    Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on?
    Monday, April 6, 2009 at 5:30 pm in Room 3210 WMC
    Open Session
    Present: Stevenson, Michael, Chair
    Arsenault-Antolick, Haida
    Beale, Alison
    Chapman, Glenn
    Collinge, Joan
    Cormack, Lesley
    de Castell, Suzanne
    Driver, Jon
    Fairey, Elaine (representing L. Copeland)
    Fizzeli, Maureen
    Francis, June
    Gibson, Eli
    Hannah, David
    Harding, Kevin
    Hiscocks, Graham
    Janes, Craig
    Joifres, Michel
    Krane, Bill
    Laba, Martin
    Letoumeau, Michael
    Li, Ze-Nian
    Liljedahl, Peter
    MacDonald, Camille
    Mathewes, Rolf (representing M. Plischke)
    Noble, Cameron
    Paling, Joseph
    Parkhouse, Wade
    Patel, Ravi
    Pavsek, Christopher
    Percival, Cohn
    Percival, Paul
    Peters, Joseph
    Pierce, John
    Pinto, Mario
    Seal, Brent
    Shapiro, Daniel
    Shermer, Thomas
    Thompson, Steve
    Tiffany, Evan
    van der Wey, Dolores
    Warner, D'Arcy
    Woodbury, Robert
    Watt, Alison, Director, University Secretariat
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary
    Bart, Brad
    Bocking, Natalie
    Brennand, Tracy
    Dow, Greg
    Easton, Stephen
    Fergusson, Andrew
    Gençay, Ramo
    Golnaraghi, Farid
    Gordon, Robert
    Lee, Benjamin
    Leznoff, Daniel
    Louie, Brandt
    McArthur, James
    O'Neil, John
    Popadiuk, Natalee
    Scott, Jamie
    Tapia, Earl Von
    Underhill, Owen
    Vaid, Bhuvinder
    Wakkary, Ron
    Williams, Tony
    In attendance:
    Busumtwi-Sam, James
    Corbett, Kitty
    Thomas, David

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    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of March 2, 2009
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from-the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair, on behalf of Senate, acknowledged the following new Senators and thanked
    them for undertaking this service to the University: Interim Deans of the new Faculties -
    John Pierce, Faculty of Environment, Ze-Nian Li, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Owen
    Underhill, Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology; new Faculty Senators -
    Alison Beale and Robert Woodbury, Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology; and
    new Student Senators - Graham Hiscocks, Faculty of Communication, Art and
    Technology, and Cameron Noble, Faculty of Environment.
    Question Period
    C. Pavsek submitted questions concerning instructional budgets for sessional instructors,
    limited term instructors and teaching assistants, and the expansion of programming in
    some areas versus the protection of existing programs, particularly in the humanities and
    social sciences, which are not slated for growth. Senate was advised that the overall
    funding for sessional instructors and teaching assistants would not be significantly different
    from last year's budget but reminded Senators that expenditures were typically higher than
    the budget so it was likely that expenditures would be at least as high if not higher than
    last year. With regard to program expansion, it was noted that funding would continue for
    programs which already have commitments to expand. However, the rate of growth has
    been scaled down in areas such as Health Sciences. Senate was assured that efforts are
    made to balance the support of existing programs with the development of new programs.
    Discussion ensued with specific reference being made to actual decreases in FASS
    temporary instruction budget and L. Cormack briefly explained that since the Faculty does
    not have a continuing budget for temporary instruction (sessional and TA support),
    funding for temporary instruction has to come from salary recovery funds. More and more
    of this funding is being allocated to TAs rather than sessional instruction. Since a large
    proportion of courses in FASS are taught by sessionals, there is a worry about the Faculty
    being able to deliver its programs and courses.
    At the last Senate meeting, it was noted that confirmation was received that increased
    support for graduate students would be proportional to the increase in FTE targets for
    graduate students. However, it was pointed out that funding for TAships in the Faculty of
    Arts and Social Sciences would decrease in next budget and this appeared to be
    inconsistent with the statements from the last meeting. In response to a request for
    clarification from E. Tiffany, Senate was advised that the overall TA budget had a slight
    decrease of approximately $200,000 but it was hoped that this amount would be restored

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    by use of carry forward funds and with new funding that might become available to the
    University. It was pointed out that the sessional instructor budget had actually increased by
    approximately half million dollars.
    Referring to the President's recent remarks about curriculum reform, C. Pavsek requested
    clarification of the remarks and whether such changes would impact faculty course loads
    or methods of instruction. The President responded that by curriculum reform he meant
    decisions made by programs and Senate concerning the orientation of curriculum offerings
    and the credit attached to them, as well as pedagogical and other changes to the way in
    which courses are taught and accessed by students. It was his personal feeling that the
    current curriculum structure can not be maintained and that the number of courses that
    are taught in the conventional way by faculty notionally in order for a student to get a
    degree likely has to change. The Vice-President Academic is engaged in an academic
    planning exercise exploring questions of curriculum, and focus groups have identified
    strategic areas of attention such as student access to courses for degree completion, how
    opportunities for breadth and diversity can be balanced with a curriculum structure that is
    relatively simple to understand and plan, whether new methods of teaching, learning and
    communication should be incorporated, to what extent academic credit should be offered
    for experiential learning, and how changes in curriculum content and delivery can be
    achieved where faculty members also have research responsibilities and where resources
    are constrained. The President indicated that these are the same types of questions which
    he felt should be seriously considered as the next academic plan is developed.
    An opinion was expressed that the quality of education at SFU was under threat mainly
    from growth and a suggestion was made that growth take a back seat to improving the
    quality of education at SFU. It was pointed out that there is a relationship between
    growth, funding, and quality, and in the past, growth was accompanied by an
    improvement in terms of funding and potentially in terms of quality realized as a result of
    an improved faculty-student ratio. However, funding formulas, independent of growth,
    happen at the discretion of the Government and have associated impacts on the
    educational experience.
    6. ?
    Reports of Committees
    A) ?
    Senate Committee on International Studies
    Paper S.09-47 - Correction to SCIA 2007 Annual Report (For Information)
    Busumtwi-Sam, Chair of SCIA, was in attendance in order to respond to questions on
    papers S.09-47, S.09-48, and S.09-49.
    Senate received information correcting an error with respect to the approval of an MOU
    with PCF Internacional, Madrid, Spain.
    Paper S.09-48 - Annual Report (For Information)

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    Reference was made to page 4, Item 2.8 concerning the Double Degree Program with
    Monash University. It was noted that several months ago, SCAR noted that this program
    had not been to Senate for approval and inquiry was made as to the status of the program.
    Senate was advised that the program had in fact been presented to SCUS as an
    information item. Since the contents of the program were already in existence, it was
    agreed that Senate approval was not required. The 2008 Annual Report of the Senate
    Committee on International Activities was accepted by Senate for information.
    B) ?
    Senate Committee on University Priorities
    Paper S.09-49 - Certificate in African Studies
    Moved by J. Pierce, seconded by L. Cormack
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for a Certificate in African Studies
    the Department of History
    and Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Arts and Social
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.09-50 - Centre for Global Workforce Strategy
    Moved by J
    Francis, seconded by R. Patel
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    creation of the Centre for Global Workforce Strategy as a Schedule A
    Centre reporting to the Dean, Faculty of Business Administration"
    D. Thomas, Faculty of Business Administration, was available to respond to questions.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.09-51 - Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies
    Moved by L. Cormnack, seconded by W. Parkhouse
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies in the Latin
    American Studies Program in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences"
    Clarification was requested as to how students would be given priority enrolment when
    they don't actually register in the certificate program. Senate was advised that students do
    not enroll in graduate certificates. Students are informally identified as being interested in

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    achieving the certificate arid then are given priority for enrolment in courses required for
    the certificate.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    iv) ?
    Paper S.09-52 - Name of the new Environment Faculty - "Faculty of
    Moved by J. Pierce, seconded by J. Driver
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    name of the new Environment Faculty as the "Faculty of Environment"
    A concern was expressed that some areas of the new Faculty (Development Studies) were
    under-represented in the election and that the votes of 22 versus 14 reflected a
    considerable difference of opinion about the naming of the new Faculty. There was a
    strong feeling from the opposition group that the new name failed to signal to students
    that the Faculty was interdisciplinary and included a strong component of social science.
    Senate was informed that there was considerable debate over the naming of the Faculty,
    and eventually simplicity was favoured by the majority. The voting process was fair and
    conducted according to the normal election rules. Assurances were given that measures
    S ?
    would be taken on the Web and in advertising to ensure that the nature of the Faculty was
    clearly understood. It was also pointed out that there was nothing to prevent this issue
    from being revisited in the future.
    Senate was informed that students of the new Faculty of Communication, Art and
    Technology have expressed concerns about the new degree name that they will receive
    following June 2009 Convocation and the impact that will have on employment
    opportunities. Opinion was expressed that branding was of essential importance to all
    students in all Faculties not only for recruitment but also for graduation. It was stressed
    that the names of the degrees will not change as the new Faculty structures are
    implemented. Parchments that students receive upon graduation are issued from the
    University on recommendation from a Faculty. For example, a degree in Communication
    would remain a Bachelor of Arts degree from Simon Fraser University. Employers
    wanting details of a program can request a transcript that would list the courses taken.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    C) ?
    Setiate Graduate Studies Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.09-53 - Revisions to Graduate General Regulations 1.6.3, 1.6.4. 1.9.1
    with associated revisions to 1.6.1. 1.6.7. 1.10.5. and 1.10.6
    . ?
    Motion 1
    G.G.R. 1.6.3 Senior Supervisor

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    Moved by W. Parkhouse, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that all SFU faculty members be eligible to supervise graduate students
    whose degree culminates in a project, extended essay, field or
    comprehensive examination"
    Senate was advised that the motion was intended to apply to students undertaking a
    Master's degree.
    A number of grammatical errors were noted in the rationale. Assurances were given by the
    Secretary of Senate that appropriate corrections would be made.
    It was noted that having supervision done by a regular faculty member who has a research
    interest in the same area as the student's topic area provided the student with a research
    and learning experience - an experience that might be lost with the suggested revision. It
    was pointed out that projects, extended essays and comprehensive examinations have a
    much smaller research component and departments have found that there are faculty who
    are not in the professorial ranks who are completely qualified to supervise students
    undertaking such work.
    Suggestion was made that since the intent of the motion was to apply to students in a
    Master's program, reference should be included in the motion itself. The following revised
    wording was accepted as a friendly amendment:
    "that all SFU faculty members be eligible to supervise
    candidates for a
    Master's degree
    whose degree culminates in a project, extended essay, field
    or comprehensive examination"
    In response to an inquiry, Senate was advised that the intent of the motion was to include
    all continuing SFU faculty members at the Category A and Category B levels.
    A suggestion was made that the project option be removed from the motion because
    students wanting a research experience might prefer to be assured of working with a
    tenured faculty member. It was pointed Out that the inclusion of projects was an explicit
    request from departments with professional master programs and it would be up to the
    Graduate Program Committee to determine whether or not the individual recommended
    to be Senior Supervisor had sufficient research expertise.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Motion 2
    G.G.R. 1.6.4 Supervisory Committee
    Moved by W. Parkhouse, seconded by M. Fizzell

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    "that a supervisory committee not be required for students whose degree
    programs culminate in an extended essay, field or comprehensive
    Concern was expressed about the loss of quality control. W. Parkhouse explained that
    students would primarily be undertaking a course based program with an extended essay,
    field or comprehensive examination, and that the supervisor, in concert with the Graduate
    Program Committee, would be able to provide the necessary guidance needed by the
    student and ensure quality control.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Motion 3
    G.G.R. 1.9.1 Examining Committee for a Master's Degree Candidate
    Moved by W. Parkhouse, seconded by M. Letourneau
    "that the nature of the examination and the composition of the examining
    committee of a student's extended essay, field or comprehensives shall be as
    designated by the appropriate faculty graduate studies committee and the
    Dean of Graduate Studies"
    S ?
    An opinion was expressed that this revision, under delegated authority, would provide too
    much of an opportunity for lower levels of authority to make decisions which essentially
    are the responsibility of Senate. Senate's attention was drawn to GGR 1.10.6 which was
    being eliminated in which similar wording already existed. It was noted that the process
    has been in place and was already being used for some Master's degrees. The issue in
    question was that the definition-of professional degree has essentially become defunct and
    the definition needed to be expanded.
    The following revised wording was accepted as a friendly amendment:
    "that the nature of the examination and the composition of the examining
    committee of a student's extended essay, field or comprehensives shall be as
    designated by the appropriate faculty graduate studies committee and the
    Senate Graduate Studies Committee"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.09-54 - Graduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Education (For?
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved changes to required/core courses and program descriptions
    S ?
    for the Educational Technology and Learning Design, Doctoral Program and the
    Secondary Mathematics Education program.

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    Paper S.09-55 - Graduate Curriculum Revisions - Facult
    of Health Sciences (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved changes to the core courses in the MSc degree program;
    addition of two concentrations - Environmental and Occupational Health and Social
    Inequities and Health - in the MPH degree program; and changes to existing courses in
    the Faculty of Health Sciences.
    Since Senate papers, including details of curriculum revisions, were now posted on the
    Web prior to the Senate meeting, a suggestion to change the reference note on the memo
    to Senate directing Senators to the web link was accepted and would be followed in
    Paper S.09-56 - Graduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Science (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved changes to an existing course in the Department of
    Paper S.09-57 - Proposal to disband the Assessment Committee for New Graduate
    Programs ?
    Moved by W. Parkhouse, seconded by M. Letourneau
    "that Senate approve the disbanding of the Assessment Committee for
    New Graduate Programs (ACNGP) effective immediately"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    D) ?
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    i) ?
    Paper S.09-58 - Changes to Admission Requirements for the BA Program in
    Health Sciences
    Moved by B. Krane, seconded by K. Harding
    "that Senate approve the changes to the Math admission requirements for
    the BA program in Health Sciences, effective Spring 2010"
    K. Corbett, Faculty of Health Sciences, was available to respond to questions.
    A concern was expressed about the removal of Math 12 as an admission requirement for
    this program, and discussion took place with respect to the rationale for this change. In

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    particular, discussion centered on what was perceived to be a lowering of standards and
    the Faculty's ability to meet the enrolment targets set for Health Sciences. Experience had
    found that students in the BA program were not drawing on their high school Math, and
    following consultations with the faculty involved in the program, as well as high school
    counselors, the decision was made that Math 12 was not needed. Senate was also advised
    that the issue behind the change was not so much related to enrolment targets as it was
    one of balancing needs within the curriculum in terms of requirements for the students
    taking courses that do not require Math 12. Students taking the BA program were
    interested in Health Sciences from a Social Sciences point of view and this change was
    consistent with entrance requirements within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.09-59 - New Policy - Letters of Permission (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved a new policy for Letters of Permission to replace the
    current policy effective September 2009.
    Paper S.09-60 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Applied
    Sciences (For Information'
    S ?
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved a decrease in maintenance GPA and minor revisions
    to existing courses in Engineering Science, and a change to the Ergonomics
    Concentration and minor changes to existing courses in Biomedical Physiology and
    Concerns were expressed about the decrease in maintenance GPA as it was perceived to
    be a lowering of standards. It was pointed out that the maintenance level was similar to
    requirements at other Canadian institutions so it was not out of line.
    Paper S.09-61 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Arts and Social
    Sciences (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved revisions to program requirements and minor changes
    to existing courses in the following areas: Explorations Program, International Studies, and
    Paper S.09-62 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Business
    Administration (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved changes to the following areas: maintenance CGPA,
    degree program requirements, non-Business student access to upper division Business

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    courses, name of the Accounting Concentration, and minor changes to existing courses. A
    broad based admissions pilot - 50 Exceptions for 50 Exceptional Students - was also
    approved under delegated authority.
    Paper S.09-63 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Facult
    of Education (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Cornniittee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved course deletions and minor revisions to existing
    Paper S.09-64 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Facult
    of Health
    Sciences (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved changes to requirements for the BSc program, new
    courses, WQB designations and minor revisions to existing courses.
    E) ?
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.09-65 - Elections
    Senators were advised that no further nominations were received. Greg Dow was
    therefore elected by acclamation to the Senate Committee on University Priorities, and
    Brad Bart and Alison Gill were elected by acclamation to the Senate Committee on
    University Teaching and Learning. There were two candidates for the Faculty Senator
    (FCAT) position on the Senate Committee on University Priorities so online balloting
    following the Senate meeting would take place to determine who would serve. Since
    online balloting was allowed, participation response from Senate has been slightly lower
    than expected and Senators were encouraged to vote when they receive the email
    notification of the ballot. As a result of online balloting, Alison Beale was elected to the
    Senate Committee on University Priorities.
    Other Business
    i) ?
    Paper S.09-66 - Notice of Motion: Revisions to the Rules of Senate
    Senate received a Notice of Motion with regard to revisions to the Rules of Senate.
    Motions covering the revisions will be brought forward to the May meeting of Senate for
    Reference was made to the recent faculty elections to Senate and a concern was expressed
    about the relatively small number of people who had voted. Opinion was expressed that it
    was better if more people participated in such a vote as by doing so they become more
    aware of Senate itself and perhaps more interested in Senate business. It was suggested that

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    statistics be kept on the number of people voting and the areas in which the votes were?
    coming from since some important messages are caught by spam Liters.
    The-date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, May 11, 2009.
    Open Session adjourned at 6:50 pm and Senate moved directly into Closed Session.
    Alison Watt
    Director, University Secretariat

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