    To: Senate
    From: C.L. Hamilton and
    D.P. Robertson
    Subject: A proposal to establish a Committee
    Date: February 22, 1966
    on Graduate Admissions as a sub-Committee
    of the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies
    PURPOSE: 1) To interpret the Senate's policy on admission to graduate work.
    2) To review the graduate admission policy of the University and
    to make recommendations to the Committee on Graduate Studies
    as required.
    Registrar (Chairman)
    6 members elected by and from the Senate Committee on Graduate
    Assistant Registrar - Admissions (non-voting Secretary)
    The six elected members will hold office for two years. (The
    first elections will be for three members for two years and
    three members for one year, in order to stagger the term.)
    OPERATION: 1) Applications for graduate study will be
    considered by the
    departments before being submitted to the Committee. All
    applications presented by the department will be considered by
    the Committee after recommendations have been received from
    the department concerned. The following rules will apply:
    No application unacceptable to a department on academic
    grounds can be accepted by the Committee, although the
    Committee may request the department to review its decision.
    b) Applications acceptable to the department on academic
    grounds, but which cannot be accepted because of space or
    financial limitations, may be sent a letter stating this.
    (It is embarrassing for a student to receive a formal
    rejection letter when the unstated reason is non-academic.)
    Applicatts recommended by hedeptment may be rejected
    by the Committee, but only after a request has been made
    of the department to review its decision.
    As instructed by the Committee the Registrar's Office will
    be responsible for administering the policies.
    The Secretary will be responsible for preparing the Agenda
    of meetings, sending out notices and conveying the decision
    of the Committee.

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