1. EDUC 100 ? -3
  2. Selected Questions & Issues in Education
  3. E01.00 ?

Spring Semester 2004

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EDUC 100

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Selected Questions & Issues in Education
Mondays & Wednesdays

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E01.00 ?
17:30-19:20 in EDB 7600F
Bonnie Waterstone
E-mail: bwaterst@sfu.ca
This is an introductory course aimed at beginning students who are not necessarily already committed to
pursing educational studies. The course introduces you to a small but representative sample of questions and
issues of importance to education and educators today. We will examine questions relating to the concept of
education; learning and the learner; teaching and the teacher; discourses of education; and the broader contexts
of education in the global community and the postmodern world. We will broach questions such as, What are
and what should be the goals of education? Whose voices contribute to current educational debates? Whose
voices should be considered? These and other educational issues will be critically examined through oral and
written discussions of course readings and issues arising in the media during the term as well as through
reflection on your own experiences of learning/teaching. You can expect to work independently, in collaborative
groups, and online. Critical reading and writing skills will be cultivated through in-class work and assignments.
There is a required online component for this course. If you do not have access to a computer and the Internet
at home, facilities are available on campus.
Weekly attendance and participation in activities /discussions (online and in class) 20%
Written responses to readings and to a fieldwork experience 40%
Educational narrative (autobiographical) 20%
Critical review of issues 20%
Codell, Esme R. (1999).
Educating Esine: Diary of
a teacher's first year.
Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books.
Sterling, Shirley (1992).
My name is Seepeetza.
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre.
James, Carl E. (Ed.) (2000).
Experiencing difference.
Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Other readings will be available from time to time in class.

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