    George Ivany, Dean ?
    Marvin Wideen, Director
    Undergraduate Programs
    Education 429
    July 19, 1979
    This is in response to Mr. Nagel's memo of July 13, 1979 regarding
    the deletion of courses not offered for the past two semesters.
    My request dated October 13, 1978 to have Education 429 remain
    on the books for an additional two semesters was based on the
    premise that the Undergraduate Programs Committee would have
    compèe ted a review of courses by this time. However, as you will
    recall, the UPC course weview was delayed last semester (1979-1)
    pending a more general review of the direction to be taken by
    our Faculty. It would seem that
    should again request Senate
    to retain Education 429 until such time as the Faculty
    subsequently the UPC
    have run their course. I would note
    that out of 46 offerings listed in our caldndar, this is the only
    course identified in Mr. Nagel's memo.

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