Semester 96-2 Session: Regular
    EDUC 422 - 4 Learning Disabilities
    Section: E1.00
    Scheduled Final Exam: No
    Instructor: L. Prock
    Office: 8528mpc
    Tel: 291-3643
    Fax: 291-3203
    60 credit hours & Educ 220 or Educ 401/402
    EDUC 422-4: Learning Disabilities
    A study of conceptual and historic foundations of learning disabilities and an introduction to methodologies of diagnosis
    and remediation of learning disabilities.
    EDUC 424-4: Learning Disabilities Laboratory
    Supervised experience in analysis and evaluation of treatment strategies to be used with students having learning
    Students are encouraged to take sections E1.00 of
    Educ 422 and 424
    together. Content of Educ 422 (E1.00) and Educ 424
    (E1.00) will be packaged as one program. Thus, during
    May and
    June Educ
    422 and
    Educ 424 content will be dealt with on
    BOTH Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
    * Educ 424 (E1.00) Meeting times change to 8:30 am to 12:20 pm in July &
    August in order to accommodate the on-campus
    attendance of children who register in our summer tutoring program.
    EDUC 422-4 is designed as an introduction to the theoretical foundations of learning disabilities. Course content will
    include definition; symptomatology; integrities for learning; diagnosis; remediation; current state of services for the
    learning disabled child, adolescent and adult.
    EDUC 424-4 provides a "live" experience in tutoring. Course content will include task analysis and instructional
    programming; assessment and data management; procedures for treating perceptual and cognitive problems; behaviour
    management; and reporting techniques.
    EDUC 422-4 Grades will be based on a number of assignments, including investigation of a student-selected topic.
    EDUC 424-4 Grades will be based on assignments including actual reports on assessment and tutoring.
    Details regarding assignments will be provided at the first class meeting.
    Choose one of the following texts appropriate to your level of interest:
    R EQ RE C
    Andrews, J
    (ed.) ?
    Nelson Canada, 1996 Elementary Classrooms:
    Teaching Students with Diverse
    0-17-605546-0 ?
    Andrew, J
    Nelson Canada, 1996 Secondary
    Students with
    Diverse Needs

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