Fall Semester 2001
EDUC 100 - 3
Prof. Meguido Zola
Selected Questions & Issues in Education
Office: EDB 8630
Phone: 291-3259
Monday 14:30-16:20 in WM)( 2200 ?
Email: zola@sfu.ca
plus Wednesday tutorial
• This is an introductory course aimed at beginning students not necessarily already committed
to, or interested in, pursuing educational studies.
• The course introduces you to a small but representative sample of questions and issues of
importance to education and of interest to educators today.
• You will examine questions relating to: the concept or idea of education; learning and the
learner; teaching and the teacher; disciplines and discourses of education; and the broader
contexts of education in the global village and the postmodern world.
• You will be introduced to ways of exploring educational questions and issues, from
philosophical and critical analysis, to historical and cross-cultural studies, to empirical research.
• The course models a range of instructional strategies, including: lecture, panel-discussion and
workshop; discussion and debate; story; case study, and simulation game.
• The course offers a range of learning experiences, including: reading and responding orally and
in writing; discussion in tutorial and on-line; library research and field-work.
A detailed outline of topics and presenters will be available at the first class.
• Weekly discussions on-line and in tutorial - 50%
• Written responses to selected course readings - 30%
• Final exam - 20%
• Regular attendance is required
The completion of course requirements forms the basis for evaluation. The final evaluating process
will comprise both your own self-evaluation and evaluation by the course instructor and tutorial
Sinclaire, Carollyne. (1994). Looking for Home: A Phenomenological Study of Home in the
Classroom. NY: SUNY. ISBN 0-7914-2040-X.
Palmer, Parker. (1998). The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN 0-7879-1058-9.
Palmer, Parker. (2000). Let Your Life Speak. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN 0-7879-4735-0.
Other readings will be available from time to time in class.
You will be required to install, with guidance, a simple piece offree software on your home computer
you have one) and, at no extra cost to you, you will be required to conference on-line from home or

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