1. Section: D1.00

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Instructor: H. B a i
Office: 8628mpc
Tel: 291-5443
E-mail: heesoon_bai@sfu.ca
EDUC 230 -3 Introduction to Philosophy of Education
Lecture: Mondays
Wednesdays 13:30 - 14:20
Section: D1.00
The heart of philosophy has always been reflection and enquiry, which we need to lead an examined life. Without
rigorous examination of the concepts, values, and practices that inundate the practical domains of life--education not
excepting—we fall prey to restless consumerism where we rapidly exchange one slogan/proposal/program for another.
Or, conversely, becoming helpless in the face of controversial matters (again, ourselves with philosophical dispositions
and tools for critical reflection and enquiry. This course, then, aims at helping students develop such dispositions and
tools in in the field of education.
This course has the following objectives:
1. To introduce the idea, method, and practice of philosophy.
2. To introduce some of the major topics in philosophy of education.
To help students become comfortable with philosophical inquiry, analysis, and debate.
The focus of the course is in-class inquiry and discussion and, thus, attendance an participation are mandatory. There are
no major papers for this course, but students are asked to keep reflective reading journals, and in addition, there will be
short writing assignments. More detailed discussion on the requirement will be undertaken on the first day of class.
Portelli, P. (ed.) Philosophy of Education. Detselig Enterprises Ltd., 1996. 2nd ed.

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