1. EDUCATION 467-4
      2. Curriculum and Instruction in Teaching ?
      3. English as a Second Language

Curriculum and Instruction in Teaching ?
English as a Second Language
Intersession, 1987
Instructor: ?
Gloria P. Sampson
(May 4 - June 12) ?
Office: ?
MPX 8671
Monday & Wednesday ? Phone: ?
5:30 -
9:20 p.m.
Location: MPX 7500 B
Prerequisite: 60 credit hours and a lower level linguistics or English 370/371.
The aim of this course is to expose students to the methods currently in use in Canadian,
European and American schools for the teaching of English as a second or foreign
language. The topics covered are:
Teaching Canadian (or American or British) pronunciation (whichever dialect
you speak)
Teaching English syntax
Personality and language learning
Teaching methods: Audio-lingual, Communicative, Functional
Integrating ESL into the B.C. school curriculum in content areas
Lesson planning and unit planning through themes -- Kindergarten to adult
The progress of students in this course will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Assignment 1(10%) Pronunciation Lesson Plan
Assignment H (30%) Unit Outline and Lesson Plans
Test I (30%) Using phonemic transcription and using a contrastive analysis of
native and target languages
Test II (30%) English grammar
James Moffett and Betty Jane Wagner. (1983). Student-Centered Language Arts. K-13.
Third Edition. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co.
Gloria P. Sampson. (1980). New Routes to English. Intermediate Skills/One (Teacher
Guide and Student Workbook). Don Mills, Ontario: Collier Macmillan Canada
Cecile Zorach. (1980). English Grammar for Students of German. Ann Arbor, Michigan:
Olivia and Hill Press.

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