1. 1. Report of the Chair
      2. 2. Question Period
      3. 3. Annual Report: Senate Committee on International Activities (S.12-41)
      4. 6. Centres and Institutes Renewal Applications (S.12-44)
      5. 7. Criminal Records Checks for Students in Undergrad Courses (S.12-45)
      6. a) Engineering Science
      7. b) Computing Science
      8. c) Systems One
      9. a) Linguistics
      10. b) Political Science
      11. (S.12-48)
      12. a) Communication
      13. b) Contemporary Arts
      14. c) Interactive Art and Technology
      15. 11. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Environment (S.12-49)
      16. a) Archaeology
      17. b) Environment
      18. c) Geography
      19. 12. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-50)
      20. a) Mathematics
      21. b) Physics
      22. 13. Annual Report: Senate Graduate Studies Committee (S.12-51)
      23. 14. General Graduate Regulation 1.5.1 (S.12-52)
      24. 15. Criminal Records Checks for Students in Graduate Courses (S.12-53)
      25. 16. Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.12-54)
      26. a) Education
      27. 17. Election Report to Senate (S.12-55)

Report of the Chair
Senate was informed that the provincial budget includes an allocation of $260,000,000 across the
system for deferred maintenance, but also a cut of $20,000,000 in year two and $30,000,000 in
year three of a three year plan for post-secondary education. Concern has been expressed by all
university presidents and college presidents in B.C. over the reduction of funding.
SFU’s strategic vision was launched successfully. Some highlights on the website include an
animation of the strategic vision and an interactive map that records the international activities of
faculty, students and staff. A number of administrative staff and students from SFU went to
Victoria to meet with key ministers, deputies and other officials with the purpose of sharing
information about SFU, the strategic vision and concerns around the budget.
The chair reported that he will be going to London to participate in a panel on the topic of
university relationships with community at the British Council’s Going Global conference.
Question Period
A question was submitted concerning the lack of nominations received within some faculties in
response to the recent call for nominations for faculty positions on Senate. It was reported that
this issue has been discussed at the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules (SCAR) and that
further work was mandated to look at different options to address this issue.
Annual Report: Senate Committee on International Activities (S.12-41)
Senate received the annual report for the Senate Committee on International Activities for
Enrollment Plan 2012/2013; Undergraduate Admission Targets for 2012/2013 (S.12-42)
Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors:
the 2012/2013 Enrollment Plan attached as Appendix A to
Summary for Senate
the 2012/2013 Domestic undergraduate admission targets to each Faculty, by semester
and basis of admission category as indicated in Table C1 in Appendix C
the 2012/2013 International undergraduate admission targets to each Faculty, by semester
and basis of admission category as indicated in Table C2 in Appendix C
New Department: Change of First Nations Studies Program to Department (S.12-43)
Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors the proposal to change First
Nations Studies from a Program to a Department within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

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Centres and Institutes Renewal Applications (S.12-44)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on University Priorities, acting under
delegated authority, reviewed and approved the renewal of the Centre for Scientific Computing
for a five year term.
Criminal Records Checks for Students in Undergrad Courses (S.12-45)
Senate received information regarding the amendments to the Criminal Records Review Act
(CRRA) and the new requirement for students to consent to a special CRRA Criminal record
check before enrolling in undergraduate courses with a practicum component involving work
with children or vulnerable adults.
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Applied Sciences (S.12-46)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2012:
Engineering Science
Program: Biomedical Signals and Instrumentation Concentration of the Biomedical
Engineering Honours program
Program: Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices Concentration of the Biomedical
Engineering Honours program
- Program: Mechatronics Systems Engineering Major and Honours
- Courses (prerequisite): ENSC 224, ENSC 225, ENSC 305W, ENSC 320, ENSC 331,
ENSC 406
Computing Science
- Program: Software Systems Major
- Courses (new): CMPT 130, CMPT 135, CMPT 213
- Courses (prerequisite): CMPT 125, CMPT 126, CMPT 128, CMPT 212, CMPT 373,
CMPT 479, MACM 101
Systems One
- Program: Systems One First Year Program
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (S.12-47)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2012:
- Courses (retain): LING 400, LING 441, LING 471
- Courses (delete): LANG 298, LING 403, LING 405, LING 409W, LING 423
Political Science
- Courses (retain): POL 202, POL 374, POL 454, POL 423
- Courses (reinstate): POL 461

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Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2012:
- Courses (delete): CMNS 223, CMNS 253, CMNS 323, CMNS 304
Contemporary Arts
- Courses (delete): FPA 238, FPA 257, FPA 338, FPA 357, FPA 388
- Courses (title, description): FPA 120
Interactive Art and Technology
- Courses (delete): IAT 204, IAT 209, IAT 209W, IAT 243, IAT 335, IAT 451
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Environment (S.12-49)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2012:
- Courses (reinstate): ARCH 450, ARCH 451
- Course (new): ARCH 375
- Course (new): ENV 320W
- Program: Geography Major and Honours
- Program (New Concentrations): Society & Environment; Resources, Economy &
- Program: Geography Environmental Specialty Major and Honours
- Courses (temporarily withdrawn): GEOG 412, GEOG 417 (non W courses)
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-50)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2012:
- Courses (prerequisite): MATH 252, MATH 370W, MATH 100, MATH 113, MATH
130, MATH 150, MATH 151, MATH 154, MATH 157, MATH 160W, MATH
178W, MATH 190, MATH 197, MATH 198, MATH 380W, MATH 254
- Course (title): MATH 158
- Courses (new): MATH 396, MATH 397

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- Program: Physics Honours program
- Course (prerequisite): PHYS 421
Annual Report: Senate Graduate Studies Committee (S.12-51)
Senate received the annual report for the Senate Graduate Studies Committee for information.
General Graduate Regulation 1.5.1 (S.12-52)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved revisions to GRR 1.5.1 for the purpose of aligning the graduate and
undergraduate grading practices.
Criminal Records Checks for Students in Graduate Courses (S.12-53)
Senate received information regarding the amendments to the Criminal Records Review Act
(CRRA) and the new requirement for students to consent to a special CRRA Criminal record
check before enrolling in graduate courses with a practicum component involving work with
children or vulnerable adults.
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.12-54)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2012:
- Program: Secondary Mathematics Education (MEd) program
- Course (title, description): EDUC 844
Election Report to Senate (S.12-55)
Senate received a summary of the student election results for positions on Senate, the Board of
Governors and the Senate Graduate Studies Committee.
The approved Senate minutes will be available online following the next Senate meeting. For more detailed
information on each Senate item, please refer to the March 2012 Senate documents at
If you have any questions regarding this summary, please contact Shelley Gair, Senate Assistant, at 778-782-3168
or shelley_gair@sfu.ca.

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