1. (Intersession)

Education 441
Cultural Differences in Education
May-June, 1980
Instructor: Dr. Vincent D'Oyley
This course will examine the issue of multiculturalism in education from
both a theoretical and practical viewpoint.
Theoretical Issues
Through films, assigned readings, lectures, and active participation in
class and group discussions, students will acquire an informed position
on the cultural and structural issues affecting the process of education.
Students will be expected to develop their educational theories and practices
based on knowledge of the following:
Canadian cultural identity--the historical and present status of
Canadian cultural diversity--some cross-cultural comparisons with
the United States will be highlighted--inequality and public policy
The history of minority cultural education in Canada with some
Western emphases--in whose interest?--the shaping of educational policy
Class, culture, and student achievement--differences vs. deficiencies
The process of education--a system of interrelated variables, i.e.
achievement, locus of control, motivation, self esteem, expectations--
differences among ethnic and racial groups
Parent, other public, and teacher expectations--as significant others
and their effects on various educational outcomes
Bilingual education--educational and political concerns
Community control--the role of community groups in the educational
process--community service availability
Prejudice and the role of the school--the nature of prejudice and
strategies for change
Practical Issues
Through active participation in problem-solving groups and class workshops and
the development of individual projects, students will acquire knowledge and
develop resources and materials for effectively dealing with:
Teaching in the multicultural classroom
Handling conflict and prejudice in the classroom

441 May/June 1980
Teaching about value and cultural differences
Home-school communications in the culturally diverse community
There will be invited participants.
Students will be
graded on-
individual proj ect ,_and_othersubmi-ssions
participation injt small group
general classroom participation
s1er-t--r-i-t-t-en—ana-l-ys-i-s—o-f—a- smal 1 group discussi.on_an.d/or
assigned—arti cl e
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441 May/June 1980 ?
Required Reading
/ Aoki, 1., Dahlie, J., Werner, W. (editors) Canadian Ethniticy: The
Politics of Meaning. Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction,
U.B.C., 1978.
/ D'Oyley, Vincent (editor) The Impact of Multi-Ethnicity on Canadian Education.
The Urban Alliance on Race Relations, 229 College St.,, Toronto.
Berkeley, Heather, Gaffield, Chad, & West, W. Gordon (editors). Children's
Rights. Legal and Educational Issues. OISE, Toronto, 1978.
Troper & Palmer. Issues in Cultural Diversity, 1976.
Ashworth, M. The Forces That Shaped Them: A History ofthë Education of
Minority Group Children in British COlumbia, 1979.
I.LO'f°, i.ti,V r
&-Anthony,and Horowitz, David. "Variables Affecting the Learning
of Inner City Children", Urban Schools in Urban Systems, Gary Gerhart (ed.).,.(l
Research for Better Schools: Philadelphia, 1979.
Recommended Reading
Werner, Walter (editor) Curriculum Canada, Centre for the Study of -
Curriculum & Instruction, U.B.C., 1979.
Wolfgang, A. (editor) Education of Immigrant Students, 1975.
,, Werner, A. et al Whose Culture? Whose Heritage?, 1977.
D'Oyley, V. (ed.) Black Students in Urban Canada. Ontario Ministry of Education,?
1976. ?
D'Oyley, Vincent (editor) Black Presence in Multi-Ethnic Canada.
OISE Toronto & Centre for the Study of Curriculum & Instruction,. UBC, ?
Vancouver, 1978.
Andrews, Margaret. Strategies for a Culturally-Based Art Education: A Qualitative
Methodology. M.A. thesis, U.B.C., 1980.
Films: Some of the following will be viewed.
SFU Learning Resources Centre may be able to provide some of the following.
Eye of the Storm (30 minutes)
Paul Tomcowitz - Street Railway Switchman
Cree Hunters of Mistassini (National Film Board, 57 minutes)

. ?
441 May/June 1980
Films (continued)
Augusta (16 minutes
Propaganda Message
Starting from Nina (BCFT)
Fields of Endless Day (58 minutes)
Our Streets Are Paved With Gold

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