    . '
    MAY MEETING 1967
    Senate Committee on Examination and Grading Practices
    This Committee which had been established at the April leeting of
    Senate, has the following membership: L.M. Kendall, repartment of
    Psychology; E.J. Wells, Department of chemistry; W.Williams, Tepartment
    of History and Leone Smith, Professional Foundations, and the registrar.
    Deferred Grades and Changes of Grades
    The following recommendations from the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
    Admissions and Standings were accepted
    l.a. That the Registrar accept and record any deferred grades
    submitted through the Head of repartment by the instructor
    in the course
    1.b. That all unchanged DEF grades be automatically converted to
    F after the 5th day of lectures of the semester immediately
    following the one in which the grade was awarded. In
    exceptional cases the Senate Committee on Admissions and
    Standings may grant an extension on petition by the Head of
    the Department of the course concerned
    That all course grades require the approval and initial of
    the Department Head or his delegate before being submitted
    to the Registrar
    That all course grade changes require the approval and
    initial of the Department Head or his delegate before
    being submitted to the Registrar
    That course grade changes be permitted up to but not beyond
    the 5th day of lectures of the semester immediately following
    the one in which the grade is awarded. In special cases the
    Senate Committee on Admissions and Standings may grant an
    exception on petition by the Head of the Department of the
    course concerned.
    It was agreed that these regulations would become operative with
    grades for the 1967 summer semester.

    11sA 7
    F. Candelaria was appointed to replace J. Mills as Senate representative of
    the Faculty of Arts.
    Candidates for Degrees
    Senate approved a number of Degree candidates subject to the approval
    of Faculties and a Select Committee of Senate prior to Convocation. The list
    of graduating students will be published in the next Senate Report.
    Long Range Academic Planning Committee
    The President reported that the Long Range Academic
    lanning Committee
    had added the Librarian to its membership.
    Additional PSA Courses
    Senate approved the following PSA Courses subject to the concurrence
    of the Faculty of Arts:
    PSA 491-5 - Directed Honors Reading in Political Science
    PSA 492-5 - Directed Honors Reading in Sociology
    PSA 493-5 - rirector Honors Reading in Anthropology
    PSA 499-5 - Honors Fssay
    . 7.
    J. Behrens was appointed to replace M. Bawtree as Senate representative from
    the Faculty of Education for the summer semester.
    Student Radio Station
    A Senator reported that there was a possibility of creating a
    student radio station beaming to places of assembly in the University.
    It was felt that Senate should be given an opportunity to discuss this
    possibility. It was agreed also that students should be asked to discuss
    this project with the Communications Centre and that it would then be
    appropriate for the proposal to come before Senate before going to the
    Board of Governors for financial approval.
    Faculty Requests for Senate approval
    It was agreed that each Faculty should seek the views of the other
    Faculties before bringing proposals which are of University wide concern
    to Senate for approval.
    Late of Next Meeting
    The date of the next meeting is June 5th, 1967. It was agreed that this
    and future meetings of Senate should be held at 7 p.m.
    D.P. Robertson
    Pegistrar and Secretary
    of Senate

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