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      1. Special Topics: Developments in School Improvement
  2. ieachel as

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Special Topics: Developments in School Improvement
Summer Session, 1988
Instructor: Marvin F. Wideen
July 4 to August 12
Office: MPX 9502
Monday and Wednesday
Phone: 291-4156
5:30 - 9:20 P. M.
MPX 8651
Education 401/402 or permission of the instructor.
This course provides an overview of recent developments in school
improvement and staff development and examines various programs that have
been designed to improve the schools. It takes the perspective that teachers
must play a key role in such programs. One focus that will be developed in the
course is the notion of teacher as researcher.
Areas to be Examined:
• the concept of school improvement
• the role of staff development in improving schools
• teacher as researcher
Course Requirements:
• contribute to class discussion
• prepare a background paper and develop an action plan for improving some
aspect of practice
Required Texts:
Hopkins and Wideen. Alternate perspectives on school improvement. Falmer.
Wideen and Andrews. Staff development for school improvement: A focus on
the teacher. Falmer.

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ieachel as
Throughout North America,
Australia, and Europe teachers are
engaging in classroom research.
Far from the ivory-tower variety,
this research is a sell-determined
inquiry into real-life problems
related to curriculum, teaching,
and learning.
frequentl y
jures up the image of teachers' needing
repair. because the lack something.
sit. the listen. the
learn what
others aoparentiv know about how the
should improve. The teacher-as-
researcher concept produces another im-
age: a practising professional identifying
his/her own problems and seeking ways
to solve them. I would argue that the
latter is the much more effective staff-
development model.
The concept
teacher as researcher
been around for a long time: undertaking
research in one's own classroom and
school is a powerful wa y one can im-
prove one's work and grow profession-
all'. This research is not an esoteric proj-
ect one takes on in addition to one's
work: nor is it research in the traditional
sense. It is closel y tied to the work the
teacher does. Hopkins. in
A Teachers'
Action Research,
refers to re-
search as "an act undertaken by teachers
either to improve their own or a col-
league's teaching or to test the assump-
tions of educational theory or practice."
I have worked with teachers attempt-
ing to appl
y what they had learned from
universit y
coursework. and I have also
observed teachers who have simply un-
dertaken, on their own, to change their
practice to achieve improvement they
have seen necessary.
Let me illustrate the
notion of teacher as researcher b
scribing what I saw in one school where
I spent several days observing and talk-
ing to teachers.
The students are
that this is their
language-arts period and that the
y have
three choices. They may write, read, or
illustrate their stories. Following some
housekeeping chores. the Grade
different activities. Some remain in their
seats and begin printing on what appears
to be a rough notebook: others are draw-
ing. Another group proceeds to different
parts of the roorn to read. The cushions
at the back of the room and the several
corners created by colorfully decorated
book cases are soon occupied by other
pupils who are paired off and sharing in
reading books.
Two queues have now formed. One
leads to a student teacher who is typing
student stories: the other. to a volunteer
who is helping the pupils edit their ma-
terials. The teacher. Cheryl, moves
about the room helping different individ-
uals. Pupils talk to one another. some-
times in a friendly, joking manner. but
on task. As a visitor, I am presented with
a 10-page story book. I feel surprised
that a Grade 3 has produced it.
How different and how changed was
that classroom from the language-arts
12 ?

t achingtyP t1l
in most classroom
saw no prescribed textbooks nor bas
readers. I learned from Cheryl that she
had developed the approach herself with
the help of another teacher in the school.
All teachers in the primary section
he school teach language arts simi-
What led to the innovation?
Woodtort. the school in which Cheryl
teaches, is an older school in a rapidly
erowing suburban community. Residents
are in the upper middle class. relatively
ambitious people.
Within that community. Cheryl took
her first teaching position, seven years
o, after graduating from a local
institution. She found
that her teacher training had not prepared
her particularly well for her first job. nor
had it offered perspectives on how té
improve the classroom instruction for
children over what she had experienced
as a student and observer during her
teacher training. She reports having dis-
liked her first year of teaching. simply
because she knew it was not the best
learning experience for children. In Ian-
uage arts the subject I concentrated on
during m
observation), she found her-
self teaching from a basal reader and
using workbooks and worksheets.
During a year's leave of absence from
teaching. she substituted in a Grade
classroom in Woodfort. There she en-
countered a different approach to lan-
ua g
e-arts teaching. The classroom
:.ichcr was Pat, who had initiated the
ap p roach four
ears earlier amid storms
oi'protest. Cheryl requested a transfer to
Wood fort primaril y
to learn from Pat and
others in the school. Cheryl attributes
much of her success to the earlier efforts
of Pat, who had introduced an alternative
g ua g
e arts in her classroom. I-Icr
first realization, in coming to the school.
was that she could not merel
adopt what
was doing in her classroom: she had
develop her own approach. Having
rcple who had had similar experiences.
with whom to discuss difficulties, was
crucial, however. Cher y
l talked about
the lon
process of trial and error that
she found necessary to clarif
both what
she wanted to do in langua g
e arts and
how she was going to implement it.
Can this he called research? Normally.
v hen we think of research. we think of
solvin g problems. testin
ideas, and ac-
cumulating knowledge b y huikling on
our work and the work of others. Where
do such factors operate in this example'
wa y of viewin g aproblem is to
dccribe it as a discrepanc y
between an
ideal condition and the current condi-
tion. Sometimes discrepancies arise out
of something we do not know, such as
an event we cannot explain according to
our expectations of reality: at other
times, they arise out of something we
wish to do but cannot. Our struggle to
understand our universe and to make it
better is essentially one of solving such
In the case of Cheryl and Pat, their
teaching of language arts concerned
them. Each had a vision of how their
teachin g
could become better, however
fuzzy that vision may have been in the
early stages. The discrepancy between
vision and practice became the problem.
Clarifying the vision and putting it into
practice became the way to solve the
problem. In many ways, the problems
Cheryl and Pat faced are no different
from those scientists and social scientists
tackle. There
differences in scale and
perhaps generalizability, but the essen-
tials are the same.
Once a problem is identified, its solu-
tion comes about through a process of
testing and refining hypotheses or ideas
that will solve that problem. The garage
mechanic will successively test such
things as the spark plugs and the battery,
using the hypothesis that the electrical
system is what's at fault. Scientists in the
'30s systematically tested different
strains of wheat to find the one that best
resisted wheat rust. Cheryl. in her at-
tempt to find a better wa
of teaching
language arts. tested different ap-
proaches until she found one that worked
for her.
In terms of building on experience.
we are well aware of the tremendous
background of skill and knowledge a sci-
entist brings to a problem. What is often
overlooked is the background of experi-
ence and knowled
e a teacher draws
upon in solving problems. Cheryl. in
developing the program that was even-
tuall y
to solve her problem. drew on the
work of Pat and others in the school.
Both she and Pat drew on a background
of information gained through in-service
education, university coursework. and
various other sources.
Cher y
l and Pat's case is similar to re-
search in two other wa
s: reflection and
support. The mindless application of
some laboratory technique by a person
in a white coat does not constitute sci-
ence. Research is often distinguished
from non-research b
what someone
once termed the
co,:.ctant applicatw'i
People who do research
think. ponder. and struggle with ideas
and alternatives. The
take time to re-
rect rigorously and deliberately. lt the
case of teachers, the mindless applica-
tion of programs passed on from high
places does not constitute research.
What is impressive in Cheryl and Pat's
case is how they both struggled with
their problems. Cheryl took a year away
from teaching simply to explore alterna-
tives and think about teaching. Pat cn
fronted a school board. Both actions re-
quired thought and reflection.
People who are engaged in problem
solving rarely work alone. They nor-
mally benefit from a support group of
peers. Scientists consult other scientists,
read journals, and attend conferences.
Cheryl joined a school that had a certain
type of language-arts program in order
to benefit from it. The entire primary
section of the school became her support
While we do not normally think of
teachers as potential researchers. this
brief anal y
sis illustrates that when teach-
ers attempt to solve problems they face,
they are doing a form of research. This
recognition has prompted numerous
projects. throughout Europe. Australia,
and North America. aimed at promoting
the concept
teacher as researcher.
The value of
classroom research
Those who have studied and written
about the approach point to a number of
advantages. First, it is a powerful means
for staff development. Second. it offers
an effective method of school improve-
ment. Third. it avoids teacher burnout.
And fourth, it gives teachers the means
to control their professional activities.
The concept of the teacher as re-
searcher is imbedded within certain so-
cial and political perspectives. Let me
start there. As Elliot Eisner points out in
one of the chapters of his book
The Ed-
UCUtWIU1I /inaç'inatwn,
people take dif-
ferent perspectives on curriculum. One
commonly held view
curriculum as
a top-down process. Once deeloped
experts. curriculum becomes a blueprint
to be implemented and followed by
teachers who are agents responsible for
ing out policies set b
the ministry
and the district. This perspective views
research designed to determine princi-
ples of learning and practice on which
such curriculum is to be based as an
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ac.ivP also done b\' In short!
theor y developed b
y experts drives prac-
tice. Supervision then becomes a process
of judeine the
to which such a
curriculum or leaching practice is imple-
mented or in place. This perspective also
favors the use of final examinations.
Those who areuc for teacher as re-
searcher take a very different perspec-
tive. Curriculum, for them. becomes that
which the teacher organizes and plans
for his/her own classroom. The' talk of
the teacher as an autonomous profes-
sional designing that curriculum. Within
that context. the teacher is a potential
researcher. testine ideas. Research find-
ins and the curriculum
g uide are not
facts and directives to be applied. but
h y
potheses to he tested b
the teacher.
Thus. the theor
/practise relationship is
of a dialectic. Supervision is helping and
development aimed at improving the
teacher's performance against his/her
own standards rather than assessing
whether curriculum has been imple-
mented. Consistency of practice across
teachers is relativel
unimportant in this
perspective, giving wa y
to progress on a
broken front.
In practice, these two perspectives are
not incompatible. It is quite possible to
he the teacher as tesearcher within most
school jurisdictions even though their
policies may he "top-down."
Let me then return to the question of
wh y
a teacher might perform research.
One of the most important reasons for
classroom research is professional devel-
opment. Learning does not occur with-
out participation. involvement, and
doing. Throu
h classroom research. a
teacher is doing something about his/her
own practice. is participating and in-
volved in one's own improvement. In all
the project reports I have read. partici-
pants most frequentl y
emphasize the op-
portunit y
for learning as the most impor-
tant aspect of such projects.
As educators, we are committed to
improving the educational institutions in
which we work. Teachers' classroom re-
search offers the most hope in terms of
achieving this goal. Wherever exeni-
plarv schools are singled out because
the y are "effective schools," the mes-
sage is alwa
s the same. They have he-
conic effective because teachers and
principals have worked to make them
that wa
y . How that process actually be-
gins and works is not currentl
known. But it usually starts with teach-
ers' beginning to work on improving
some part of their practice and going
from there. The larger the critical mass
of people orking together in any one
:chool . the better.
\Vhv propose to bus y teachers that
they add to their work by performing
research in their classrooms? I expect
that stress and ennui are contributing
causes of burnout. One begins to feel
that teaching is no longer fun, and the
actions of man of our politicians have
devalued teaching. En
ing in teacher
research can change such feelings.
Teaching can become a type of social
inquiry: one learns from one's practice,
rather than merel
y carries out an activity
at the behest of others. Also, acting as a
classroom researcher soon brings one to
the limit of one's knowledge. One seeks
outside information and help. The proc-
ess is stimulating. Also, one sees prog-
ress. which is reinforcing in itself. The
question of burnout burns out.
Clissrooni research allows the teacher
to take control. Cher
y l and Pat are in
control of what they are doing. They are
not engaged in social revolution. trying
to subvert the s
y stem wherever possible.
Rather. they are exercising the freedom
have as teachers.
Aplace to start
Much has been written about how to
do research in the classroom. The refer-
ences available on request provide some
starting points. But as the vignette illus-
trated, one does not need to spend an
enormous amount of time learning how
to do classroom research. Just start doing
it. I offer three suggestions.
Find a problem. A problem doesn't
come nicely wrapped in a box with the
written on the outside.
Usually one begins with a sense that
some aspect of one's teaching can be
improved. You might want to implement
a particular method in your
You might feel that the organization of
your classroom is problematic. Perhaps
too man y interruptions occur during your
teaching da y . All you really need is an
idea that something might he improved.
Ask yourself: What is happening now?
Wh y
is that a problem? What might I do
about it?
Take on a relativel
y small-scale man-
ageable project. Tr
to ensure that the
project will he worth while for your stu-
dents and that it is educationall
This is one place where outsiders can
offer help. Then get on with it.
experience of people in numerous
cts underscores the importance of
keeping a reflective journal in which to
write about the experience. This helps
y ou to clarif y and reflect on what you
Set out an action plan. Action plans
var great lv from person to person and
from project to project. Describe what
y ou plan to do differentl y . identif y some
y potheses to test. and plan data collec-
tion. It' it's too earl
to write down what
you plan to do differentl y
because you
simply do not yet know. your action plan
might he a set of steps to learn what the
alternative is: Collect some data from
your students, talk to others. visit other
classrooms, or attend workshops or
y ou have a vision of where you
want to go. be
as specific as you can
about it. Go back to y our problem and
try to determine if by achieving this goal
you will address your original problem.
This link between the plan as a way of
solving your problem is a hypothesis.
Your activities over the next while are a
test of that h
y pothesis. Think about the
data you will need to collect along the
wa y
to assess your success,
Assess the results. Collect data at ever\'
step of the way to keep an eve on how
much progress you have made. Three
points are critical. First, gather some
base line information before
ou start the
process: tape record
our class, record
how man\ children do a particular activ-
ity. or review the notes made b
the col-
league who observed your teaching.
Once you have begun. make periodic
checks on how much progress
you have
made in implementing your action plan.
Remember. 'our action plan is a hypoth-
esis about improving your teaching.
At some point.
may want to bring
the project to closure and move on to
something else. Make a final assess-
ment. Invite that colleague hack into
our classroom, but make certain you
know exactly what
ou want the person
to observe. This is y our problem. your
investigation, and your staff develop-
ment - our chance to star in 'out' own
movie. Enjoy it!
A bibliograph y
on teacher as class-
room researcher is available on request.
Marvin Wideen is a professor in the Faculty of
Education. Simon Fraser University.
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