    Simon Fraser University
    Surrey School District in Collaboration with S.F.U.?
    EDUCATION 406 (Group 04) January - April 1985
    Education 406 (Surrey) will comprise the following components: class-
    room work; seminars, and coursework with a language arts theme.
    Classroom Work
    Registrants in Education 406 will choose and, through observation and
    recording, focus upon selected aspects of life in their classroom in order
    to gain an increased understanding of what is occurring in their classroom,
    to identify and solve problems, to formulate new goals and set different
    directions. On site visits will be provided by resource personnel from
    Surrey School District and by the S.F.U. Faculty member.
    Registrants in Education 406 will participate in 4-6 seminars. Seminars
    are an open-ended, flexible, individualized forum for dialogue, designed to
    provide participants with a framework in which to:
    *reflect upon, analyze, and articulate their educational beliefs,
    values, and attitudes;
    *deepen and extend their understandings about classroom practices.
    The focus is twofold:
    to engage participants to deliberate and systematic analysis
    of their purposes and intentions in teaching, their classroom
    practices, and their teaching experiences;
    *secondly, to provide for mutual support and sharing of understandings,
    insights, and ideas.
    The seminar's mode of operation is one of self-analysis and mutual inquiry.
    Participants engage in this process working, at various times, on their own,
    in small groups, and in the group-of-the-whole. They work with the support
    and help of their peers and the SFU Faculty member who acts as initiator,
    catalyst and facilitator.
    Instructor: Meguido Zola ?

    . ?
    Related Coursework
    Registrants in Education 406 (Surrey) will have access to Education
    472-4 English and Language Arts, a regular course, which will be offered
    on campus, Mondays 4:30 - 8:20 p.m., through Spring Session 1985. (MPX 7610)
    This course will be tailored to meet the needs of registrants in
    Education 406 (Surrey), who will participate in 3-6 sessions, in areas
    related to their classroom project:
    *The first language art -- thinking. A thinking program: rationale,
    methods and techniques, materials, evaluation.
    *Listening and speaking in the language arts: why, when, how, what.
    A special focus on questioning and discussion.
    *Story telling.
    *Story drama and other ways of using drama in the language arts.
    *The reading process: a special focus on programs of volume reading
    individualized instruction.
    *Reading aloud: rationale, objectives, methods and materials of a
    reading aloud programme.
    *Bringing children and books together: using'children's literature
    in a language arts.
    *The writing process: conditions which favour writing; a writing
    program; books as pattern for and stimulus to writing; journals and
    other forms of personal writing; evaluation.
    *Record keeping and evaluation in the language arts: a special focus
    on children's self-evaluation.
    *Any other topic, by request.
    Instructor: Meguido Zola

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