1. EDUC416 -4
  2. Designs for Learning: Secondary Science
      1. i 'is rnii

Dr. Jan van Aalst
Office: EDB 8672
Phone: 291-4825
E-mail: vanaalst@sfu.ca
Wednesdays 13:00-16:50 in EDB 7500F
Educ 401/402
This course is designed for prospective and practising secondary school teachers who wish to explore
the fundamentals of the learning/ teaching process as it applies to science. The course will draw from
the latest research in science learning, and will show how such findings may be used in the classroom.
Students will be expected to become familiar with and confident in the use of a variety of teaching
strategies including the use of hands-on work, writing, role play, and a number of ways of using
group work. They are also expected to prepare themselves for dealing with a range of classroom
issues arising, for example, from feminist and anti-racist research traditions. Finally, they will prepare
themselves for becoming lifelong innovators in science education, learning how to reflect on their
On completion of the course it is hoped that participants will feel more at ease with science, be able to
deal confidently with the prescribed curriculum, and be able to plan teaching and learning science
instruction within a consistent framework.
A course reader will be available from the bookstore.
The course web page will be at http://www.sfu.ca/-.vanaalst/educ4l6.html
Week 1
Introduction/ overview
Week 2
International and B.C. curriculum
Week 3
Models of Instruction
Week 4
Course & unit design
Week 5
Science for all students
Week 6
Strategies for teaching and learning science, I
Week 7
Computers in science education
Week 8
Strategies for teaching and learning science, II
Week 9
The nature and history of science in science education
Week 10
Science-Technology-Society-Environment (STSE) education
Week 11
Action research and professional issues
Week 12
Science Fairs
Week 13
Course summary
Summer Semester 2001

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EDUC416 -4

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Designs for Learning: Secondary Science
i 'is rnii

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1. Investigation assignment (25%)
For this assignment students will work in small groups (3-4 students) to investigate an assigned
scientific topic. Students will make their thinking processes and progress visible by contributing on a
regular basis to a communal, computer-based discussion forum. These contributions should be an
honest attempt to document exactly what thoughts occurred, the dead-ends and false leads that were
considered, and ahas. In other words, it should reflect the true process of investigation rather that
the reconstructed version of textbooks. Students are also expected to regularly provide other groups
helpful hints and constructive criticism. A well-specified framework will be provided that can guide
students in deciding when and how to contribute to the discussion.
2. Unit Planning Assignment (25%)
The object of this assignment is to ensure that students obtain some experience in planning a set of
learning experiences in science. Students will be expected to identify a grade level and a topic from
one of the British Columbia IRPs and plan a coherent sequence of activities that will meet the
objectives identified by the student for this topic. These objectives should incorporate those from the
IRP but might well extend them depending on the nature of the organization for instruction and the
student's outlook on what is to be valued in the science classroom.
3. Class presentation (25%)
Students will, in small groups (3-4 students), teach for approximately one hour of instructional time
on a topic selected from a list of possible topics. The goal of this assignment is to expose the class to a
wide range of teaching styles, and to provide all students with opportunities to (further) hone and get
feedback on their teaching.
4. Individual project (25%)
Each student has his or her own expectation for any course. The individual project is one way of
ensuring that individual goals are met. No requirements have been predetermined for this
assignment. This assignment includes a self-evaluation component. A proposal of what a student
intends to do for this assignment is required by the fourth week.

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