Paper 3G
To: Senate
From: Secretary,
Faculty Council
Subject: Student Society Constitution
26 January,1967
In November 1965 Senate gave recognition to the'Student Council"
as the official student body on the campus. Since that time the
students have been drafting a constitution.
The first draft of the constitution was presented to the Faculty
Council in the Spring of 1966. The Council after consultation with
the University lawyers recommended a number of changes. These
recommendations were considered by the students and by the
lawyer. A second draft was presented to Faculty Council recently.
As you can see by the attached letter from the Registrar to the
President of the Student Council, there were still a few amendments
required. These amendments have
been agreed to by the President of
the Student Council.
Faculty Council therefore recommends that Senate approve the
Simon Fraser Student Society Constitution and By-laws with the
amendments outlined in
the Registrar's letter of January 25, 1967.
It is apparently the intention of the Student Society Executive to
register this document with the Provincial Registrar under the Societies'
Act. Before the Provincial Registrar will act he requires a
statement that this document is acceptable to the Senate.
Secretary, Faculty Council
c_ r
25 January, 1967.
hr. Stan Wong,
Executive Council.
Dear lir, Wong,
The Faculty Council met on January 23 and considered the draft
Constitution of the Simon Fraser Student Society (November 23 1966).
The Faculty council would be willing to recocnd to Senate that
this Constitution be adopted if
the Executive Council would agree to
the following amendments:
"(1) By-law 1 (2) -Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
By-law, any student. in good
acdic standing as
by the University Registrar
holding an elective off
icc on
the Executive Council or any subsidiary club or organization
thereof shall be dccmcd to have iueiaberchip in the Society
the Sur=er semester."
By-law 7 (g) - Delete "or by the
By-law 16 - Delete By-law 16 (1) and (2) and substitute:
"The liability of the Society shall be as defined in
the Societies Act",
The acu1ty Council would also like to know what the Executive
feels about the course load of
' students
running for office in the
Society, The Faculty Council does
not want to hold up the
Constitution on these grounds but is quite cure that there will be
questions asked
Senate relating to this point and it would be best if
Senate were informed of your feelings.
If you let me know
the above amendments are agreeable before
Friday 27 January at 10 AN it will be possible to place the Constitution
on the
agenda for
February 6
meeting of Senate, otherwise it will have
to wait until the March one.
Yours sincerely
Secretary, Faculty Council
simon fraser university/burnaby 2, b.c./teiephone 291-3181
Office of the President
January 27, 1967
Mr. D. P. Robertson
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby 2, B. C.
Dear Mr. Robertson:
This is to confirm the verbal
on the proposed
amendment of the Faculty Council. At the Executive Council
meeting on the 24th of January they agreed to the following
amendments as stated in your letter of January 25, 1967.
By-law 1 (2) - "Notwithstanding any other provisions
of this By-law, any student in good academic standing
as defined by the University Registrar holding an
elective office on the Executive Council or any
subsidiary club or organization thereof shall be
deemed to have membership in the Society during the
(2) By-law 4 (g) - Delete "or by the University."
By-law 16 - Delete By-law 16 (1) and (2) and substi-
tute: "The liability of the Society shall be as
defined in the Societies Act.".
Yours truly,
Stan Wong,
/ 4
Nov. 23, 1966
1. The name of the Society is The Simon Fraser Student Society.
2. The objects of the Society are:
to promote, direct, administer and co-ordinate all student
activities of, by and for the students of Simon Fraser
To promote cooperation amongst the students of Simon Fraser
University and cooperation between the members of the Society
and students within the Province and elsewnere.
To acquire by gift, bequest, lease, exchange or purchase any
lands, buildings, or hereditaments, whether freehold or lease-
hold, for the use of the Society.
(d) To erect on such lands any buildings or improvements necessary
for the proper use and 'occupation of the same by the Society.
To take or otherwise acquire and hold shares or stock
debentures, debenture stock bonds, obligations and securities
Issued by any society or company within the Province of
British Columbia or elsewhere.
Subject to the provisions contained in the Societies Act, to
borrow, raise and secure the payment of money in such manner
as the Society sees fit and in particular by the issue of -
3. The operations of the Society will be chiefly carried on at Simon
Fraser University In the Province of British Columbia.
4 he A
The membership of the Society shall be:
(1) All registered students of Simon Fraser UnIversity who have
paid Soãiety fees for the current University semester.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-Law, any
student holding an elective office on the Executive Council
or any subsidiary club or organization thereof shall be
deemed to have membership in the Society during the Summer
Membership in the Society shall cease when a member ceases
to be a registered student of Simon Fraser University.
The rights, duties and obligations of the members of the Society
shall be as provided In the By-Laws of the Society.
The Board of Directors or Executive of the Society shall be
called the "Executive Council".
The members of the Executive Council shall be members of the
Society during tenure of office.
The Executive Council shall consist of:
(4) The
First Vice-President;
Second Vice-President;
Activities Co-ordinator;
Sports Co-ordinator;
Clubs Director;
Public Relations Officer;
Arts President, who shall be a student in the faculty
of Arts;
Science President, who shall be a student in the faculty
of Sáience;
Education President, who shall be a student iü the
faculty of Education;
Executive Council may appoint honorary members in its
The Executive Council shall:-
(1) Act as the Board of Directors of the Society.
(2) Be the only recoñIzed medium of communication between the
Society and its members and:-
The University authorities and the University's Board
of Governors;
The general public.
(3) Subject to the provisions of the By-Laws and Constitution
exercise full control of all activities of the Society and
Of its subsidiary organizations. It shall have the power
to make rulings governing and binding upon the Society in
connection with such activities and any such ruling made
by it shall be final and binding. It shall have the power
to establish rules of discipline governing its members and
subsidiary organizations and to administer and enforce such
rules subject only to the qualification that the maximum
fine which may be levied or demanded against or from a
member by the Society shall be $5.00.
(4) Meet regularly and call and hold such special meetings as
may be required;
(5) Have power to engage and pay such assistance as it may require
or deem necessary for the efficient carrying out of the
business and other activities of. the Society and to delegate
to such persons such powers or work as may seem fit.
(6) The
xecutive Council may for the purpose of carrying out
the objects of the Society, borrog raise or secure the
repayment of money upon terms and conditions which may be
by resolution of the Executive Council agreed upon. The
Executive Council may authorize the issue of bonds, per-
petual. or redeemable debentures, or any mortgage, charge or
other security on the whole or part of the property or assets
of the Society, present and future, including Society fees
now or hereafter due or payable, provided that the Executive
Council shall not approve a capital expenditure in excess of
$3,000.00 without the approval of the Society signified by a
majority of a quorum attending an annual or special general
(7) The individual powers and duties of members of the Executive
Council are:-
(a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society
and of the Executive Council. He shall have the power to
convene the Executive Council at any time. He shall rep-
resent the student body on all formal occasions and shall
undertake all other duties usually falling to the office
of a President of a Society. He shall be a signing officer.
He shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees
created by the Executive Council and shall have the right
and power to be present at any meeting of all subsidiary
'ganizations of the Executive Council;
The First Vice-President shall assume and carry out duties
of the President during his absence or in the event of the
resignation or impeachment of the President. He shall
otherwise act as a general assistant to the President. He
shall be a signing officer.
The Second Vice-Presidr .
-shall aid and assist the President
and First Vice-President in the execution of their duties
and carry out specific duties as may from time to time be
assigned to him by the Executive Council.
7he Secretary shall take the minutes of all the meetings of
the Executive Council and of the Society and conduct corres-
pondence of the Executive Council and keep on file copies of
all letters wrLtten by or on behalf of the Society and all
letters received by the Society or by the Secretary relating
to the affairs of the Society. The Secretary shall have
such further duties as may from time to time be required by
resolution of the Society or of the Executive Council;
(e) The Treasurer shall prepare the budget of the Society. He
all immediately upon the receipt of funds deposit them
with a chartered bank selected by resolution of the Executive
Council. He shall be a signing officer. He shall not dis-
burse funds eptin payment of accounts authorized and
approved by the Executive Council, unless such accounts
do not individually exceed the sum of $35.00, in which case
the Treasurer may authorize payment, but in that event the
Treasurer shall present ac.counts so paid to the Executive
Council at its next regular meeting following the date of
such payment and obtain the approval and ratification of the
Executive Council of accounts so paid. The Treasurer shall
keep careful account and be responsible for all monies received
and disbursed by or on behalf of the Society. He shall examine
all vouchers, requiHtions, petty cash payments and purchase
orders and shall submit them to the Executive Council with
his recommendations for approval or disapproval.
The Treasurer shall examine requests for travel expenses,
and as a condition precedent to the allowance of such
requests, shall receive a statement of proposed expenses
and shall obtain a detailed account of actual expenditures
by persons receiving such allowance within one week of the
return of such person or persons. He shall render a state-
ment of receipts and disbursements and of the assets and
capital position of the Society and a statement of profit
and loss at any time requested by the Executive Council by
resolution or by the President or Ombudsman in writing.
He shall prepare a profit and loss statement and balance
sheet for consideration of the Society at its annual general
meeting and shall report to the Society on the Society's
financial affairs. He shall be consulted by members of the
Executive Council intending to propose a resolution to the
Executive Council or to a general meeting which will require
an expenditure in excess of $50000 and may approve expen-
ditures not exceeding $500.00 for any single expenditure
without prior approval by the Executive Council, provided
that if such power is exercised, such expenditure will be
reported to the Executive Council at its next meeting,
• (f) The Activities Co-ordinator shall boresponsible for
co-ordinating all social and cultural activities of the
Student Society and Its subsidiaries, He will be responsible
for the extablishment of a social directorate and cultural
directorate and for the appointment of a chairman for each
The Sports Co-ordinator shall be responsible for co-ordination
of all activities in the intermural program. He shall assist
In the organization and scheduling of athletic activities
and shall generally report to the Executive Council on the
requirements of athletic teams sponsored by the Society or
by the University
The Clubs Director shall act as the registrar of all student
clubs and subsidiary organizations of the Society and shall
offer his assistance and advice to such clubs and subsidiary
organizations and shall report generally to the Executive
Council on the needs, requirements and activities of such
clubs and organizations; he shall prepare a budget for all
student clubs and such other subsçidlary organizations as
the Executive Council may direct for submission to the
Treasurer and to the Executive Council, and he may for this
purpose impose deadlines for the submission of budgets reques-
ted by or on behalf of such clubs and subsidiary organizations,
The Public Relations Officer shall foster the development of
a public relations program for the Society. He shall control
and supervise all bulletin boards. He shall perform such
other duties as the Executive Council by-resolution or the
President or Vice-President may assign;
( j )
The Arts President shall represent
In the Faculty
of Arts on the Executive Council;
(k) The Science President shall represent students
the Faculty
of Science
the Executive
(1) The Education President shall represent students in the
Faculty of Education on the Executive Council;
The Councillor-at-large shall be available to accept
specific duties as may from time to time be assigned to
him by the Executive Council.
Where there Is a conflict between the provisions of any other By-Law,
provisions of this By-Law shall govern.
The powers given by By-Law 4 (6) to the Executive Council shall
not be exercisable by the Executive Council-in the Summer Semester.
The Treasurer of the Executive Council in Summer Semester shall
allocate from Society fees paid during the Summer Semester a
proportion of such funds sufficient to pay permanent staff appointed
by the Executive Council for the duration of the Summer Semester,
but based upon a proportionate or pro-rata sharing of that expense
between members of the Society during the Summer Semester end other
members, the intention being that the said allocation and proportion
shall be based not upon calendar time but upon the proportion of
members receiving the benefits of the raid permanent staff during
Summer Semester, as compared to the number of members receiving
the benefits of the permanent staff during Fall and Winter Semesters.
The Treasurer of the Executive Council in the Summer Semester shall
prepare the budget and perform the duties of Treasurer set out in
the By-Laws on the basis of fees paid to the Society during Summer
Semester only and shall have no regard nor include in the budget
funds and capital assets mentioned in the budget of the Treasurer
of the Executive Council;
The Accounts of the Society during Summer Semester shall be separately
audited by the auditors appoIntd of the Society.
Meetings shall be of three kinds.-
Annual General Meting;.
(b) Special General Meeting;
Meetings of the Executive Council.
& / v/9
- - .
The Annual General Meeting of the Society 'shall' be held during
the month of February of each year;
Notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given two calendar
weeks prior to the date onwhich the Meeting will be held.
Sufficient notice will be deemed to have been given by the
posting of a conspicuous notice not less than 12" x 24" in
size upon three or more bulletin boards about the Campus of
Simon Fraser University;
Special General Meetings of the Society may be convened at any
time by the President upon resolution of the Executive Council
or by the Ombudsman by notice to the Executive Council and upon
presenting a petition duly signed by 5% of the members of the
A Special General Meeting convened during Summer Semester shl1
not have power to commit funds of the Society except to the limit
of funds paid by members of the Society during the Summer Semester
In which such Special General Meeting Is held, less amounts allo-
cated by the Treasurer of the Executive Council in Summer Semester
by reason of the By-Laws and less amounts which might otherwise be
allocated by the Treasurer of the Executive Council In Summer
Semester or by resolution of the Executive Council in Summer Semester.
(5) One week's notice shall be required prior to the holding of a
Special General Meeting. Sufficient notice shall be deemed to have
been given by compliance with the provisions of By-Law 6(2)
relating to notice;
Only members of the Society shall be entitled to vote at an Annual
General Meeting or a Special General Meeting, and each member is
entitled to one vote. In order to exercise 'his vote the member
must be present at the Meeting at the time the vote is put, and
no votes by proxy shall be allowed;
The manner of vote shall be In the discretion of the Chairman as
to whether voting should be by show of hands, rising or sitting,
or division,, except that any member may require
- .that a vote be
taken a particular manner by obtaining the recognition of the
chairman and indicating his desire;
A simple majority of votes cast will govern, except where the
provisions of the "Societies Act" or the By-Laws require an extra-
ordinary resolution;
(9) Ten percent of the membership of the Society for the current
semester shall constitute a quotüm at an Annual General Meeting
or at a Special General Meeting;
Sm L
/vA i
(10) Nine voting members of the Executive Council shall constitute a
quorum for a meeting of the Executive Council and the decisions
of the Executive Council .shall be governed by a simple majority,
save and except where by the By-Laws
.a:1arger)najority Is
(ii) Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings.
The Auditors of the Society shall be appointed by the Society at the
Annual General Meeting.
The remuneration to be paid to the Auditors by the Society shall
be determined by the Executive Council'
The Auditors of the Society shall have the right to examine all
books, records and accounts of the Society and all subsidiary
organizations and shall be entitled to require from any and all
members of the Society, including the Executive Council and the
officers of any subsidiary organization, such information and
explanation as may be required by the Auditors for the due perfor-
mance of their duties;
The Auditors shall prepare an Annual Report for submission by the
Treasurer of the Executive Council to the Annual General Meeting
of the Society, and the Treasurer shall submit and present the
Report to the Annual General Meeting without material ommission.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Auditors
shall expressly state:
Whether they have obtained all information and explanation
required and whether they have been granted free access to
the files, records and accounts of the Society;
Whether, in their opinion, the balance sheet forming a part
of their Report Is properly drawn so as to exhibit a true
and fair representation of the financial affairs of the Society.
The seal of the Society shall not be affixed to any instrument unless
authorized by a resolution of the Executive Council and in the presence
of such officer or officers, or such other person or persons as may be
• named by name or by office in the saId resolution. The seal of the
Society shall be kept In the custody of the Secretary or such other
person or firm as the Executive Council bay by resolution direct,
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended only by extraordinary';
resolution of the Society.
(1) An extraordinary resolution amending the Constitution shall
require a majGFty of two-thirds;
(2) An extraordinary resolution amending the By-Laws shall require
a mjority of two-thirds;
(3) The majorities mentioned in By-Law 9 (i) and 9 (2) are the majo-
rities of members attending a meeting considering the proposed
amendments, providing that' any such meeting shall have a quorum
(4) Notice of a proposed amendment however initiated shall be given
In accordance with the By-Laws providing for due notice of a
Special Geil Meeting., If a Special General Meeting is initiated
by a petition for the purpose of an amendment to the Constitution
or By-Laws, the text of the proposed amendments shall be delivered
and given in the same manner;
(5) Amendments may be Initiated by:-
The Executive Counci1
Any member of the Society if due notice is given prior to an
Annual General Meeting;
Any member of the Society requesting a Special General Meeting
for the consideration of a proposed amendment, provided that
the proposed amendment shall be accompanied by a petition
setting out the text of the proposed amendment and requesting
aSpecial General Meeting for its consideration-and accom-
panied by the signatures of not less than 5% of.the current
(6) No amendment of these By-Laws passed at a Special General Meeting
of the Summer Semester shall be effective to amend the Constitution
or By-Laws unless ratified at a Special General Meeting held during
the Fall or Spring Semester or at the nxt subsequent Annual General
Meeting required by the By-Laws.,
N.B. The following By-Law is no longer correct since By-Law 3 (3) was amended
(1) Members elected to the Executive Council and to position of Ombudsman
shall hold office for one year commencing with the first day of the
Fall Semester.
(2) Dates for elections, organIzton of polling places and counting of
ballots shall be scheduled and supervised by either:
A subcommittee of the Executive Council composed of three
members who are not candidates for office; or
(b) A subcommittee of three members appointed by resolution of the
Executive Council, one of whom shall be appointed Chairman, as
the Executive Council In its discretion shall resolve by majo-
rity vote.
(3) Elections shall be held In the Spring of each year and in two slates,
with voting for each slate held not less than one week, nor more than
two weeks apart. The slates shall be:
(a) Slate 1 -
(iii) Social Convenor
Public Relations Officer
Cultural Director
Arts President, who shall be elected only by members
registered In the faculty of Arts;
Science President, who shall be elected only by members
registered in the faculty of Science;
Education President, who shall be elected only by members
registered In the faculty of Education;
(b) Slate 2 -
Sports Co-ordinator
Clubs Director
Inter-House Co-ordinator
(4) The Schedule of Elections shall be published at least one month prior
to the time scheduled for voting on Slate 1, The Schedule of Elections
shall be deemed to have been duly published if posted. In the same
manner and places as notice of the Annual. General Meeting, but such
other publication or advertisement as may seem advisable to the
Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee may be used in addition to
such notice. TheScheüle of Elections shall state:
The day voting will be held for each slate;
The officers to be elected on each slate;
The date and hour nominations will close for each slate;
The requirements for nomination for candidates;
The length of time limited for campaigning for each slate,
and the limitation of campaign expenses;
The place for deposit of nomination papers.
(5) Nominations for each slate shall close at 12 noon one week prior
to the date voting will be held for that slate.
Candidates for office must be members In good standing of the Society,
and must be nominated by not less than temembers in good standing.
Nomination papers shall cnntain the name and faculty and student
number of the member nominated and not less than ten signatures of
members In good standlng on one sheet of paper, together with the
office for which the member is nominated.
Forthwith after the close of nominations, or as soon as practicable
thereafter, the names of the nominees shall be published and posted
In the same manner as the requirements for publication of the Schedule
of Elections. The nominees for each office shall be placed after the
title of each office on the slate In alphabetical order according to
Campaigning for the office of President of the Society may commence
no earlier than two weeks prior to the day scheduled for voting for
the first slate, but no person shall campaign for the office of
President until his nomination papers have been filed. In all other
cases, campaigning shall be limited to the period between the closiqg
of nominations for the slate in which the office occurs, and the
opening of the polls for that slate.
The form of ballot shall be decided by the Chairman of the Electoral
Subcommittee provided that the candidates for each office shall be
listed alphabetically by surname.
The Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee shall have power to appoint
members who are not candidates to supervise polling booths or places
and to count ballots as may be deemed necessary.
(ii) The number and place of polling booths or places shall be in the
discretion of the Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee.
(12) All campai g
n posters, stickers, or
other material shall be removed by the
candidates for Those benefit they have been displayed immediately before
the opening of poi.is for the slate, Failure by a candida
te to comply
with this By-Law shall mean the imposition of a fine of $500 by resolu-
tion of the Executive Council acting upon the report of the Chairman of
the Electoral Subcommittee.
Members receiving a plurality of votes shall be declared elected.
A candidacemay request a recount of votes cast within 72 hours of the
close of polls. After
time the ballots for the slate shall be
destroyed by the Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee.
The Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee may declare a candidate's
election null and void for violation of this By-Law,
(1) Upon an elected officer
or the Ombudsman ceasing to be a member in good
standing of the Society, his resignation shall be deemed to have been
delivered to the Executive Council. For the purposes of this By-Law an
officer may cease to be a member in good standing of the Society in any
one of the following ways:
Upon ceasing to be a registered student of Simon Fraser University,
subject: to the provisions of By-Law 1 (2)
Upon non-payment: of Society fees.
Upon expulsion by the University.
(2) The Executive Council may resolve to hold by--elections to fill a vacant
ce. By-elections shall be held in accordance with the By-Law governing
elections, except that only one week's notice shall be required for the
deposit of nomination papers, and the by-election may be held within one
week of the date nominations close.
Upon the death, resignation or impeachment of an officer of the Executive
Council the Executive Council may be resolution appoint a member of the
Council to fulfill the duties of the office so vacated.
The Executive Council may resolve to hold by-elections to fill the vacant
office. By-eleôtions shall be held in accordance with the by-law governing
elections, except that only one week's notice shall be required for the
deposit of nomination papers, and the by-election may be held within one
week of the date nominations close
(1) The Society may establish or sponsor subsidiary organzat1ons and may
grant financial aid to such organizations.
(2) Any such organizations established or sponsored by the Society shall be
subject to the provisions of By-Law
(3) and any rules of discipline
established by the Executive Council, A failure of the Society to provide
financial assistance to such subsidiar y
organizaticn shall not be deemed
to be a fine contemplated by By-Law 4 (3).
/ vA,
No subsidiary organization shall be, or shall allow itself to become
an instrument of a political party, unless the subsidiary organization
is established for that purpose and the Executive Council, by reso-
lution, allows such subsidiary organization for that purpose.
(4) No subsidiary organization shall accept funds or acquire property
except through the Society.
Any group of members proposing to form an organization for any
purpose within the objects of the Society shall first make application
to the Clubs Director by a petition in writing setting out:
The name of the proposed organization.
The objects of the proposed organization.
The amount of the budget expected to be necessary for the proper
functioning of the organization.
(d) The names of the proposed Executive of the organization.
The petition shall be signed by not less than five members in good
The minutes of the meetings of the Society and the Executive Council
shall be kept at the office of the Society at Simon Fraser University.
The books, records and accounts of the Society may be inspected by
members at the offices of the Society at Simon Fraser University on
any business daybetween the hours of 10:00 A. M. and 4:00 P. M.
(1) The Society shall have the power to make such regulations from time
to time as It may deem necessary or advisable with respect to the
activities of the Executive Council or any of its subsidiary organi-
zations and to repeal, vary, alter or amend such regulations In
such manner as It may deem fit and necessary.
(1) The Society shall not be responsible to Simon Fraser University or
to the general public for the action and behavior of any member or
group of members, unless:
The relationship between the Society and the members Is such
that the relationship of master and servant or principal and
agent would be implied by law; and
The acts and behavior are such that the Society would be civilly
liable to the University or the public; and
The act or behavior does not fall within the definition of a
crime as defined in the "Criminal Code of Canada"; and
The member or group of members can be definitely identified
beyond a reasonable doubt.
(2) For the purposes of this By-Law, the expression "general public"
includes members of the
The Executive Council may delegate such of its individual and
collective powers and duties as It'may deem expedient for the
practicable conduct of the affairs of the Society.
The Executive Council shall not delegate its powers to expend or
• Disburse funds except as provided in the By-Laws and then only when
the person to whom such power is delegated has obtained a bond with
an insurer satisfactory to the Executive Council, naming the Society
as beneficiary or loss payee and ensuring the fidelity àf such person.
The Executive Council may by resolution appoint one person not a
member of the Executive Council as a full or qualified IgnIng officer.
(1) The signing officer shall be any two of:
The President;
The Vice-President;
The Treasurer;
(d) Any person appointed by the Executive Council pursuant to
By-Law 17 (3).
(2) All signing officers shall be bonded for a minimum amount of $50,000.000
(3) The Executive Council may by resolution increase the value of the bond
required under By-Law 18(2).
M t, / t#
/ 7
The Ombudsman shall be entitled and shall be required to attend all
meetings of the Executive Council but shall not have a vote and shall
not propose resolutions. If he is unable to attend a meeting of the
Executive Council, he may send an observer provided he informs the
Chairman of the meeting before the meeting. The Ombudsman shall not hold
any other'lected pOsition on campus during his term of office. The
Ombudsman shall have the right to participate In the discussions of the
Executive Council and to question resolutions proposed by members of the
Executive Council. He shall present to the Executive Council any com-
plaint directed to him by a student. He shall be entitled to access to
the files, financial reports and business records of the Society upon
tendering to the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, a
written demand to inspect such documents or records. He shall have
the power to call a general meeting of the Society upon presenting a
petition containing the signatures of five percent of the current member-
ship of the Society and upon otherwise complying with the requirements
for notice of a general meeting provided by the By-Laws. He shall have
the right to
recognition by the President or acting chairman of
a general meeting, but shall otherwise be governed by Roberts' Rules
of Order and the rulings of the chair and of the general meeting,
3 t'.^,
C Wea
Telephone 291-3111 A rea code 604
8 February, 1967
Mr. Stan Wong,
Simon Fraser Student Society.
Dear Mr. Wong,
I am enclosing two copies of the Simon Fraser
Student Society Constitution and By-laws as approved by the
Senate of Simon Fraser University on February 6, 1967.
An additional two copies are in my office, one for
my reference, and one for the Minute Book of Senate.
Each page of the four copies has been initialled by
myself as certified by Mr. B.J. Penny, Commissioner of
Oaths in the Province of British Columbia.
Registrar and Secretary
of Senate.
I hereby certify that the signature on this letter is
that of D.P. Robertson, Registrar and Secretary of Senate
of Simon Fraser University and that D.P. Robertson initialled
the pages of the Simon Fraser Student Society Constitution
and By-laws attached hereto.
of Oaths
Province s
o1 British Columbia
& 7
Nov. 23, 1966
l.The name of the Society is The Simon Fraser Student Society.
2. The objects of the Society are:
to promote, direct, administer and co-ordinate all student
activities of, by and for the students of Simon Fraser
To promote cooperation amongst the students of Simon Fraser
University and cooperation between the members of the Society
and students within the Province and elsewc.ere.
To acquire by gift, bequest, lease, exchange or purchase any
lands, buildings, or hereditaments, whether freehold or lease-
hold, for the use of the Society.
To erect on such lands any buildings or improvements necessary
for the proper use and occupation of the same by the Society.
To take or otherwise acquire and hold shares or stock
debentures, debenture stock bonds, obligations and securities
issued by any society or company within the Province of
British Columbia or elsewhere,
(f) Subject to the provisions contained in the Societies Act, to
borrow, raise and secure the payment of money in such manner
as the Society sees fit and in particular by the issue of
The operations of the Society will be chiefly carried on at Simon
Fraser University in the Province of British Columbia.
BY-LAW 1 -
The membership of the Society shall be:
(1) All registered students of Simon Fraser University who have
paid Society fees for the current University semester.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, any student
• S
in good academic standing as defined by the University Registrar
holding an elective office on the Executive Council or any sub-
sidiary club or organization thereof shalibe deemed to have
membership in the Society during the Summer semester.
(3) Membership in the Society shall cease whena member ceases
to be a registered student of Simon Fraser University.
The rights, duties and obligations of the members of the Society
shall be as provided in the By-Laws of the Society.
The Board of Directors or Executive of the Society shall be
called the "Executive Council".
(2) The members of the Executive Council shall be members of the
Society during tenure of office.
(3) The Executive Council shall consist of:
(a) President;
First Vice-President;
Second Vice-President;
Activities Co-ordinator;
Sports Co-ordinator;
Clubs Director;
Public Relations Officer;
Arts President, who shall be a student in the faculty of Arts;
Science President, who shall be a student in the faculty
of Science;
(1) Education President, who shall be a student in the faculty
of Education;
(m) Councillor-at-large.
(4) The Executive Council may appoint honorary members in its discretion.
The Executive Councfl. shall:-
(i) Act as the Board of Directors of the Society.
(2) Be the only recognized medIum of communication between the
Society and its members and:-
The University authorities and the University's Board
of Governors;
The general public.
(3) Subject to the provisions of the By-Laws and Constitution
exercise full control of all activities of the Society and
of its subsidiary organizations. It shall have the power
to make rulings governing and binding upon the Society in
connection with such activities and any such ruling made
by It shall be final and binding. It shall have the power
to establish rules of discipline governing its members and
subsidiary organizations and to administer and enforce such
rules subject only to the qualification that the maximum
fine which may be levied or demanded against or from a
member by the Society shall be $5.00.
(4) Meet regularly aJ'cail and hold such special meetings as
may be required;
(5) Have power to engage and pay such assistance as it may require
or deem necessary for the efficient carrying out of the
business and other activities of
the Society and to delegate
to such persons such powers or work as may seem fit.
(6) The Executive Council may for the purpose of carrying out
the objects of the Society, borroi raise or secure the
repayment of money upon terms and conditions which may be
by resolution of the Executive Council agreed upon. The
xecutive Council may authorize the issue of bonds, per-
petual or redeemable debentures, or any mortgage, charge or
other security on the whole or part of the property.or assets
of the
ociety, present and future, including Society fees
now or hereafter due or payable, provided that the Executive
Council shall not approve a capital expenditure In excess of
$3,000.00 without the approval of the Society signified by a
• majority of a quorum attending an annual or special general
(7) The individual powers and duties of members of the Executive
Council are:-
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society
and of the Executive Council. He shall have the power to
convene the Executive Council at any time. He shall rep-
resent the student body on all formal occasions and shall
undertake all other duties usually falling to the office
of a President of a Society. He shall be a signing officer.
He shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees
created by the Executive Council and shall have the right
and power to be present at any meeting of all subsidiar>
fganizations of the Executive Council;
The First Vice-Pesident shall assume and carry out duties
of the President during his absence or in the event of the
resignation or impeachment of the President. He shall
otherwise act as a general assistant to the President. He
shall be a signing officer,
The Second Vice-Presidertt' shall aid and assist the President
and First Vice-President in the execution of their duties
and carry out specific duties as may from time to time be
assigned to him by the Executive Council,
Secretary shall take
minutes of all the meetings of
the Executive Council and of the Society and conduct corres-
pondence of the Executive Council and keep on file copies of
all letters wri.tten by or on behalf of the Society and all
letters received by the Society or by the Secretary relating
to the affairs of the Society.
The Secretary shall have
such further duties as may from time to time be required by
resolution of the Society or of the Executive Council;
The Treasurer shall prepare the budget of the Society.
shall immediately upon the receipt of funds deposit them
with a chartered bank selected by resolution of the Executive
He shall be a signing officer.
He shall not dis-
burse funds
in payment of accounts authorized and
approved by the Executive Council, unless such accounts
do not individually exceed the sum of $35.00, in which case
the Treasurer may authorize payment, but in that event the
Treasurer shall present accounts so paid to the Executive
Council at its next regular meeting following the date of
such payment and obtain the approval and ratification of the
Executive Council
of accounts so paid.
The Treasurer shall
keep careful account and be responsible for all monies received
and disbursed by or on behalf of the Society.
He shall examine
all vouchers, requisitions, petty cash payments and purchase
orders and shall submit them to the Executive Council with
The Treasurer shall examine requests for travel expenses,
and as a condition precedent to the allowance of such
requests, shall receive a statement of proposed expenses
and shall obtain a detailed account of actual expenditures
by persons receiving such allowance within one week of the
return of such person or persons. He shall render a state-
Pent of receipts and disbursements and of the assets and
capital position of the Society and a statement of profit
and loss at any time requested by the Executive Council by
resolution or by the President or Ombudsman in writing,
He shall prepare a profit and loss statement and balance
sheet for consideration of the Society at its annual general
meeting and shall report to the Society on the Society's
financial affairs. He shall be consulted by members of the
Executive Council intending to propose a resolution to the
Executive Council or to a general meeting which will require
an expenditure In excess of $500.00 and may approve expen-
ditures not exceeding $500.00 for any single expenditure
without prior approval by the Executive Council, provided
that if such power is exercised, such expenditure will be
reported to the Executive Council at Its next meeting.
The Activities Co-ordinator shall bresponsible for
co-ordinating all social and cultural activities of the
Student Society and Its subsidiaries. He will be responsible
for the extablishment of a social directorate and cultural
directorate and for the appointment of a chairman for each
The Sports Co-ordinator shall be responsible for co-ordination
of all activities in the intermural program. He shall assist
In the organization and scheduling of athletic activities
and shall generally report to the Executive Council on the
requirements of athletic teams sponsored by the Society.
The Clubs Director shall act as the registrar of all student
clubs and subsidiary organizations of the Society and shall
offer his assistance and advice to such clubs and subsidiary
organizations and shall report generally to the Executive
Council on the needs, requirements and activities of such
clubs and organizations; he shall prepare a budget for all
student clubs and such other subsidiary organizations as
the Executive Council may direct for submission to the
Treasurer and to the Executive Council, and he may for this
purpose impose deadlines for the submission of budgets reques-
ted by or on behalf of such clubs and subsidiary
(i) The Public Relations Officer shall foster the development of
a public relations program for the Society. He shall control
and supervise all bulletin boards. He shall perform such
• other dutiesas the Executive Council by--resolution or the
President or Vice-President may assign;
The Arts President shall representstudents in the Faculty
of Arts on the Executive Council;
The Science President shall represent students in the Faculty
of Science on
Executive Council;
(1) The Education President shall represent students in the
Faculty of Education on the Executive Council;
(in) The Councillor-at
-large shall be available to accept
specific duties as may from time to time be assigned to
him by the Executive Council.
Where there Is a conflict between the provisions of any other By-Law,
the provisions of this By-Law shall govern,
The powers given by By-Law 4 (6) to the Executive Council shall
not be exercisable by the Executive Council in the Summer Semester.
The Treasurer of the Executive .Council in Summer Semester shall
allocate from Society fees paid during the Summer Semester a
proportion of such funds sufficient to pay permanent staff appointed
by the Executive Council for the duration of the Summer Semester,
but based upon a proportionate or pro-rata sharing of that expense
between members of the Society during the Summer Semester and other
members, the intention being that the said allocation and proportion
shall be based not upon calendar time but upon the proportion of
members receiving the benefits of the taid permanent staff during
Summer Semester, as compared to the number of members receiving
the benefits of the permanent staff during Fall and Winter Semesters.
The Treasurer of the Executive Council in the Summer Semester shall
prepare the budget and perform the duties of Treasurer set out in
the By-Laws on the basis of fees paid to the Society during Summer
Semester only and shall have no regard nor include in the budget
funds and capital assets mentioned in the budget of the Treasurer
of the Executive Council;
The Accounts of the Society during Summer Semester shall be separately
audited by the auditors appointdd of the Society.
Meetings shall be of three kinds:-
Annual General MetIngç
Special General Meeting;
(c) Meetings of the Executive Council,
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shll be held during
the month of February of each year;
Notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given two calendar
weeks prior to the date onwhich the Meeting will be held.
Sufficient notice will be deemed to have been given by
posting of a conspicuous notice not less than 12
x 24" in
size upon three or more bulletin boards about the Campus of
Simon Fraser University;
Special General Meetings of the Society may be convened at any
time by the President upon resolution of the Executive Council
or by the Ombudsman by notice to the Executive Council and upon
presenting a petition duly signed by 5% of the members of the
A Special General Meeting convened during Summer Semester shell
not have power to commit funds of the Society except to the limit
of funds paid by members of the Society during the Summer Semester
In which such Special General Meeting Is held, less amounts allo-
cated by the Treasurer of the Executive Council in Summer Semester
by reason of the By-Laws and less amounts which might otherwise be
allocated by the Treasurer of the Executive Council in Summer
Semester or by resolution of the Executive Council in Summer Semester.
One week's notice shall be required prior to the holding of a
Special General Meeting. Sufficient notice shall be deemed to have
been given by compliance with the provisions of By-Law 6(2)
relating to notice;
(6) Only members of the Society shall be entitled to vote at an Annual
General Meeting or a Special General Meeting, and each member is
entitled to one vote. In order to exercise his vote the member
must be present at the Meeting at the time the vote is put, and
no votes by proxy shall be allowed;
(7) The manner of vote shall be in the discretion of the Chairman as
to whether voting should be by show of hands, rising or sitting,
or division,, except. that any member may require that a vote be
taken a particular manner by obtaining the recognition of the
chairman and indicating his desire;
A simple majority of votes cast will govern, except where the
provisions of the "Societies Act" or the By-Laws require an extra-
ordinary resolution;
Ten percent of the membership of the Society for the current
semester shall constitute a quotàm at an Annual General Meeting
or at a Special General Meeting;
(10) Nine voting members of the Executive Council shall constitute a
quorum for a meeting of the Executive Council and the decisions
of the Executive Council shall be governed by a simple majority,
save and except where by .tfie . ByLaws'a.:largernajority is
(ii) Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings.
The Auditors of the Society shall be appointed by the Society at the
Annual General Meeting.
The remuneration to be paid to the Auditors by the Society shall
be determined by the Executive Council
The Auditors of the Society shall have the right to examine all
books, records and accounts of the Society and all subsidiary
organizations and shall be entitled to require from any and all
members of the Society, including the Executive Council and the
officers of any subsidiary organization, such Information and
explanation as may be required by the Auditors for the due perfor-
fiance of their duties;
(3) The Auditors shall prepare an Annual Report for submission by the
Treasurer of the Executive Council to the Annual General Meeting
Of the Society, and the Treasurer shall submit and present the
Report to the Annual General Meeting without material ommission.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Auditors
shall expressly state:
Whether they have obtained all Information and explanation
required and whether they have been granted free access to
the files, records and accounts of the Society;
Whether, in their opinion, the balance sheet forming a part
of their Report is properly drawn so as to exhibit a true
and fair representation of the financial affairs of the Society.
The seal of the Society shall not be affixed to any instrument unless
authorized by a resolution of the Executive Council and in the presence
of such officer or officers, or such other person or persons as may be
named by name or by office in the said resolution. The seal of the
Society shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary or such other
person or firm as the Executive Council )nay by resolution direct.
9 -
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended only by extraordiñaryj
resolution of the Society.
(1) An extraordinary resolution amending the Constitution shall
'require a majs±i'ty of two-thirds;
An extraordinary resolution amending the By-Laws shall require
a mjorlty of two-thirds;
The majorities mentioned in By-Law 9 (1) and 9 (2) are the majo-
rities of members attending a meeting considering the proposed
amendments, providIrjthat: any such meeting shall have a quorum
Notice of a proposed amendment however initiated shall be given
In accordance with the By-Laws providing for due notice of a
Special Gewl Meeting. If a Special General Meeting is Initiated
by a petition for the purpose of an amendment to the Constitution
or By-Laws, the text of the proposed amendments shall be delivered
and given in the same manner;
(5) Amendments may be Initiated by:-
The Executive Council
Any member of the Society If due notice is given prior to an
Annual General Meeting;
Any member of the Society requesting a Special General Meeting
for the consideration of a proposed amendment, provided that
the proposed amendment shall be accompanied by
setting out the text of the proposed amendment and requesting
a Special General Meeting for its consideration and accom-
panied by the signatures of not less than 57. of the current
(6) No amendment of these By-Laws passed at a Special General Meeting
of the Summer Semester shall be effective to amend the Constitution
or By-Laws unless ratified at a Special General Meeting held during
the Fall or Spring Semester or at the nxt subsequent Annual General
Meeting required by the By-Laws.
N.B. The following By-Law is no longer correct since By-Law 3 (3) was amended
(1) Members elected to the Executive Council and to position of Ombudsman
shall hold office for ono year commencing with the first day of the
Fall Semester.
(2) Dates for elections, organiztLoo of polling places and counting of
ballots shall be scheduled and supervised by either:
A subcommittee of the Executive Council composed of three
members who are not candidates for office; or
(b) A subcommittee of three members appointed by resolution of the
Executive Council, one of whom shall be appointed Chairman, as
the Executive Council in its discretion shall resolve by majo-
rity vote.
(3) Elections shall be held in the Spring of each year and in two slates,
with voting for each slate held not less than one week, nor more than
two weeks apart. The slates shall be:
(a) Slate 1 -
(I) President
Social Convenor
Public Relations Officer
Cultural Director
(vi) Arts President, who shall be elected only by members
registered in the iaculty of Arts;
(vii) Science President, who shall be elected only by members
registered in the faculty of Science;
Education President, who shall be elected only by members
registered In the faculty of Education;
(b) Slate 2 -
(ii) Sports Co-ordinator
Clubs Director
(iv) Ombudsman
Inter-House Co-ordinator
(4) The Schedule of Elections shall be published at least one month prior
to the time scheduled for voting on Slate 1, The Sched1e of Elections
shall be deemed to have been duly published if posted in the same
manner and places as notice of the Annual General Meeting, but such
other publication or advertisement as may seem advisable to the
Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee may be used In addition to
such notice. The Schele of Elections shall state:
• •
The day voting will be held for each slate;
The officers to be elected on each slate;
The date and hour nominations will close for each slate;
The requirements for nomination for candidates;
The length of time limited for campaigning for each slate,
and the limitation of campaign expenses;
The place for deposit of nomination papers.
Nominations for each slate shall close at 12 noon one week prior
to the date voting will be held for that slate,
Candidates for office must be members In good standing of the Society,
and must be nominated by not less thant'ehmembers in good standing.
Nomination papers shall cnntain the name and faculty and student
number of the member nominated and not less than ten signatures of
members In good standing on one sheet of paper, together with the
office for which the member Is nominated.
Forthwith after the close of nominations, or as soon as practicable
thereafter, the names of the nominees shall be published and posted
in the same manner as the requirements for publication of the Schedule
of Elections. The nominees for each office shall be placed after the
title of each office on the slate in alphabetical order according to
Campaigning for the office of President of the Society may commence
no earlier than two weeks prior to the day scheduled for voting for
the first slate, but no person shall campaign for the office of
President until his nomination papers have been filed. In all other
cases, campaigning shall be limited to the period between the closiqg
of nominations for the slate in which the office occurs, and the
opening of the po.ls for that slate,
The form of ballot shall be decided by the Chairman of the Electoral
Subcommittee provided that the candidates for each office shall be
listed alphabetically by surname,
The Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee shall have power to appoint
members who are not candidates to supervise polling booths or places
and to count ballots as may be deemed necessary.
(ii) The number and place of polling booths or places shall be in the
discretion of the Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee.
x kre
(12) All campaign posters, stickers, or other material shall be removed by the
candidates for 'those benefit they have been displayed immediately before
the opening of polls for the slate. Failure by a candidate to comply
with this By-Law shall mean the imposition of a fine of S5.00 by resolu-
tion of the Executive Council acting upon the report of the Chairman of
the Electoral Subcommittee.
Members receiving a plurality of votes shall be declared elected.
A candidate may request a recount of votes cast within 72 hours of the
close of polls, After that time the ballots for
slate shall be
destroyed by the Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee.
The Chairman of the Electoral Subcommittee may declare a candidate's
election null and void for violation of this By-Law.
(1) Upon an elected officer or the Ombudsman ceasing to be a member in good
standing of the Society, his resignation shall be deemed to have been
delivered to the Executive Council, For the purposes of this By-Law an
officer may cease to be a member in good standing of the Society in any
one of the following ways:
Upon ceasing to be a registered student of Simon Fraser University,
subject to the provisions of By-Law 1 (2).
Upon non-payment of Society
(c) Upon expulsion by the University.
(2) The Executive Council may resolve to hold by-elections to fill a vacant
By-elections shall be held in accordance
the By-Law governing
elections, except that only one week's notice shall be required for the
deposit of nomination papers, and the by-election may be held within one
week of the date nominations close.
(1) Upon the death, resignation or impeachment of an officer of the Executive
Council the Executive Council may be resolution appoint a member of the
Council to fulfill the duties of the office so vacated,
The Executive Council may resolve to hold by-elections to fill the vacant
office. By.eleätions shall be held in accordance with the by-law governing
elections, except that only one week's notice shall be required for the
deposit of nomination papers, and the by-election may be held within one
week of the date nominations close.
(i) The Society may establish or sponsor subsidiary organizations and may
grant financial aid to such organizations.
(2) Any such organizations estab
subject to the provisions of
established by the Executive
financial assistance to such
to be a fine contemplated by
lished or
By-Law 4
By-Law 4
sponsored by the Society shall be
(3) and
any rules of discipline
A failure of
the Society to provide
organization shall not be deemed ç
No subsidiary organization shall be, or shall allow itself to become
an instrument of a political party, unless the subsidiary organization
Is established for that purpose and the Executive Council, by reso-
lution, allows such subsidiary organization for that purpose.
No subsidiary organization shall accept funds or acquire property
except through the Society.
Any group of members proposing to form an organization for any
purpose within the objects of the Society shall first make application
to the Clubs Director by a petition in writing setting out:
(a) The name of the proposed organization.
•(b) The objects of the proposed organization.
The amount of the budget expected to be necessary for the proper
functioning of the organization.
The, names of the proposed Executive of the organization.
The petition shall be signed by not less than five members in good
The minutes of the meetings of the Society and the Executive Council
shall be kept at the office of the Society at Simon Fraser University.
The books, records and accounts of the Society may be inspected by
members at the offices of the Society at Simon Fraser University on
any business day between the hours of 10:00 A. M. and 4:00 P. M.
(1) The Society shall have the power to make such regulations from time
to time as it may deem necessary or advisable with respect to the
activities of the Executive Council or any of its subsidiary organi-
zations and to repeal, vary, alter or amend such regulations in
such manner as it may deem fit and necessary.
The Executive Council may delegate such of its individual and
collective powers and duties as it may deem expedient for the
practicable conduct of the affairs of the Society.
The Executive Council shall not delegate its powers to expend
or disburse funds-except as provided in the By-Laws and then
only when the person to whom such power is delegated has ob-
tained a bond with an insurer satisfactory to the Executive
Council, naming the Society as beneficiary or loss payee
and ensuring the fidelity of such person.
The Executive Council may by resolution appoint one person not
a member of the Executive Council as a full or qualified
signing officer.
(1) The signing officer shall be any two of:
The President;
The Vice-President;
The Treasurer;
(d) Any person
by the Executive Council pursuant to
By-Law 17 (3).
All signing officers shall be bonded for a minimum amount of $50000.00.
The Executive Council may by resolution increase the value of the
bond required .under By-Law 18 (2).
The Ombudsman shall be entitled and shall be required to attend all
meetings of the Executive Council but shall not have a vote and shall
not propose resolutions. If heis unable to attend a meeting of the
Executive Council, he may send an observer provided he informs the
Chairman of the meeting before the meeting. The Ombudsman shall not hold
any other elected position on campus during his term of office. The
Ombudsman shall have the right to participate in the discussions of the
Executive Council and to question resolutions proposed by members of
the Executive Council. He shall present to the Executive Council any
complaint directed to him by a student. He shall be entitled to access
to the files, financial reports and business records of the Society upon
tendering to the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, a
written demand to inspect such documents or records. He shall have
the power to call a general meeting of the Society upon presenting a
petition containing the signatures of five percent of the current mem-
bership of the Society and upon otherwise complying with the require-
ments for notice of a general meeting provided by the By-Laws. He
shall have the right to demand recognition by the President or acting
chairman of a general meeting, but shall otherwise be governed by
Roberts'-Rules of Order and the rulings of the chair and of the general