1. 1. Approval of the Agenda
      2. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of July 5, 2010
      3. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes
      4. 4. Report of the Chair
      5. A) Annual Financial Report (For Information) S.10-101
      6. 5. Question Period
      7. 6. Reports of Committees
      8. A) Senate Committee on University Priorities (SCUP)
      9. i) Closure of the Collaborative Major Program with Thompson S.10-102
      10. Rivers University
      11. ii) Creation of the First Nations Language Centre S.10-103
      12. iii) New Programs in the School of Criminology: S.10-104
      13. a) Certificate in Correctional Studies
      14. b) Certificate in Forensic Studies
      15. c) Certificate in Legal Studies
      16. d) Minor and PBD in Police Studies
      17. iv) Certificate in French and Education S.10-105
      18. v) SFU/ZU Dual Masters of Science and PhD Degrees in Computing ScienceS.10 -106
      19. vi) Notices of Intent for Program Proposals (For Information) S.10-107
      20. B) Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (SCUS)
      21. ii) Aboriginal Undergraduate Admission Policy S.10-109
      22. iii) Linguistics Honours Program S.10-110
      23. (For Information): Gerontology, History, Humanities, International
      24. Studies, Linguistics, Political Science, World Literature, French Cohort
      25. v) Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Business Administration S.10-112
      26. (For Information)
      27. C) Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules (SCAR)
      28. S.10-114
      29. Discipline (For Information)
      30. D) Senate Nominating Committee (SNC)
      31. i) Elections S.10-115
      32. 7. Information

Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
M onday, September 13, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the West M all Complex (Room 3210)
Open Sessi on
Present: Petter, A ndrew , President and Chair
A cier no, K y le
Bezgl asnyy, A nt on
Brand horst, Bruce
Br ennand , Tr acy
Cameron, Rob (representing N . Rajapakse)
Cr ai g, John
Cuppl es, Cl ai r e
Cyr, Dianne
Dhillon, Arinder
Dow, Greg
Dri v er, Jon
Fizzell, M aureen
Gar neau-Scott, Chr i sti
Geisler, Cher yl
Gordon, Robert
Kong, Shuyu
Kopahi, Moe
K r ane, Bill
Kropinski, M ary Catherine
Laitsch, Dan
L ee, Benjami n
Leznoff, Daniel
M acGr otty , A l y si a
Magnusson, Kris
Mann, Geoff
M oghaddamjoo, Sar ah
M or r i son, John
M undle, Todd (representing Charles Eckman)
M yers, Gordon
O’N eil, John
Par k house, Wade
Patel, Rav i
Patidar, Risha
Patidar, Trisha
Pavsek, Christopher
Per civ al, Coli n
Per ci v al , Paul
Ross, Kate, Registrar & Executive Director Student Enrolment
Gair, Shelley, Recording Secretary
Pinto, M ario
Ruben, Peter
Russell, Robert
Saif, M ehrdad
Shapir o, Daniel
Somers, Julian
van der Wey, Dolores
War ner, D ’A rcy
Woodbury, Rob
Wussow, Helen
A bsent:
Beale, A lison
Chapman, Glenn
Fr anci s, Ju ne
Golnaraghi, Farid
Law, Mona
Lew is, Cynthia
Li, Fiona
Loui e, Br andt
McArthur, James
Paterson, Dav id
Sahi nal p , Cenk
I n attendance:
A nderson, Gail
Bud r a, Paul
Canac-Marquis, Rejean
Gu, Qianping
Gut hri e, L arry
H ibbitts, Patr ici a
Legris, Louise
Li, Ze-Nian
Lindsay, Wil li am
Lougheed, Pat
M ellow , Dean
Perry, Tom
Pochurko, M artin
Sabat ier , Cecile

S.M . 13 September 2010
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1. Approval of the Agenda
The Agenda was approved as distributed (moved by Steve Easton and seconded by Paul Percival).
2. Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of July 5, 2010
The Minutes of the Open Session of Jul5,
y 2010 were approved as distributed (moved by Peter
Ruben and seconded by Maureen Fizzell).
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
4. Report of the Chair
The Chair, on behalf of Senate, welcomed the following Senators to their first meeting of Senate:
John Craig, Dean of Arts and Social Science(Pro
Tem) and Claire Cupples, Dean of Science. The
Chair expressed thanks toth e SFU communityfor making him feel welcomd e and supported as the
new President of SFU. The Chair acknowledged the loss and contributions of Warren Gill, Vice
President of University Relations and Peter Kennedy, Professor emeritus in Economics who have
recently passed away.
A) Annual Financial Report (For Information)
P. Hibbitts, Vic-ePresident, Finance and Administration, M. Pochurko, Associate V-iPcreesident,
Financial Services, and L. Guthrie, Director, Accounting Services, were in attendance in order to
respond to questions.
The Annual Financial Report was received by Senate for informtioan. Clarification was requested
on the Statement of Operations and Changes in Operating Net Assets as well as the Income
Stabilization Reserve found within the report.
5. Question Period
There were no questions in Question Period.
Reports of Committees
A) Senate Committee on University Priorities (SCUP)
i) Closure of the Collaborative Major Program with Thompson
Rivers University
Paul Budra, from the Faculty of Social Sciences, was in attendance in order to respond to
Moved by Jon Driver, seconded by Ravi Patel

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“that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the permanent closure of
the Collaborative Major Program with Thompson Rivers University within the Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences, effective January 2011.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
ii) Creation of the First Nations Language Centre
Tom Perry, from the Department of Linguistics, was in attendance in order to respond to
Moved by Jon Driver, seconded by Ben Lee
“that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the creation of the First
Nations Language Centre within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences as a Research
Centre for a five year term.”
The question was raiseda s towhy there are two separate advisory boards. It was explained that
one will have a more political function with infrequent meetings and the other will be more
operational in nature with greater meeting frequenc. yClarification was requested on the use of the
term centre as opposed to institute. It was explained that this was intentional since it is believed
there would not be enough cross faculty membershiap t this time due to the expertise being fairly
localized and specialized.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
iii) New Programs in the School of Criminology:
Gail Anderson, from the department of Criminology, was in attendance in order to respond to
There was some discussion around the proliferation of cefrictiates and the VP Academic agreed
that this needs to be reviewed. Representatives from the School of Criminologexplay ined that the
certificates, minor and PBD contained in paper S.10104,
- were designed to appeal to different
markets and to show a focusedstu dy topic on student’s transcripts.
a) Certificate in Correctional Studies
Moved by Jon Driver, seconded by Arinder Dhillon
“that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal
for a Certificate in Correctional tSudies in the School of Criminology within the Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
b) Certificate in Forensic Studies

S.M . 13 September 2010
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Moved by Jon Driver, seconded by Ravi Patel
“ that Senate approve and rceommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program
Proposal for a Certificate in Forensic Studies in the School of Criminology within the
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
c) Certificate in Legal Studies
Moved by Jon Driver, seconded by Anton Bezglasnyy
“that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal
for a Certificate in Legal Studies in the School of Criminology within the Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
d) Minor and PBD in Police Studies
Moved by Jon Driver, seconded by Steve Easton
“that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal
for a Minor and Post Baccalaureate Diploma in the School of Criminology within the
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
iv) Certificate in French and Education
Rejean Canac-Marquis and Cecile Sabatier, from the Department of French, were in attendance in
order to respond to questions.
Moved by Jon Driver, seconded by Kris Magnusson
“that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal
for a Certificate in French and Education within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and
Faculty of Education.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
v) SFU/ZU Dual Masters of Science and PhD Degrees in Computing ScienceS.10 -106
Ze-Nian Li and Qianping Gu, from the School of Computing Science, were in attendance in
order to respond to questions.

S.M . 13 September 2010
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Moved by Jon Driver, seconded by Joseph Peters
“that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal
for a SFU/ZU Dual Masters of cSience and PhD Degrees in Computing Science within the
Faculty of Applied Sciences.”
A question was raised regarding the policie, sspecifically academic freedom, that will govern the
dual degree program. The Dean of Graduate Studies responded that the program requires students
to meet the regulations and policies at this university. If a student was not able to do their research
at ZU, they would revert back to an SFU student and only complete a PhD at SFU.
Reference was made to p. 6 which states, “U
SFstudents must complete three credits from the
course China Survey at ZU”. The question was raised regarding whether or not students who
have completed the undergraduate dual degree program will be required to take the China Survey
course again. The response was that those students would be exempted from taking the China
Survey course again at ZU.
Minor clarifications were requested on the topics of the program start date, essay topics,- op co
placement, parchments, and transition issues.
Concern was expressed over the statement on p. 20 that “students with Chinese citizenship who
wish to join the GDDP programs must first apply for admission at ZU.” The issue was raised that
if a student has dual citizenship then according to that statement they must st fairpply to ZU as the
“home” university. According to the Dean of Graduate Studiess, tudents are required to apply for
admission to each university. A
friendly amendment
was proposed and accepted that the
wording in the document, regarding admission to “home” university, be resolved before the
motion goes to the Board of Governorfor
s approval and if a resolution cannot be obtained, that
the motion be returned to Senate.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
vi) Notices of Intent for Program Proposals (For Information)
Senate received information that SCUP reviewed and approved the proposal to have Notices of
Intent (NOI) for program proposals to be brought forward to SCUS for consideration before being
forwarded to SCUP.
B) Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (SCUS)
i) Degree Designation – Introduction of the designations “with distinction” S.10-108
and “first class with distinction” for students in honours and non-honours
Pat Lougheed, Director, Policy & Business Analysis, was in attendance in order to respond to
Moved by Bill Krane, seconded by Peter Ruben

S.M . 13 September 2010
Page 6
“that Senate approve the alteration of the designation
First Class Honour
o the
with distinction
first class with distinction
for students graduating from honours
programs, with requirements as detailed in the attached table, effective for students entering
honours programs during the 2011 Spring term.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
Moved by Bill Krane, seconded by Julian Somers
“that Senate approve the introduction of the designations
with distinctio
first class with
for students graduating from nonh-onours programs, with requirements as detailed
in the attached table, effective for students graduating from the 2010 Fall term.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
ii) Aboriginal Undergraduate Admission Policy
William Lindsay, Director of Aboriginal Peoples, and Louise Legris, Directof rA odmissions, were
in attendance in order to respond to questions.
Moved by Bill Krane, seconded by Ravi Patel
“that Senate approve the Aboriginal Undergraduate Admission Policy effective September
Discussion followed regarding the necessity f ooffering this policy. It was pointed out that
mechanisms are in place to retain the students that are expected to be recruited under this policy.
An opinion was expressed that the issue of lower Aboriginal enrollment should be addressed at the
high school leveland that students in this category could be betteserr ved using the diverse
qualifications admission process.
Moved by PaulPe rcival, seconded by Colin Percival
“that this matter be referred to the Diverse Qualifications Adjudication Committee
(DQAC) to consider whether they need to propose any changes to their policies to make
them more encouraging to applicants of Aboriginal descent.”
A problem noted with this optionis that the diverse qualifications admission policy does not apply
to all faculties and therefore is not a relevant alternative to the proposAanl . opinion was expressed
that this policy would be more appealing and more likely to attract Aboriginal students than the
DQAC process. It was noted that some
other major universities ni BC and across Canada have
similar admission policies to address some of the inequities in education within thAboe riginal
Question was calledon motion to refe, r and a vote taken

S.M . 13 September 2010
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Reference was made to the committeec onsisting of a member from each of Indigenous Student
Centre, University Admissions and the specific faculty applied to, which evaluates each application.
A request was made to consider including an additional faculty member on this committee since
the single faculty member does not have a majority votAe.n amendment to the policy was
Amendment moved by Colin Percival, seconded by PauPel rcival
“that the faculty representative on the committee be given veto power on whether a student
is admitted.”
A problem noted with this amendment is that typically undergraduate students take a range of
courses across different faculties and have the option of changing their program. An opinion was
expressed that giving one faculty membe, r from the faculty that the student intends to study, veto
power would not be appropriate. It was commented that at some point the committee, with three
areas of expertise represented, needs to be trusted that they will apply their expertise in making
good admission decisions around these students.
Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
friendly amendment
was proposed and accepted to change the wording on item 6 in section
5 to read “a committee composed of members
comprising an gsile member from each of
Services…” to help specify that there is a single member from each of those units.
Senate was reminded that this proposed policy allows applicanats dmission to the University,
provided they are willing to talk about eithr heritage and their personal experiences. Those
individuals, who do not wish to do that, can apply through the regular application process or
through the diverse qualifications process. This policy essentially creates more options rather than
forcing students to take a particular route into the University.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
iii) Linguistics Honours Program
Dean Mellow, from the Department of Linguistics, was in attendance in order to respond to
Moved by Bill Krane, seconded by Steve Easton
“that Senate approve the change to the requirements for admission to the Linguistics
Honours Program effective September 2010.”
friendly amendment
was proposed and accepted to change the wording int he motion to read
“effective September 13, 2010.”

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Amended motion now reads:
“that Senate approve the change to the requirements for admission to the Linguistics
Honours Program effective September 13, 2010.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.
iv) Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
(For Information): Gerontology, History, Humanities, International
Studies, Linguistics, Political Science, World Literature, French Cohort
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved new courses and minor revisions to existing courses and program
requirements in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
v) Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Business Administration
(For Information)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved a minor revision to a program requirement in the Faty culof
Business Administration.
vi) Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (For Information)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved minor revisions to rogp ram requirements in the Faculty of
C) Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules (SCAR)
i) Amendment to Policy S.10.03, University Board on Student
Discipline (For Information)
It was questioned whether the VP Legal Affairs has the authority to make the proposed changes
and stated that this change should be approved by Senate.
Moved by Paul Percival, seconded by Steve Easton
“that this information item be changed into a decision item.”
Question was called, and a vote taken.

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Moved by Paul Percival, seconded by Colin Percival
“that Senate approve the proposed changed policy S.10.03 as set out in Senate paper S.10-
Question was called, and a vote taken.
D) Senate Nominating Committee (SNC)
i) Elections
A revised Senate paper was distributed prior to the start of the meeting. The Secretary reported
that additional nominations were received before the deadline and that an election was required for
a Senator (at large) to the Senate Committee on University Honours (SCUH). An online ballot
would take place from September 14, 2010 to September 16, 2010. All other names, as shown on
Senate paper S.10-115 revised, were declared elected by acclamation. Outstanding vanccaies would
be carried forward to the next meeting of Senate.
The date of the next regular scheduled meeting of Senate is MondayOc, tober 4, 2010 in the West
Mall Complex (Room 3210).
Open Session adjourned at9:00 pm and Senate moved directly into Closed Session.
Kate Ross
Registrar and Secretary of Senate

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