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    Paper 3E
    To: Senate
    From: Mr. D. P. Robertson
    Subject: Regalia for
    Jan. 23, 1967
    lay members of Senate
    It was decided some time ago that the Bqard of Governors
    should be provided with a special gown for ceremorles on the campus.
    All Faculty members and those staff members who hold university
    degrees have gowns which are the official regalia of the University
    which granted them their degrees.
    Senate could now decide to provide gowns identical
    to those for the Board of Governors for those lay members of
    Senate who do.not have gowns from other institutions. I have dis-
    cussed this matter with the Chancellor and the President and we
    are agreed that to keep the gowns the same for lay members of
    Senate and for the Board of Governors would have a number of ad-
    vantages. Firstly, it would in a sense symbolize the close inter-
    action between the Senate and the Board, and secondly, it would
    provide fewer complications whén lay Members of Senate are elected
    to the Board of Governors.
    • Recommendation: That Senate adopt the gown specified
    for the Board of Governors as the official gown for laymembers
    of Senate who do not have gowns from other institutions.
    D. P. Robertson

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