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    EDUCATION 220-3
    FALL 1977
    Instructor: R.W. Marx
    Calendar Description:
    A review of psychological principles relevant to education, including
    individual differences, learning theory, motivation, child development, and
    personality. These principles will be related to problems of teaching and
    learning in educational settings.
    Course Information:
    Monday and Wednesday 1:30 - 2:20 p.m. AQ 9200 Lecture
    plus one hour tutorial. September 7th - November 30th, 1977.
    Range of Topics:
    The course will be divided into three components: basic psychological
    principles, teaching strategies, and judqmant and decision making. The
    first part of the course will cover psychological issues such as learning
    theory, individual differences, motivation, child develo
    p ment, and
    personality. The second section of the course will relate these issues to
    problems of teaching. Included will be a review of teaching models and
    strategies. Finally, the last section of the course will explore the role
    of judgment and decision making in education. Recent research will be
    discussed in each of these sections.
    Gage, N.L. & Berliner, D.C. Educational Psychology Chicago: Rand McNally,
    1975 (required).
    Bierly, M., Gage, N. L. & Berliner, D.C. Student Study Guide to Educational
    Psychology. Chicago: Rand McNall y
    , 1975 (optional).
    The course grade will be based on three sets of activities: (a) Thirty
    percent of the grade will be based on assignments in tutorials. These will
    be a caiibination of short 1-2 page
    apers and quizzes, (b) Thirt
    -five percent
    of the grade will be based on the carpletion of two moderate sized term papers
    (about 10 pages), or the report of a tutoring project based on conce
    ts from
    lectures and discussions, (c) Thirty-five percent of the grade will be based
    on a final exam.
    PM: ca

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