    Educ. 471-4 Curriculum Development: Theory and Application
    Fall, 1982
    INSTRUCTOR: Bill Hromyk
    Tuesday, 4:30 - 8:20
    The course is outlined to meet the needs of students and practicing teachers
    in the field of curriculum. We shall, during this course, explore various
    aspects of curriculum including:
    - definition
    - structure
    - communication'
    - design
    - philosophy
    - objectives
    - values
    - evaluations
    - psychology
    - specific areas of interest
    - special factors
    to individuals of small groups.
    Using an experiential approach this course will assist participants:
    - to-develop competencies related to curriculum development,
    evaluation and implementation
    - to gain theoretical and practical understanding of curriculum
    and its implications for education and society
    - to develop a curriculum related to an interest subject areas
    and age group
    - to internalize a model of self-education applicable to both
    institutional and non-institutional settings and life-long
    These goals will be developed through the following activities:
    - class presentations and workshops
    - individual and group negotiated contracts on completencies
    related to curriculum development
    - critical discussion of related readings.
    Requirements for the course will be met through examinations, and contracts,
    negotiated with the instructor, which focus on the acquisition of competencies
    relevant to curriculum development.
    Connelly, F. Michael, et al. Curriculum Planning for the Classroom.
    OISE/OTF, Toronto, 1980.
    Harty, L.D., and Monroe, B.P. Objectives for Instructional Programs.
    Croft Educational Services, 1973.
    Daugs, D.R., and Burbank, I.K. Applied Principles of Curriculum Development.
    Canadian Educational Consulting Services, 1975.

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