    1. NAME - The Committee shall be known as the Coordinating Committee
    on General Education.
    MEMBERSHIP - The Committee shall consist of seven faculty members
    and the Coordinating Secretary. The Coordinating Secretary shall
    be a non-voting member. The faculty members shall serve on the
    Committee for a period of two years. The Committee shall elect
    its own chairman.
    METHOD OF APPOINTMENT - Each of the three Centres of the Faculty
    of Education shall elect a representative to the Committee. Two
    representatives shall be elected by the Faculty of Arts, and two
    by the Faculty of Science.
    DUTIES - The Committee shall review the programs being offered in
    General Education in the University, and be responsible for rec-
    ommending extensions or revisions to the existing General Education
    Program. The Coordinating Secretary shall disseminate information
    about the General Education Program to faculty and students, assist
    in locating facilities within the University for General Education
    offerings, survey programs being offered, solicit recommendations
    for extensions to the Program, and act as secretary to the Committee.
    OPERATION - The Committee shall meet as often as necessary to perform
    its functions as in (4) above. The Committee's recommendations
    regarding the General Education Program will be made directly to
    the Faculties or to the Department or Centre concerned.
    The Faculty's Committee on General Education recommends the immediate
    establishment of a University Coordinating Committee on General Education
    and the immediate appointment of the Coordinating Secretary.
    Submitted By:
    Faculty Committee on General Education
    M. Bawtree, Chairman
    I. Garland
    C. Henderson-Smith

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