P11 Semester 1999
    EDUC 230 - 3
    Dr. H. Bai
    Introduction to Philosophy of Education
    Office: MPX 8666
    Tel: ?
    D01.00 ?
    E-mail: hbai@sfu.ca
    The heart of philosophy has always been critical reflection and inquiry, which we need in order
    to lead an examined life. Without a rigorously critical examination of the aims, values, and
    assumptions that underlie our theory and practice of education, we fall prey to restless
    consumerism where we rapidly exchange one slogan/proposal/program for another. Or,
    conversely, becoming helpless in the face of controversial matters is another indicator of the
    need to equip ourselves with philosophical dispositions and tools for critical reflection and inquiry.
    This course, then, aims at helping students develop such dispositions and tools in the field of
    education through exposing them to the major theories and themes in the history of educational
    thought; guided in-class exercises; and dialogue and group work in seminars.
    • the ability to read texts accurately and critically
    • the ability to employ philosophical vocabulary pertinent to educational issues.
    • the ability to examine personal and other people's experiences in the light of concepts and
    theories, and vice versa
    • the ability to compose carefully conceptualized and reasoned arguments
    • the ability to engage in productive dialogues with other interlocutors in a convivial manner by
    offering and receiving critically assessed points of view
    Coursework consists of three kinds of assignments: small weekly in-class exercises; an exam based
    on the content knowledge of the textbook; and the group work of scripting and performing a
    dialogue piece. We will discuss the details of the assignments on the first day of class.
    Noddings, N. Philosophy of Education. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. ISBN: 0-8133-8430-3.

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