to choose well when faced with
curricula developed by others. It will also provide them with the theoretical framework to
comment on the merits of curriculum proposals that are presented to them during their
teaching careers.
Three Discussion Papers...............................
Final Examination........................................25%
Required Readings
Barrow, Robin. (1985).
Giving Teaching back to teachers: A critical introduction to
curriculum theory.
Toronto, ONT: The Althouse Press. ISBN:
Beyer, Landon E & Apple, Michael W. (1998).
The Curriculum: Problems, politics,
and possibilities.
State University of New York Press.
ISBN: 0-7914-3810-4

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