As amended by Senate
    October 5, 2009
    Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
    Monday, September 14, 2009 at 7:00 pm in Room 3210 WMC
    Open Session
    Present ?
    Stevenson, Michael, President and Chair of Senate
    Beale, Alison
    Brennand, Tracy
    Chapman, Glenn
    Geisler, Cheryl
    Gibson, Eli
    Golnaraghi, Farid
    Hiscocks, Graham
    Janes, Craig
    Joifres, Michel
    Louie, Brandt
    MacGrotty, Alysia
    McArthur, James
    Sahinaip, Cenk
    Bezglasnyy, Anton
    Chiu, Christina
    Copeland, Lynn
    Cormack, Lesley
    Dow, Greg
    Driver, Jon
    Easton, Stephen
    Fizzell, Maureen
    Francis, June
    Funt, Elliot
    Godson, Ali
    Gordon, Robert
    Hannah, David
    Harding, Kevin
    Haunerland, Norbert (representing M. Pinto)
    Krane, Bill
    Laba, Martin
    Lee, Shara
    Leznoff, Daniel
    Li, Fiona
    Magnusson, Kris
    • ?
    Mathewes, Rolf (representing M. Plischke)
    Moubarak, Cristel
    Myers, Gordon
    Nadison, Ada
    Nesbit, Tom
    Noble, Cameron
    O'Neil, John
    Parkhouse, Wade
    Pate!, Ravi
    Paterson, David
    Pavsek, Christopher
    Percival, Colin
    Percival, Paul
    Peters, Joseph
    Pierce, John
    Rajapakse, Nimal
    Ruben, Peter
    Russell, Robert
    Scott, Jamie
    Shapiro, Daniel
    Thompson, Steve
    Tiffany, Evan
    van der Wey, Dolores
    Wakkary, Ron
    Warner, D'Arcy
    Williams, Tony
    Woodbury, Rob
    Zelezny, Joseph
    Ross, Kate, Registrar and Secretary of Senate
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary
    In attendance:
    Anderson, Gail
    Beauregard, Erick
    Busumtwi-Sam, James
    Gandesha, Samir
    Guthrie, Larry
    Hibbitts, Pat
    Mezei, Kathy
    Pochurko, Martin

    S.M. 14 September 200
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    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed. ?
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of
    1& 6. 2009
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair welcomed the following to their first meeting of Senate in their official
    capacity as Dean: Kris Magnusson, Dean, Faculty of Education; John Pierce, first Dean of
    the new Faculty of Environment; Tom Nesbit, Interim Dean of Continuing Studies; and
    Cheryl Geisler, first Dean of the new Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology. The
    Chair also welcomed all Senators to the beginning of a new academic year.
    Although a detailed report on enrolment was not available at this point, the Chair
    reported that both the domestic and international undergraduate enrolment was above
    expectations, and he wished to extend thanks to everyone from Student Services through
    to faculty and staff members in Faculties/Departments for the success of the recruitment
    The Chair also extended a special note of thanks to the Student Society and to the student
    students such
    tremendous contribution in making this Fall's Orientation for new ?
    Commenting on recent press releases about the Provincial budget, the Chair reported that
    in comparison to many other public sectors, advanced education has been relatively well
    protected in that revisions to the earlier pre-election budget are minimal. The Chair
    pointed out however that advanced education is not entirely unaffected. Firstly, there has
    been a one-third cut to the ancillary capital budget which means that some urgent capital
    renovations and/or maintenance will not go forward this year, and secondly, there has
    been a global cut to student financial assistance, but again, the affect on university students
    at research institutions is not as great as at other post-secondary institutions. Because of the
    University's legal obligation to accommodate disabled students, cuts in this area will have
    to be picked up by the University. Cuts to the Michael Smith Foundation will affect
    funding for appointments and other research activities and collaborations at the research
    universities, and one of the biggest concerns is that transfers to post-secondary institutions
    will be frozen for the next three years which means that the costs of inflation will have to
    be absorbed through adjustments to expenses in the operating budget.
    The Chair announced that consultations within the University will begin in the near
    future to address the difficulties of the budget cuts and how to respond to a freeze in
    funding over the next two to three years.

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    0 ?
    i) ?
    Paper S.09-96 - Annual Financial Report (For Information)
    P. Hibbitts, Vice-President, Finance and Administration, M. Pochurko, Associate Vice-
    President, Financial Services, and L. Guthrie, Director, Accounting Services, were in
    attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Senators were reminded that the financial statements for last year were greatly impacted by
    what happened to world markets. The market has improved and some recovery has
    already been made this year. It was pointed out that the other important factor to note is
    that the University has now received funding to pay off expenses from last year related to
    the Faculty Exit Program which also impacted last year's loss.
    It was noted that the University's expenses were much larger than the University's
    revenue and that the University's balance sheet was very much out of line between its
    current assets and its current liabilities, and inquiry was made as to whether there was a
    liquidity problem. It was pointed out that the investment loss, together with the expense
    for the faculty exit program, mostly accounted for the difference between revenue and
    expenses and that attempts were being made to put the balance sheet in better shape.
    Senate was assured that there was no liquidity problem and that the basic operations of the
    University were in balance. It was pointed out however that the budget for scholarships,
    awards and bursaries was over spent last year which created a significant variance
    in this
    • ?
    area of funding.
    Given the over spending from last year, and the current financial constraints this year,
    inquiry was made as to the impact this would have on financial assistance to students.
    Senate was advised that the issue of scholarships, awards and bursaries will be given serious
    discussion and consideration during budget consultation and deliberations. Brief discussion
    took place with respect to the over spending of the scholarship budget. The Chair stated
    that acceptance offers on scholarships was greater than anticipated and the surplus on
    spending from the year before contributed to the variance. As a result, the University
    chose to run a deficit which could be corrected in the future rather than turn away
    scholarship students.
    Reference was made to the decrease in endowment investment and the income
    stabilization reserve. It was noted that most endowments have conditions attached to
    support and benefit specific programs, and concern was expressed about the University
    committing to endowments which support targeted areas that may end up putting areas
    without endowment support at a disadvantage. Senate was reminded that the University
    was contractually bound by the terms of reference for endowments but that money from
    endowments represented a very small proportion of the total budget so this would not
    have serious affect on other areas. With respect to the income stabilization reserve,
    suggestion was made that the University may want to consider increasing funds to ofiet
    future fluctuations so that the fund doesn't get completely wiped out as it did last year. It
    • ?
    was noted that the current focus was to bring the stabilization reserve fund back up to
    where it was and that some recovery had already been made. It was pointed out that
    increased funding to the stabilization reserve fund would have to come out of the

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    operating budget so there was a trade off between whether to build the reserve bigger or
    add income to the operating budget.
    Referring to the differences between the amounts for revenue and expenses on page 9
    versus the amounts shown on page 25, inquiry was made as to how they match up against
    each other. Senate was advised that the information on page 9 was a very high level of
    data consolidation which is broken down in more detail on page 25 and that there is an
    alignment between the two sets of information behind the scenes. The Chair suggested
    that anyone interested in a particular reconciliation contact Financial Services for further
    Following discussion, the Annual Financial Statements were accepted by Senate.
    Question Period
    Inquiry was made as to why enrolments went over target, and request was made that a
    report showing head count and FTE numbers be provided at the next meeting. The Vice-
    President, Academic agreed to provide a report on enrolment at the next Senate meeting.
    Reports of Committees
    A) ?
    Senate Committee on International Activities
    i) ?
    Paper S.09-97 - Change to membership and terms of reference of SCIA, and
    dissolution of the International Student Exchange Committee (ISEC'
    Moved by J. Driver, seconded by J. Francis
    Motion 1 and 2:
    "that Senate approve the proposed changes to SCIA membership and terms
    of reference, effective immediately; and that Senate approve the dissolution
    of the International Student Exchange Committee (ISEC), effective
    Busumtwi-Sam, Chair of the Senate Committee on International Activities, was in
    attendance in order to respond to questions.
    In response to a request for a more detailed rationale, it was pointed that it was SCIA's
    primary responsibility to provide oversight for all formal exchange agreements and
    international activities. However, such agreements were currently only going to ISEC and
    once that responsibility was transferred to SCIA, ISEC was no longer needed. In addition,
    ISEC was meeting approximately twice a year to deal with routine administrative issues
    that could easily be dealt with by SFU International, and it was felt by both committees
    that it would be better to streamline and centralize the decision-making in SCIA.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?

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    B) ?
    Senate Committee on Universit
    Paper S.09-98 - Dissolution of the B.C. S
    Moved by J. Driver, seconded by D. Hannah
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the
    proposal to dissolve the B.C. Synchrotron Institute as a Schedule A Centre
    based in the Department of Physics within the Faculty of Science"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.09-99 - Creation of the Centre for Research on Sexual Violence
    Moved by J. Driver, seconded by R. Gordon
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the
    creation of the Centre for Research on Sexual Violence as a Schedule A
    Centre based in the School of Criminology within the Faculty of Arts and
    Social Sciences"
    E. Beauregard, School of Criminology, was in attendance in order to respond to
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.09-100 - New Program: Certificate in Police Studies
    Moved by J. Driver, seconded by R. Gordon
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for a Certificate in Police Studies in the School of Criminology
    within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences"
    G. Anderson, School of Criminology, was in attendance in order to respond to questions.
    In response to an inquiry as to whether a similar program offered by the Justice Institute of
    B.C. would have the same target audience, Senate was advised that the JLBC program was
    vocational rather than academic and would not be considered similar.
    It was noted that the program was targeted to police officers and other members of the
    criminal justice system and inquiry was made as to how these off campus groups would be
    admitted to the program. Senate was advised that anyone wishing to take this program
    would apply to the University and be admitted through any of the normal admission
    • ?
    categories so they would be SFU students but not necessarily in a degree program.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?

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    iv) ?
    Paper S.09-101 - New Program: Master of Arts in Humanities
    Moved by J. Driver, seconded by K. Harding
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for a MA in Humanities in the Department of Humanities in the
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences"
    S. Gandesha and K. Mezei, both from the Department of Humanities, were in attendance
    in order to respond to questions.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    C) ?
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    Paper S.09-102 - Faculty of Business Administration: Curriculum Revisions (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved a revision to the eligibility calculation for admission
    of Category 2, 3 and 4 students, a revision to the honors requirements, and the extension
    of the SFU Business Broad Based Admission Pilot program for Fall 2010.
    Paper S.09-103 - Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Education (For Information'
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved the reinstatement of two temporarily withdrawn
    courses in the Faculty of Education.
    Paper S.09-104 - Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Science (For Information
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved a change to the upper division requirements and
    electives to reflect a revision from four streams to three streams.
    D) ?
    Senate Graduate Studies Committee
    Paper S.09-105 - Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Health Sciences (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved minor revisions to existing courses in the Faculty of Health
    Paper S.09-106 - Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Science (For Information'
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved a new course and a change to the course work

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    • ?
    C) ?
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.09-107 - Elections
    The Secretary reported that no further nominations had been received so the names as
    shown on Senate Paper S.09-107 were declared elected by acclamation. Outstanding
    vacancies would be carried forward to the next meeting of Senate.
    Other Business
    i) ?
    Paper S.09-108 - SFU Academic Vision. Outcomes and Vice-President Academic
    Goals for 2013 (For Information)
    Referring to the bulleted list on page 4, it was noted that some points start with a noun,
    others with an action verb and suggestion was made that the items listed should be
    grammatically consistent.
    The Vice-President Academic introduced the document by explaining that the document
    went through a fairly public consultative process and that the final report before Senate
    was a result of that process. Since the planning process itself is mandated by Senate, it was
    felt that it would be useful to bring the document to Senate's attention and let Senate
    know that there had been a slight deviation from the normal practice. Rather than
    beginning the planning process at the departmental level, which would then go through
    the Faculty to the Vice President Academic, the process started with consultation that
    . ?
    resulted in some general goals and visions for the next three years. Departments and
    Faculties were now being asked to take these general statements into consideration as they
    begin to prepare their individual plans for the next few years.
    Concern was expressed about the term 'relevant' in the last point on page 8 under the
    section 'Outcomes 2013'. It was pointed out that the term was of concern to a lot of
    faculty, especially those teaching in humanistic disciplines where relevance is not
    necessarily apparent, and the term was felt to be potentially threatening to those disciplines
    especially in times of budget constraints. It was suggested that a vision statement should
    have included a statement that defends and advocates the pursuit of knowledge for its own
    With regard to the public consultation process, it was pointed out that junior faculty were
    only given two or three days notice prior to the public meeting so it was very difficult for
    a lot of faculty to attend. However, one of the most important things brought up which
    was very important for
    junior faculty who attended the meeting, was that there was no
    mention under the review of pedagogy on page 7, of face to face instruction with real
    students in real classrooms. It was felt that the academic vision of SFU should reaffirm its
    commitment to small classes and suggestion was made that the VPA be more emphatic
    about SFU's commitment to these principles of pedagogy.
    J .
    Driver explained his belief that research by faculty members need not necessarily be
    . ?
    applied research but faculty should be able to justify its value for society in general. With
    respect to in person education, it was pointed out that this type of instruction currently
    dominates the University. Section 4.1 simply was there to provide support for faculty

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    and/or departments who want to experiment with new teaching methods. This was not
    an attempt to determine what the pedagogy should be for the University.
    It was noted that the term interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary appear throughout the
    document and opinion was expressed that the University should be working towards
    interdisciplinary programming in order to preserve resources and maximize their use in
    innovate ways. Currently there are administrative roadblocks and it was hoped that during
    the planning process units would not only look at their own research strengths but also
    research strengths that could be build upon with other units across the university.
    The Vice President Academic stated that there was considerable interest among the
    Faculties for more collaboration and sharing of resources and skills and that consideration
    was being given to find ways of rewriting policies to make the sharing of activities across
    the University easier.
    Although there was ample opportunity for students to participate in the broad vision,
    there appeared to be a problem in the creation of the three-year plans in some
    departments where students were not given an opportunity for input. An opinion was
    expressed that when reference to students and their best interest are included in planning
    statements, the University may be doing itself a disservice when opportunity for student
    input is not provided. It was pointed out that most departments have graduate and
    undergraduate student representation on curriculum committees and there would be
    opportunity for input as plans unfold and curriculum is reviewed. Opinion was reiterated
    that students should also be part of the initial planning process, not just after a plan has
    been developed and is under review.
    Reference was made to the recent circulation of the Strategic Research Plan and
    suggestion was made that the research plan should have some connection to the academic
    plan and it was hoped that attempts would be made to connect the two. The Chair stated
    that this same issue has been brought forward with respect to other planning documents
    such as the President's plan, financial planning and the strategic enrolment plan, and the
    need to bring these activities into a more coherent interface was acknowledged by the
    Brief discussion continued with respect to the term relevance, and applied research versus
    other research. The Vice-President Academic stressed the fact that the document was
    before Senate for information only; that other than the grammatical corrections mentioned
    earlier, the document would not be rewritten, and academic plans for the various units
    and for the University as a whole will be developed as a result of taking the general
    statements from the document into consideration.
    8. ?
    The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, October 5, 2009.
    The Open Session adjourned at 8:25 pm, and Senate moved directly into Closed Session.
    Kate Ross
    Registrar and Secretary of Senate

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