Intersession 2002
EDUC459 -4
Rebecca Lloyd
Instructional Activities in
Office: TBA
Physical Education
Phone: 291-3395
Monday & Wednesday 8:30-12:20 in EDB 7540
D01.00 ?
E-mail: rlloyd@fitnessgroup.com
Educ 401/402
This course will prepare you for understanding movement from a theme, skill, and functional
perspective. In combination with the Ministry's Integrated Resource Package, recommended text,
handouts, and interactive teaching experiences, you will learn the main principles of teaching
physical education for kindergarten and up to grade 12.
The content of the course will focus on the broad understanding of movements associated with
children's play. A "ground up
approach of grouping these movements into games, sports,
gymnastics, and dance will assist you in seeing the relationship between movement themes and
lesson plans. Your approach to teaching in this course will be influenced by your recollected
memories of physical education as well as your constructed classroom experiences.
I. Significant Physical Experience: Recall a childhood or teaching "movement situation" that had a
significant positive or negative effect on you. Describe the actual situation as vividly as possible in 3
pages or less and draw out the implications of this situation for teaching children. Due first week
of class (20%).
2. Activit y
Log: Find a means of introducing physical activity or physical awareness into your da ii)!
routine. Present the first and last pages of this activity log, indicating your resolution, your
accomplishment and your reflections on the significance of this physical engagement. Due last week
of class (20%).
Instructional Plan: Develop an eight-lesson teaching unit to a particular grade level which
incorporates the instructional principles taught in this course. Due last day of course (40%).
Peer Teaching: In a group of four, teach a movement theme that applies to games, sport, dance,
and gymnastics components in the Ministry's IRP curriculum. Submit a one-hour lesson plan at the
time of delivery (10%).
Class Participation: Participation is a vital part of this course (10%).
Kirchner, G. & Fishburne,
J .
(1998) Physical Education for Elementary School Children with
Lesson Plans and Powerweb: Health and Human Performance, 10th ed. WCB/McGraw Hill:
Boston, Mass.
British Columbia Ministry of Education. Integrated Resource Packa
e: Phy
sical Education K-7, 8-10
& 11 & 12. Victoria, BC: Author. [available on-line at http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/]

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