    INSTRUCTOR: Allan Luke
    Schools are by definition social institutions; they are "social" in structure,
    defining roles and relationships, and they exist as institutional components of
    the larger social system. This course focuses on contemporary schools, and the
    various "controversies" which arise from educational policy and practice.
    We will look at the structure, function, and practice of Canadian schools.
    Just what are the implications of schooling for students, educators, parents,
    and public? We will address this question on theoretical and practical levels.
    Foundational perspectives from the disciplines of sociology, communications,
    literature, and philosophy will be introduced to help us analyze critically
    the Canadian educational context. We will study the relationship of schools
    to technological society, examining topics such as: the hidden curriculum,
    social structure and process in the school, power in education, behaviour
    modification programs, and the classification of different "paradigms" of
    We will be looking at national educational issues such as: Canadian content
    of texts, "family choice" and religion in schooling, sexism and racism, as well
    as British Columbia topics like Bill 33, literacy and basic skills acquisition,
    standardized testing, and declining enrollment. We will examine social issues
    both on the level of actual cases, situations, and historical contexts, and
    on the level of the critical relationship of school to society.
    The course format involves lectures, guest speakers, seminar discussion,
    videotapes, and films. The films tentatively scheduled include: Neill's
    Summerhill, Men's Lives, Hutterites, The Students' Voice, and Wiseman's High
    School. A detailed bibliography and class schedule will be provided the first
    Evaluation: 2 short discussiors or research papers
    pages, typed) various short
    seminar assignments
    final essay examination
    Required Texts:
    MARTELL, G.; The Politics of the Canadian Public School
    CUSICK, P.; Inside High School
    Recommended Texts:
    NELSON, R. & NOCK, D.; Reading, Writing and Riches
    EISENBERG & MacQUEEN; Don't Teach That
    FREIRE, P.; Education for Critical Consciousness
    YOUNG, M.; Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education

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