    EDUC. 463-4 Educational Media
    Intersession 1979
    Tue. f Thurs.
    8:30 - 12:30 ?
    Michael Goodman
    Location: ?
    Reading List:
    Johnson, Nicholas, How to Talk Back to Your Television Set,
    (NY: Bantam Books, 1970) .
    Mander, Jerry, Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television,
    (NY: Morrow, 1978)
    Melody, William H., Children's Television: The Economics of
    Exploitation, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973)
    Schramm Wilbur., Man Messages and Media: A Look at Human
    Communications. ?
    (NY: Harper and Row)
    Pendakur, Manjunath., Economic Control of Television Programming
    The Myth of Consumer Sovereignty, (University of Michigan
    Terminal System #629895, 1979)
    Course Outline:
    The course will deal with aspects of media as it pertains
    to teachers. In a sense it will be a media survey course which
    looks at four aspects: How media is used, How you can use media
    in the classroom effectively, How to make simple media productions,
    and Media resources available to teachers. This last aspect will
    include field trips to various resource centers like The Provincial
    Media Center and Video Inn.
    The course combines group discussions with analytical
    investigations of media materials, ranging from newspaper articles
    and highly edited audio tapes to sophisticated films.
    Students will be encouraged to produce an original media
    production which they consider relevant using the appropriate media
    suited to their ideas. In the event a student would rather examine
    a theoretical question surrounding the use of media and its effects
    they will be allowed to pursue their interests in written form. The
    mark will be based on either of these options.
    The course will be kept informal and down.to earth. It will
    be designed to meet your special needs by surveying your interests
    and reasons for being in the course during the first class. Later
    classes will be designed to answer your particular concerns and
    The course will also demistify the technology by showing you
    how simple it really is and how you can make use of the media tools
    available to you in your particular situation.
    IA: cc

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