    EDUCATION 464-4
    Instructor: W. White
    Wednesday, 4:30-8:30
    Location: Campus, MPX 8620
    This course is designed to provide students with up-to-date research
    on the current issues involving Early Childhood Education. Consideration
    will be given to past and present research programs, trends, research, and
    problems dealing with social, cognitive, language, and motor development,
    and their implications for organization, administration, and teaching of
    young children. Emphasis- preschool to primary education years.
    Class activiteis will focus on the practical application of concepts
    and learning objectives, which will include lectures, discussions, and
    presentations by students.
    Requirements: Quizzes (on readings and lectures), a final exam, a
    minor and major paper, and class presentations. Topics of presentations
    will be derived from each student's interest area and applicability to
    this course design. General topics will be readily available.
    Required Texts:
    Bijou, S. Child development: the basic stage of early childhood. Prentice
    Hall, 1976.
    Leeper, Skipper, & Witherspoon Good schools for young children. MacNillian,
    1979, 4th Ed.
    Hohmann, Banet, & Weikart Young children in action: a manual for school
    educators. High/Scope Press, 1979.
    Recommended Texts:
    Bandura, A. Social learning theory. Prentice Hall, 1977.
    Croft, D., & Hess, R. An activities handbook for teachers of young children.
    Houghton. Mifflin, 1975.
    Nash, C. The learning environment. Methuen Publications, 1976.
    Books on reserve:
    A number of books and articles will be on reserve in the library.

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