    Paper 3A
    TO: Senate
    FROM: Registrar
    23 March, 1967
    Subject: Graduation Diplomas
    At a previous meeting of Senate two designs were submitted.
    Senate referred the matter back to the Registrar and the University
    Committee on Works of Art. The work of the Committee on Works of Art
    relating to graphics and other aspects of University publications has
    been taken over by the University Graphics and Design Committee.
    The Graphics and Design Committee met on a number of
    occasions and the following is its report:
    "Members complimented W. Griba (of the Library's
    Audio-Visual Centre) on the designs, all using optima type. It
    wa .
    s agreed to select one design which would be recommended to
    Senate as the Committee's choice and to show Senate the other
    .The chosen design would be in horizontl format. The
    University crest would be displayed in the form of a shaded
    pattern over which the type would be printed. The University
    seal would be embossed and signatures in red ink would be
    written over the seal. The type of the sentence containing
    the date of the conferring of the degree would be arranged so
    that a change in date would not necessitate a change in
    typography. The folder to contain the certificate would be in
    a shade of red to be chosen by P. Robertson and W. Griba and
    grey ribbon will be used to hold the certificate within the
    The design recommended, along with 18 others considered,
    will be on display in the Senate and Board Room for the week priorto
    the Senate Meeting on April 3.
    D.P. Robertson

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