University Drive,
Burnaby, BC
Canada V5A1S6
TEL: 778.782.4636
FAX: 778.782.5876
Bill Krane, Chair
Senate Committee on Undergraduate
Beedie School of Business (SCUS 12-17(iv,v)l
March 2, 2012
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies at its meeting of
March 1, 2012, gives rise to
the following recommendation:
That Senate approve the admission changes to:
- Information
Systems in Business and Computing Science Joint Major
- Interactive Arts
and Technology and Business Bachelor ofArts or Bachelor of
Business Administration Joint Major
- Interactive Arts and Technology and Business Bachelor of Science Joint Major
- Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and
Business Joint Major
- Business and Economics Joint Honours
- Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and Business Joint Honours
effective Fall 2012.
Summary of Changes:
• Addition of admission requirements to Business Joint Major programs
Generic admission requirements listed on the calendar index page do not apply to all programs offered by
Business. The inclusion of specific admission requirements to the below joint major programs offered by
Business will ensure admission requirements for these programs offered by business are clearly stated.
Information Systems in Business and Computing Science loint Major Program
After the introductory paragraph and before Grade
Admission Requirements - Beedie School of Business
For admission to the Beedie School of Business, students will be
selected competitively from one of thefollowing two streams.
To be considered for admission to thefaculty, students in
categories 3 and 4 must have completed each lower division
required course with a minimum C-grade.
3 -
all courses at Simon Fraser University
A portion of the annual admission will be selectedfrom
students who have completed all of their courses at Simon
Fraser University including the lower division requirement
courses (except BUS 254 which may be completed afterfaculty
admission). Students will be selected competitively based on the
grades achieved in the eight lower division required courses,**
with a maximum of two repeated courses on those eight lower
division courses. Note that a minimum Simon Fraser University
cumulativegrade point average (CGPA) of 2.4 is required.
Category 4
some Simon Fraser University and other post-
secondary courses
A portion of the annual admission will be selectedfrom
students who have completed some courses at Simon Fraser
University and
some at other post-secondary institutions
including the lower division requirement courses (except BUS
254 which may be completed after faculty admission). Students
will be selected competitively based on the grades achieved in
the eight lower division required courses earned
at Simon
Fraser University and other institutions,** with a maximum of
two repeated courses on those eight lower division courses.
Note that a minimum Simon Fraser University cumulative
grade point average (CGPA) of 2.4 is required.
**eight lower division courses are as follows:
BUS251 -3 Financial Accounting 1
BUS272-3 Behaviour in Organizations
ECON103-4 Principles
of Microeconomics
ECON105-4 Principles
of Macroeconomics
and one
BUEC 232-4 Data and Decisions I
STAT270-3 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
and one of
MATH 150-4 Calculus 1 with Review
MATH 151-3 Calculus 1
MATH 157-3 Calculus for the Social Sciences 1
and two of
ENGL 101-3 Introduction to Fiction
ENGL 102-3 Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 103-3 Introduction to Drama
ENGL 104-3 Introduction to Prose Genres
ENGL 105-3 Introduction to Issues in Literature and Culture
ENGL 199-3 Introduction to University Writing
PHIL 001-3 Critical Thinking
PHIL 100-3 Knowledge and Reality
PHIL 120-3 Introduction to Moral Philosophy
WL101W-3 Writing About Literature
WL 103W-3 Pre-Modern World Literature
WL 104W-3 Modern World Literature
Application Procedures
Category3 or 4 applicants should apply to thefaculty after
completing the 30th unit. Students should apply during the
term in which the
lower division requirements (except BUS
254) are completed. Students not accepted upon initial
application may reapply. Unsuccessful applicants may appeal
through the faculty admissions appeals committee.
Interactive Arts and Technology and Business Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Business
Administration loint Major program
Interactive Arts and Technology and Business Bachelor of Science loint Major Program
After the introductory paragraph and before Grade
Admission Requirements - Beedie School of Business
For admission to the Beedie School of Business, students will be
selected competitivelyfrom one
of the following two streams.
Tobe considered
for admission to thefaculty, students in
categories 3 and 4 must have completed each lower division
required course with a minimum C-grade.
Category 3 - all courses at Simon Fraser University
A portion of the annual admission will be selectedfrom
students who have completed all of their courses at Simon
Fraser University including the lower division requirement
courses (except BUS 207 and 254 which may be completed
after faculty admission). Students will be selected competitively
based on the grades achieved in the seven lower division
required courses,** with a maximum
of two repeated courses
on thoseseven lower division courses. Note that a minimum
Simon Fraser University cumulative grade point average
(CGPA) of 2.4 is required.
Category 4 - some Simon Fraser University and other post-
secondary courses
A portion of the annual admission will be selectedfrom
students who have completed some courses at Simon Fraser
University and some at other post-secondary institutions
including the lower division requirement courses (except BUS
207 and 254 which may be completed afterfaculty admission).
Students will be selected competitively based on the
achieved in the seven lower division required courses earned at
Simon Fraser University and other institutions,** with a
maximum of two repeated courses on those seven lower
division courses. Note that a minimum Simon Fraser University
cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.4 is required.
**seven lower division courses are as follows:
BUS251 -3 Financial Accounting 1
BUS 272-3 Behaviour in Organizations
ECON 103-4 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 105-4 Principles of Macroeconomics
MATH 157-3 Calculus for the Social Sciences
and one of
BUEC 232-4 Data and Decisions I
STAT270-3 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
and a 100 or 200 division three-unitcourse that carries a
writing designation.
Application Procedures
Category3 or
applicants should apply to thefaculty after
completing the 30th unit. Students should apply during the
term in which the lower division requirements (except BUS 207
and 254) are completed. Students not accepted upon initial
application may reapply. Unsuccessful applicants may appeal
through the faculty admissions appeals committee.
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and Business loint Maior Program
After the introductory paragraph and before Grade
Admission Requirements - Beedie School of Business
For admission to the Beedie School of Business, students will be
selected competitivelyfrom
one of the following two streams.
To be considered
for admission to thefaculty, students in
categories 3 and 4 must have completed each lower division
required course with a minimum
C- grade.
Category 3 - all courses at Simon Fraser University
A portion of the annual admission will be selectedfrom
students who have completed all
of their courses at Simon
Fraser University including the lower division requirement
courses (except BUS
254 which may be completed afterfaculty
admission). Students will be selected competitively based on the
grades achieved in the seven lower division required courses,**
with a maximum
of two repeated courses on those seven lower
division courses. Note that a minimum Simon Fraser University
cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.4 is required.
Category 4 - some Simon Fraser University and other post-
secondary courses
A portion of the annual admission will be selected from
students who have completed some courses at Simon Fraser
University and
some at other post-secondary institutions
including the lower division requirement courses (except Bus
254 which may be completed afterfaculty admission). Students
will be selected competitively based on the grades achieved in
the seven lower division required courses earned at Simon
Fraser Universityand other institutions,** with a maximum of
two repeated courses on those seven lower division courses.
Note that a minimum Simon Fraser University cumulative
grade point average (CGPA) of 2.4 is required.
*or equivalent advanced placement or international
baccalaureate courses as listed under General Admission
Requirementsfor British Columbia SecondarySchools
**seven lower division courses are as follows:
Financial Accounting I
BUS 272-3 Behaviour in Organizations
ECON 103-4 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 105-4 Principles of Macroeconomics
and one
BUEC 232-4 Data and Decisions I
STAT270-3 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
and one
MATH 150-4 Calculus 1 with Review
MATH 151-3 Calculus 1
MATH 154-3 Calculus 1 for the Biological Sciences
and one of:
ENGL 101-3 Introduction to Fiction
ENGL 102-3 Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 103-3 Introduction to Drama
ENGL 104-3 Introduction to Prose Genres
ENGL 105-3 Introduction to Issues in Literature and Culture
ENGL 199-3 Introduction to University Writing
PHIL 001-3 Critical Thinking
PHIL 100-3 Knowledge and Reality
PHIL 120-3 Introduction to Moral Philosophy
WL 101W-3 Writing About Literature
WL 103W-3 Pre-Modern World Literature
WL 104W-3 Modern World Literature
Application Procedures
Category 3 or 4 applicants should apply to thefaculty after
completing the 30th unit. Students should apply during the
term in which the lower division requirements (except BUS
254) are completed. Students not accepted upon initial
application may reapply. Unsuccessful applicants may appeal
through thefaculty admissions appeals committee.
Summary of Changes:
• Addition of admission requirements to Business Joint Honours programs
The inclusion of admissions requirements to Joint Honours programs will provide students with clear
guidelines for admission when switching from Joint Major to Joint Honours programs.
Business and Economics loint Honours Program
After the introductory paragraph and before Grade
Admission Requirements
Beedie School of Business
Students who wish to pursue the joint honours program must
be admitted to the joint major program. Upon completion of 9
upper division Business units at SFU, students may apply for
admission to the jointhonours program. For entry and
continuance, the following grade point averages will be used.
• minimum 3.00 cumulative grade pointaverage (3.5
for V\ton*v^i'3 s/<*\VW A»\a"Krv<sVCor\}
• minimum 3.00 grade noint average for upper division
BUS courses (3.5 for VkO^oucfs v^o^U ^,\&4-m
• minimum 3.00 grade point average for upper division
BUEC courses (3.5 for V\onouys wl4U dv&f^
For graduation, students must also meet the GPAsin
with University and Beedie School of Business.
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and Business Joint Honours Program
After the introductory paragraph and before Cumulative
Grade Point Average Requirements
Admission Requirements - Beedie School
Students who wish to pursue the joint honours program must
be admitted to the joint major program. Upon completion of 9
upper division Business units at SFU, students may apply for
admission to the jointhonours program. For entry and
continuance, the following grade pointaverages will be used.
minimum 3.00 cumulative grade pointaverage (3.5
for V\w\ov*<s v->"v^\ A.\*s\-Cc\cb\or\}
minimum 3.00 grade point averaee for upper division
BUS courses (3.5 for Y\&r\oiors u>~\^ A\aVvncsVv>nO
minimum 3.00 grade point average for uDoer division
BUEC courses (3.5 for Workout* wt-Virx ^"vsVr<\<^vor^
For graduation, students must also meet the GPAs in
accordance with University and Beedie School of