1. E01.00
  1. EDUC 385 ? - 3
      1. Student Assignments:

Thursdays 17:30-20:20
ST: Social & Behavioural Dimensions of
EDB 8620 ?
Learning Disabilities

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EDUC 385
- 3
Truman Spring
Office: TBA
Phone: TBA
Fall Semester 2003
Educ 220 or Educ 401/2
Students will develop individual support programs for children and youth who exhibit challenging behaviours
in the school setting. This process will involve conducting a functional assessment of problematic behaviour
and providing practical solutions and strategies using a positive behaviour support system. Legal issues
related to the management of severe behaviour within a school context will also be examined.
The course prepares students to (a) operationally define problematic behavior, (b) assess the function of the
problematic behavior within the classroom environment, (c) provide interventions to decrease problematic
behavior and increase the child's social success in a classroom community.
One of the more challenging aspects of teaching children with severe behaviour disorders is finding ways to
ensure that the child remains an active member of an inclusive, accepting and tolerant classroom and school
community. To do this, teachers must develop strategies to analyze behaviour and the settings in which
behaviour occurs. Also, they are faced with the challenge of creating intervention plans to decrease problem
behaviours and increase positive behaviours for the child, not only in the classroom, but in the larger school
community (i.e., on the playground at recess, during school sponsored, community events). This approach
facilitates the emergence of social competence within the child, however, it also contributes to the
development of a school climate in which administrators, teachers, staff and children strive to understand,
accept, and embrace diversity in child behaviour. The primary goal of the course is to provide the student
with a pragmatic, research based approach for the management of severe behaviour within a school setting.
Student Assignments:
Mid-term exam
Final exam ?
Two think papers ?
Classroom activity ?
Required Text:
Walker, J., Shea, T., & Bauer, A. (2004).
Behavior Management: A Practical Approach
for Educators.
New York: Prentice Hall.

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