Education 464
    Early Childhood Education
    Intersession 1977
    Instructor: R. Gehlbach
    The purpose of this course is to examine the philosophical and psychological
    underpinnings of modern early childhood educational programs, including the
    controversy over formal versus informal instruction and its relationship to the
    application of humanistic versus behaviorist psychology to educational problems.
    The following topics will be among those rigorously considered: educational play,
    uses and abuses of behavioral objectivies, "natural" versus "contrived" learning
    experiences, "facilitating" versus "teaching".
    Requirements: ?
    One project in original curriculum design.
    Take-home final examination.
    Texts: ?
    Rousseau, J.J.
    The Emile
    Engelmann, S.
    Preventing Failure in the Primary Grades
    Weber, Lilian
    The English Infant School and Informal Education

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