    Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on ?
    Monday, July 7, 2008 at 5:30 pm in Room 3210 WMC
    Open Session
    Present: Stevenson, Michael, President and Chair of Senate
    Agnes, George (representing J. Driver)
    Arsenault-Antolick, Haida
    Bains, Aman
    Bart, Brad
    Bocking, Natalie
    Brennand, Tracy
    Chapman, Glenn
    Collinge, Joan
    Copeland, Lynn
    Dawkins, Heather (representing L. Cormack)
    Dow, Greg
    Fergusson, Andrew
    Fizzell, Maureen
    Golnaraghi, Faiid
    Hannah, David
    Harding, Kevin
    Joifres, Michel
    Krane, Bill
    Laba, Martin
    Lee, Benjamin
    Letourneau, Michael
    Lewis, Brian
    Leznoff, Daniel
    Liljedahl, Peter
    MacDonald, Camille
    O'Neil, John
    Paling, Joseph
    Patel, Ravi
    Percival, Cohn
    Peters, Joseph
    Pinto, Mario
    Plischke, Michael
    Popadiuk, Natalee
    Shaker, Paul
    Shapiro, Daniel
    Shermer, Thomas
    Tapia, Earl Von
    Thompson, Steve
    Tiny, Evan
    Van Baarsen, Amanda
    van der Wey, Dolores
    Wakkary, Ron
    Warner, D'Arcy
    Ross, Kate, Registrar & Senior Director Student Enrolment
    • ?
    Watt, Alison, Director, University Secretariat
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary
    Easton, Stephen
    Francis, June
    Gençay, Ramo
    Gordon, Robert
    Hayes, Michael
    Janes, Craig
    Louie, Brandt
    McArthur, James
    Percival, Paul
    Russell, Robert
    Vaid, Bhuvinder
    Williams, Tony
    In attendance:
    Donelan, Max
    Kiai, Mehran
    Lee, Jacy

    S.M. 7 July 2008
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    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of June 2. 2008
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    Question Period
    Senate was advised that questions submitted by M. Letoumeau for Question Period dealt
    with the same issue which the Chair intended to report on so agenda items 4 and 5 would
    be dealt with together.
    The submission for Question Period involved a set of related questions concerning the
    "Government Letter of Expectations" recently issued to the University by the Ministry of
    Advanced Education. In response to Question 1 as to whether the Letter of Expectations
    had been signed, the Chair reported that the Chair of the Board of Governors had not
    signed the document nor was her signature being recommended. In response to Question
    2 concerning the impact on the relationship between Senate and the Board of Governors
    with respect to decision-making authority for the University, the Chair stated that the
    Letter of Expectations raised difficult questions about the relationship between Senate and
    the Board in respect of university governance and for that reason could not be signed as
    presented. In response to Questions 3 and 4 regarding the impact on Senate's ability to set
    academic policy for the University and the impact on the independence granted to the
    University under Section 48 of the University Act, the Chair explained that since the
    Letter of Expectations touched on matters that are under the statutory authority of Senate
    such as the kinds of programs that would need to be developed at SPU, signature by the
    Chair of the Board of Governors would be
    ultra vires.
    These and other jurisdictional issues
    were at issue and would be included in the University's response to the Letter of
    Expectations. In response to the final question, Question 5, concerning how the
    University intended to address these concerns, the Chair indicated that the Government
    would be alerted to the potential conflicts posed by the proposed Letter of Expectation
    and reminded that since this is a matter of common interest to BC research universities,
    the Presidents and Board Chairs will be meeting to ensure that all institutions are acting in
    concert on this matter.
    Reports of Committees
    A) ?
    Senate Committee on University Priorities
    Paper S.08-85 - Name Change from School of Kinesiologv to Department of
    Biomedical Ph ysiolog
    and Kinesiology
    Moved by B. Krane, seconded by B. Lewis ?

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    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    name change for the School of Kinesiology to the Department of
    Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology, effective April 1, 2009"
    M. Donelan, School of Kinesiology was in attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    ii) ?
    Paper S.08-86 - Facult y
    of Education: Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Counselling
    and Human Development
    Moved by B. Krane, seconded by N. Popadiuk
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the full
    program proposal for a Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Counselling and
    Human Development in the Faculty of Education"
    N. Popadiuk, Senator, Faculty of Education was available to respond to questions.
    In response to questions about the primary audience and the relationship of the Post
    Baccalaureate Diploma [PBD] to the Minor program in the same area, Senate was advised
    . ?
    that the primary audience would be persons already working in the field who were
    interested in moving into a counselling program to obtain a Master's degree, and that the
    Minor would be taken by students during their Bachelor program, while the PBD would
    be taken by students who already have a Bachelor's degree in a different area. Students
    who have completed the Minor in Counselling and Human Development as part of their
    Bachelor's program would not be able to, nor be interested in, taking the PBD.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.08-87 - Name for new Faculty: Faculty of Communication. Art and?
    Technolog y (FCAT)
    Moved by B. Krane, seconded by B. Lewis
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the name for
    the new Faculty as Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology (FCAT)"
    B. Lewis, Senator and Dean of Applied Sciences was available to respond to questions.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

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    B) ?
    Senate Committee on Under g raduate Studies
    Paper S.08-88 - Curriculum Changes. Facult
    of Applied Sciences (For
    Information): Interactive Arts and Technology
    . Engineering Science, and
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting.
    under delegated authority, approved course deletions, new courses and program changes
    in the following areas: Interactive Arts and Technology, Engineering Science, and
    Paper S.08-89 - Curriculum Changes. Facukv of Arts and Social Sciences (For
    Information): English
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved new courses in the Department of English.
    Pater S.08-90 - Curriculum Chanaes, Facult
    y of ucatioiiiFodnformatioth
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved program changes and changes to existing courses in
    the Faculty of Education.
    Paper S.08-91 - Curriculum Changes. Faculty of Science (For Information):
    Molecular Biology and Biochemistr
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved changes to existing courses in Molecular Biology and
    Biochemistry and Physics.
    Paper S.08-92 - Curriculum changes. Undergraduate Semester in Dialogue (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved course deletions in the Undergraduate Semester in
    Dialogue program.
    Paper S.08-93 - BC 12 Provincial Exam Requirements
    Moved by B. Krane, seconded by K. Harding
    "that Senate approve that BC 12 students not be required to write optional
    BC Provincial Grade 12 examinations for admission other than those
    required for graduation. If written, grades from the optional provincial
    examinations would be used only if they increase a student's admission
    K. Ross, Registrar, M. Kiai, Director, Enrolment Services, andJ. Lee, Director,
    Institutional Research and Planning were available to respond to questions.

    S.M. 7 July 2008
    . ?
    A member of SPCSAB advised that the issue of requiring or not requiring provincial
    exams for scholarship assessment has been discussed on many occasions. In order to clarify
    Senate's position and provide direction to the SPCSAB on this issue, the following
    amendment was made.
    Amendment moved by C. Percival, seconded by R. Patel
    "that the words 'or entrance scholarships' be added to the motion
    following the word 'admission' in the first sentence'
    Senate was advised that the intent was to have the same process concerning provincial
    exams apply to admission and to scholarship assessment. Reference to the second part of
    the motion was made and a brief discussion followed in which the Registrar explained
    how the process would work with respect to scholarship assignments. It was also noted
    that UBC was treating scholarship assessments in the same way and it was suggested that
    consistency across the university system would be helpful.
    Question was called on the amendment and a vote taken.
    In response to an inquiry with regard to the admission requirement for students to have a
    specific number of Government examinable courses for direct entrance from high school,
    Senate was advised that the motion before Senate does not change that criteria.
    Several members expressed support for the motion for pragmatic reasons but felt that it
    was an unfortunate course of action which was necessary but may result in general grade
    inflation and differential grade inflation from the high schools. Discussion ensued about
    the effect this would have on the admission process, and Senate was advised that the
    Registrar's Office would carefully monitor and evaluate the situation.
    Inquiries were made about whether there was any data to show how many students were
    choosing other institutions over SFU. Although specific figures are available, Senate was
    advised that when recent provincial data was reviewed in relation to BC's Passport to
    Education incentive, the number of students going to universities outside BC had
    increased. An opinion was expressed that the debate appeared to be structured in terms of
    principle reasons versus pragmatic reasons. Before principles were sacrificed it might be
    worthwhile to determine whether this was an opportunity for SFU to take a stand for a
    pedagogical principle, but delaying a decision in order to collect further data might
    significantly jeopardize SFU's recruiting efforts for 2009.
    It was noted that UVic had decided some months ago to drop the provincial exam
    requirement and this change would take effect for their September 2008 intake. An
    inquiry was made as to whether it was possible to delay the motion for a short period of
    time to get a better sense of how admissions at UVic were affected. The Registrar advised
    that since the SFU change was proposed for implementation in Fall 2009, admission
    materials needed to be printed immediately for recruitment so timeliness was crucial.

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    The motion, as amended, was reiterated prior to a vote being taken: ?
    "that Senate approve that BC 12 students not be required to write optional
    BC Provincial Grade 12 examinations for admission or entrance
    scholarships other than those required for graduation. If written, grades
    from the optional provincial examinations would be used only if they
    increase a student's admission average."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    C) ?
    Senate Graduate Studies Committee
    Paper S.08-94 - Curriculum Changes. Facult
    of Applied Sciences (For
    Information): Communication, Interactive Arts and Technolog y . Kinesiologv,
    Engineering Science
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved new courses and changes to existing courses in the
    following areas: Communication, Interactive Arts and Technology, Kinesiology, and
    Engineering Science.
    Paper S.08-95 - Curriculum Changes. Faculty of Business Administration (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved program changes and changes to existing courses in the
    Faculty of Business Administration.
    Paper S.08-96 - Curriculum Changes. Faculty of Education (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved changes to programs in the Faculty of Education.
    Paper S.08-97 - Curriculum Changes. Faculty of Science (For Information):
    Biological Sciences. Mathematics, Physics
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved course deletions and changes to existing courses in the
    following areas: Biological Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics.
    D) ?
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.08-98 Revised -Elections
    Senate's attention was drawn to Senate Paper S.08-98 Revised which was distributed at
    the meeting and showed all positions which were elected by acclamation and those
    positions which required balloting. Senators were reminded that voting would take place
    on-line. Senators would receive an email with information and links to both the ballot and
    the candidate statements that are on-line. A copy of S.08-98 Revised would also be -

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    . ?
    attached to the email so Senators have complete electoral information. Voting on-line
    would be accessible for approximately two days and all Senators were encouraged to vote.
    Names of candidates elected by acclamation can be found on Senate Paper S.08-98
    Revised. Outstanding vacancies will be carried forward. The results of on-line voting are
    as follows:
    Senate Committee on International Activities (SCLA)
    One Student (Alternate) for term of office to May 31, 2010
    Elected: ?
    Robert Lutener
    Other Business
    There was no other business.
    The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, September 15,
    Since this was their last meeting of Senate in their capacity as Deans, the Chair wished to
    recognize P. Shaker, Dean of Education and B. Lewis, Dean of Applied Sciences. On
    behalf of Senate and the University, the Chair extended thanks and appreciation to the
    Deans for their service and contributions to Senate and the University.
    The Open Session adjourned at 6:20 pm, and Senate moved directly into Closed Session.
    Alison Watt
    Director, University Secretariat

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