1. READINGS:

Spring Semester 2003
EDUC 463 - 4
Teddy Parvanova
Multimedia for Curriculum Design
Office: TBA
Phone: TBA
D01.00 ?
Tuesdays 8:30-12:20
Educ 260 (or permission from the instructor)
This course focuses primarily on the evaluation of the use of multimedia software packages in relation to
important curricular and instructional issues. A secondary focus will be the student design and production of a
multimedia curriculum design project for use in an educational setting.
Students are expected to create a curriculum design project of their own, which they can use directly in their
instruction in classroom settings. The projects will contain different multimedia and ideas that the students assume
can reflect their educational and curriculum concepts and methods. The organization of the projects should
demonstrate the students' ability to work with different software programs and combine them in a logic and
aesthetic way related to curriculum aspects. The projects will be burned on CD-Roms and they will represent a
ready-to-use product for students' future experience as teachers.
Students are expected to participate in online discussions using First Class Online Conferencing and this is
considered to be their participation part of the course.
They are also expected to take initiative in finding relevant online articles from educational journals on the
Internet and share them with the rest of the group on First Class. Participants are also expected to provide a
reflection of their own on an online journal article that they find relevant and in connection with their educational
concepts and ideas.
Participation: 20% of the grade
The participation part of the course will be assumed on the basis of the students' participation in First Class
Conferencing. Quantity and quality of posted messages will be taken into account.
Online Journal Article Reflection: 20%
the grade
Students are expected to find an online journal article that they find interesting and relevant to using
technologies in curriculum design and write a reflection on this article. (not more than 3 pages) Make sure you
include the source of the article, its author and title.
Curriculum Design Project: 60% of the grade
This project is due at the end of the course. The actual date will be posted on the course syllabus. Students'
projects may contain Power Point presentation, iMovie, text documents, HTML pages and other multimedia that
they will design in the sessions during the semester. So students need to make sure they collect materials and
artifacts all through the course because these will be included in their curriculum design projects. The projects
will be evaluated on the basis of students' creativity, ideas and technological skills demonstrated in students'
1. Various online resources - links will be provided in the website of the course
Online Journals available on the SFU Library Website: www.lib.sfu.ca
Additional readings provided during the course.

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