1. 1. Business Arising from the January 10, 2011 Minutes (S.11-16)
      2. 2. Elimination of Direct Admission to BGSAP (S.11-17)
      3. a) Computing Science
      4. a) Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
      5. b) International Studies
      6. 5. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Communication, Art and
      7. Technology (S.11-20)
      8. a) School for the Contemporary Arts
      9. b) School of Interactive Art and Technology
      10. 6. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Environment (S.11-21)
      11. a) Environmental Science
      12. a) MBA Program
      13. 8. Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.11-23)
      14. a) Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL/TEFL) Master of Education
      15. b) Educational Psychology (Masters)
      16. 9. Annual Report - Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (S.11-24)
      17. 10. Senate Nominating Committee Election Report (S.11-25)
      18. 11. Date of the Next Senate Meeting

Business Arising from the January 10, 2011 Minutes (S.11-16)
A written response was submitted to Senate to address a question raised in the Senate meeting on
January 10, 2011 regarding breadth requirements.
Elimination of Direct Admission to BGSAP (S.11-17)
Senate approved the elimination of direct admission to the Bachelor of General Studies within the
Faculty of Applied Sciences effective Spring 2012.
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Applied Sciences (S.11-18)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2011:
a) Computing Science
- Program: changes to CMPT Tables II and III
- Program: changes to upper division requirements in Software Engineering Specialization
- Course (prerequisite): CMPT 497
- Course (new): CMPT 166-3 (An Animated Introduction to Programming)
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (S.11-19)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2011:
a) Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
- Course (new): GSWS 100-3 (Sex Talk: Intro to Contemporary Issues in Sexuality Studies)
- Course (deleted): GDST 200
b) International Studies
- Program: changes to requirements for the Major, Honours, and Minor programs

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Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Communication, Art and
Technology (S.11-20)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2011:
a) School for the Contemporary Arts
- Course (vector): FPA studio courses
b) School of Interactive Art and Technology
- Program: IAT Major and Honours (BA & BSc); IAT Joint Major (BA & BSc)
- Course (prerequisite): IAT 265, 267
- Course (new): IAT 103W (Design Communication and Collaboration)
IAT 167 (Digital Games, Genre, Structure, Programming and Play)
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Environment (S.11-21)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2011:
a) Environmental Science
- Program: change to Major
- Course (new): EVSC 100-3 (Introduction to Environmental Sciences)
EVSC 205-3 (Methods in Environmental Science)
EVSC 399-1 (Environmental Science Seminar – I)
EVSC 499-1 (Environmental Science Seminar – II)
- Course (deleted): EVSC 200, 401 – 491W (Fall 2012)
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Business Administration (S.11-22)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2011:
a) MBA Program
- Clarification of calendar language regarding waiver courses in GDBA
- Clarification of capstone element – BUS 718
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.11-23)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2011:
a) Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL/TEFL) Master of Education
- Program changes: move EDUC 820 from core courses to electives; delete EDUC 827
from program; reduce course work from 35 to a minimum of 30 units

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b) Educational Psychology (Masters)
- Course (prerequisite): EDUC 863
Annual Report - Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (S.11-24)
Senate received the 2009/2010 Annual Report for the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
Studies for information.
Senate Nominating Committee Election Report (S.11-25)
Senate received a report from the Senate Nominating Committee on remaining vacancies. No
new nominations were received.
Date of the Next Senate Meeting
The next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, March 7, 2011.
For more information please refer to the February 2011 Senate documents at

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