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    EDUCATION 471-4
    INSTRUCTOR: Robertson Wood
    TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, 8:30 - 12:20
    LOCATION: On Campus
    The purpose of Education 471 is to examine both the theoretical
    aspects of curriculum development and the relationship of this theory
    to selected educational programs. Curriculum theory will be considered
    from the point of view of practicing teachers who must implement, often
    adapt, and, sometimes develop curricula within the context of the school
    and the classroom.
    The first part of the course will cover the following topics:
    The context of the curriculum
    The organization of the curriculum
    3. Curriculum design
    4. Curriculum objectives
    Implementing a curriculum
    6. The teacher and the curriculum
    In the second part of the course two new and very different
    curriculum projects will be analyzed and assessed in the light of
    criteria selected from part one of the course.
    Students will be assigned preparatory reading for each class session.
    In addition students will be required to write two short papers (750 -
    1,000 words) on topics chosen from the first part of the course. As
    a final assignment students may either design a curriculum project for
    their own classroom or area of interest or prepare a critical analysis
    of a curriculum presently taught in British Columbia.
    Kelly, A.V. The Curriculum. Harper and Row, 1982
    Barrow, R. ?
    Giving Teaching Back to Teachers. In Press, Simon Fraser
    University, 1984
    Barrow, R.
    The Philosophy of Schooling. Wheatsheaf, 1982

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