    . S
    Fri. ?
    Instructor: Debbie Dubrofsky
    12:30 - 16:20 ?
    111 CAE
    MPX 8620
    This course aims to provide a basic introduction to some ?
    topics of relevance for the teacher of English as a second.language.
    Pronunciation: We will look at the way in which the sounds of
    the English language are produced by the human vocal apparatus,
    and proceed to a description of the sound patterns of English
    pronunciation. Particular attention will be paid to stress
    patterns and vowel dipthongs, areas of difficulty for almost all
    of ESL, as well as those consonants and consonant clusters which
    are particularly difficult for students of oriental background.
    Sociocultural factors in language learning: We will attempt to
    describe the sociocultural factors operative in language learning,
    within the context of the current situation in British Columbia,
    and the implications these factors have for teacher strategies
    within and outside of the ESL classroom. We will discuss the
    function of, and the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of ESL
    classes for immigrant children in an essentially English speaking
    school system, as well as indicate some alternatives to formal
    language instruction.
    Second Language acquisition: We will examine some recent case
    studies of the acquisition of ESL by children, adults and adolescents.
    The aim here will be to indicate the kind of progress and language
    development a teacher can expect from learners of different age
    groups. Because these studies transcribe the students' language
    at different stages of development rather than simply theorize
    about it, they are particularly useful in indicating how the
    teacher can help to hasten the students' progress.
    Error Analysis: A survey of current theories which attempt to
    describe and explain the errors produced in ESL speech, will be
    provided. Error analysis is a particularly useful tool for aiding
    the teacher in choosing and presenting pedagogical material.
    A survey of current teaching and reference materials: I will provide
    a bibliography of teaching and reference materials which I have
    found useful as a teacher of ESL. We will examine some of these
    books in as much detail as time allows, indicating their strong
    and weak points and their usefulness in and outside the classroom.
    Some of these texts are for classroom use, others are to broaden
    the teacher's own understanding of aspects of English syntax so
    that he or she will be better prepared to communicate these aspects
    to ESL students.

    Field Work: Through the ESL consultant for the schools of the city
    of Vancouver, I hope to have a number of current ESL students of
    different ages, from different language backgrounds and at various
    levels of acquisition, for us to work with. Students will be given
    tape recorders and assigned a particular ESL student to work with,
    at least one hour per week for the duration of the course. Students
    will use information from the course to analyze their ESL student's
    speech and experiment with procedures for improving it.
    Grades for this course will be given as follows: 40% for two short
    tests to be administered during course hours; 60% for a paper
    of from 10 - 15 pages in length, which the students will, hand
    in at the end of the course. The paper will be based on the students'
    field work, but other topics will be considered upon consultation
    with the instructor.
    All of the topics listed above are of course very broad and each
    itself could be the subject of a full university course. Their
    treatment will be necessarily brief, but I will try to adapt the
    course as much as possible to the stated needs and desires of
    the students.
    Reauired Texts:
    Evelyn Hatch Second Language Acquisition, A Book of Readings,
    Newbury House,
    978 $17.10
    John W. 011er and Jack C. Richards, Focus on the Learner:
    Pragmatic Perspectives for the Language Teacher, Newbury House,
    1973 $10.35
    J. Donald Brown, Patterns of English Pronunciation, Newbury
    House, 1975 $10.75

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