1. FALL SEMESTER 2008
  1. EDUC 240-3 ?
  2. Social Issues in Education
    1. (D100)
      1. PREREQUISITES: none
      2. Assignments:

EDUC Outline ?

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EDUC 240-3

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Social Issues in Education
Dr. Sean Blenkinsop?
email: sblenkin@sfu.ca ?
Office: EDB
8657 ?
Telephone: 778-782-5784
Friday 1:30-2:20 pm AQ 3005
From the University Course Calendar:http://students.sfu.calcalendar/
EDUC 240: Social Issues in Education.
Description of Course:
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to a number of
socio-cultural issues surrounding schools and education today. A number of perspectives on substantive
issues will lead to engaging dialogues and discussions, with a focus on critical thinking, reflection,
analysis of themes, controversies, and contradictions. We will focus on issues arising from broader
topics such as gender; identity; race, ethnicity and culture; First Nations education; diversity and
multicultural education; values; sexual orientation and family composition; class; and sustainability and
the environment; among others. This course is not about acquiring a reassuring list of facts, activities,
or solutions. Rather, the goal is that students will become more immersed in and aware of the
complexity, the challenges, and the undercurrents that shape and affect education in BC and beyond.
What do you need to participate? You need to be receptive to various perspectives and thoughts on
educational issues. If you can imagine connections between, on the one hand, educational institutions
and all of the things that people do therein, and, on the other, the social and ecological dynamics that get
enacted in the world around us, then you will be prepared to participate in this course. Participation
includes voicing your thoughts, completing all of the readings (they are challenging), and doing the
required writings and group projects under the guidance of your tutorial instructors.
20% participation in class and tutorial discussions
cumulative total for a series of short papers/reflections/summaries, which will be described in more
detail during the first class
group presentation
30% on a final paper: This will be a 10-15 page analysis that is based on course readings. It will be
evaluated according to university criteria. Clear and creative exposition, as well as association of ideas
from your own educational experience and our course readings, are encouraged. Topic to be determined
in consultation with the instructor/TA and due on the last class
Text Books:
-Paulo Freire:Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Continuum, 2000, ISBN 0826412769
-Custom Courseware
Note: Some changes to the course work and evaluation scheme can be made depending on the class size
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EDUC Outline ?
Students in all Faculty of Education courses are encouraged to review policies pertaining to academic
integrity available on the Undergraduate Programs website:
http://www.educ.sfu.ca/ugradprogs/student —resources/index.html
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