2. Educ 378-3
      3. Special Topics: ? Education of Adolescent Students with Language Learning ?
    1. Problems
    2. Course Descrition:
    3. Course Outlines:
    4. Course Requirements:

Educ 378-3
Special Topics:
Education of Adolescent Students with Language Learning
Summer Session, 1989
Instructor: B. Hoskins
(August 17 - 26)
MIT/WIT h/F/S at
8:30 - 12:30
Location: UVIC
Prerequisite: ?
Educ 401/402 or equivalent teacher training
Course Descrition:
This course is designed to provide participants with a framework for language
intervention for Learnfing Disabled Adolescents.
A perspective on assising
Language/Learning Disabilities will be offered, with particular attention paid to the
interface between learning skills that provide a foundation for effective communication
in school, social and work situations. Participants will be taught specific strategies for
working with groups of adolescents. We will also discuss the relationship between oral
and written language and ways to teach written language as effective communication.
The course will be highly interactive and practical in nature.
Course Outlines:
Day 1: Needs of Language/Learning Disabled Adolescents
Day 2:. Assessment of Language/Learning Problems
Day 3: Foundation Skills for Effective Communication
Day 4: Strategies for Facilitating Conversation Groups in the Classroom setting
Facilitating Reading
Day 6: Facilitating Writing
Day 7: Integating Language Intervention into the Curriculum
Day 8: Oral Reports
Day 9: Final Exam
Course Requirements:
Students will be required to complete readings both before and during the course. They
will also be expected to participate actively in class discussion and role play activities as
part of the course. A final examination and final oral report will be given on the last
day of the course. Points will be accumulated based on:
Daily Participation
50 points
Final Examination
50 points
Final Report
50 points
Total ?
150 points
Grade Assignments:
120 - 150 points - Class 1
98 - 119 points - Class 2
75 - 97 points - Class P
0 - 74 points - Class F
This course will be of particular interest to those who are currently working with, or
who anticipate working with Learning Disabled Adolescents in Learning Assistance
Programs, in Self Contained Classrooms or in other Clinical Settings. Teachers, Speech-
Language Pathologists and Psychologists interested in language and learning problems
are encouraged to enroll.

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