    ? Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
    Monday, September 18, 2006 in Room 3210 WMC at 7:00 pm
    Open Session
    Present: Schellenberg, Betty, Vice-Chair of Senate
    Black, Sam
    Brennand, Tracy
    Copeland, Lynn
    Breden, Felix
    Corbett, Kitty
    Caufield, Sarah
    Dagenais, Diane
    Dunnet, Margot
    Delgrande, James
    Gregory, Titus
    Dickinson, Peter
    Hayes, Michael
    Driver, Jon
    Louie, Brandt
    Easton, Stephen
    McArthur, James
    Ester, Martin
    Smith, Don
    Fizzell, Maureen
    Stevenson, Michael
    Gençay. Ramo
    Tingling, Peter
    Gordon, Irene
    Warner, D'Arcy
    Gordon, Robert
    Zandvliet, David
    Halpern, Erica
    Harder, Derrick
    Haunerland, Norbert
    Honda, Barry
    In attendance:
    Javed, Waseem
    Angerilli, Nello
    . ?
    Joifres, Michel
    Burley, David
    Kelly, Vanessa
    Jones, John
    Krane, Bill
    Klemetski, Muriel
    Lewis, Brian
    MacLean, Deriyl
    Lewis, Glyn
    Punnen, Abraham
    Li, Wei
    Liljedahl, Peter
    MacKenzie, Christine
    MacLean, David
    Mathewes, Rolf (representing M. Plischke)
    Nesbit, Tom (representing J. LaBrie)
    Percival, Cohn
    Percival, Paul
    Peters, Joseph
    Pierce, John
    Pinto, Mario
    Rebman, Rachelle
    Russell, Robert
    Shaker, Paul
    Shemier, Thomas
    Smart, Carolyn
    van Baarsen,, Amanda
    Waterhouse, John
    Weeks, Dan
    . ?
    Williams, Peter
    Wong, Josephine
    Heath, Ron, Registrar
    Watt, Alison, Director, University Secretariat

    S.M. September 18, 2006
    Page 2
    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of July 10, 2006
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arisin
    from the Minutes
    In answer to a question, J. Waterhouse indicated that the Great Northern Way Campus
    document that had been approved by Senate in July with revisions, was now being
    considered by the UBC Senate. If approved, the revised document will be forwarded to
    the governing bodies of the other two partner institutions.
    Report of the Chair
    The Vice-Chair reported that President Stevenson was attending the
    anniversary of
    the founding of Jilin University, which is the institution in China with which SFU has the
    longest partnership.
    On behalf of Senate, the Vice-Chair welcomed two new Senators: Dr. Diane Dagenais,
    Faculty Senator from the Faculty of Education, and Dr. Carolyn Smart, Dean Pro Tern,
    Faculty of Business Administration. Senate was also informed that Ms. Bobbie Grant
    was away with a serious wrist injury, and on behalf of Senate, the Vice-Chair asked that
    best wishes be conveyed to Bobbie for a speedy and complete recovery.
    Question Period
    There were no questions.
    Reports of Committees
    Senate Committee on University Priorities
    i) ?
    Paper S.06-90 - Centre for
    erations Research and Decision Sciences
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by R. Russell
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the
    creation of the Centre for Operations Research and Decision Sciences
    (CORDS) as a Schedule B Centre"
    A. Punnen, Department of Mathematics was in attendance in order to respond to
    The question was called, and a vote taken.
    iii)D. ?
    of Archaeology
    Review - Department
    was in attendance
    of Archaeologyin
    order to respond to

    S.M. September 18, 2006
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    P. Percival congratulated the department on receiving a strong External Review. Noting
    that Senate does not deal with budgetary matters, he asked the Vice-President, Academic
    whether, in future, SCUP could consider providing direction to the senior administration
    to deal with University-level issues, such as support for the Museum, rather than
    restricting the recommendations to directions to the Dean and the Department. The Vice-
    President, Academic responded that his office and SCUP would work to improve these
    motions. With regard to the specific matter of the Museum, a meeting will be held
    between himself and the Department and the Dean to discuss this matter. D. Weeks
    mentioned that SCUP had revised and improved the draft motion before its submission to
    Senate. D. Burley noted that this was the third External Review that had contained a
    recommendation regarding the Museum, and he looked forward to discussing this matter
    In answer to a question from C. Percival about whether he viewed T.A.ships primarily as
    graduate student support or as assistance in teaching, the Vice-President, Academic
    responded that he considered both equally important.
    The question was called, and a vote taken. ? MOTION CARRIED
    Paper S.06-92 - Centre for the Comparative Stud
    of Muslim Societies and
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by E. Halpern
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    creation of the Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and
    Cultures as a Schedule A Centre"
    Denyl MacLean, Department of History was in attendance to order to respond to any
    There was a brief discussion about the use of the words "Islam" and "Muslim" which was
    followed by an expression of thanks and congratulations by W. Javed to Dr. MacLean for
    his efforts in making this centre a reality at SFU.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.06-93 - Additive credit for Co-op
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by N. Haunerland
    "that Senate approve that each co-op semester completed by a student at
    SFU be granted three additive credits. These are in addition to the credits
    required for the degree. This is to be effective for the Spring 2007 (1071)
    semester, subject to the ability to implement by that date."
    J. Jones, Associate Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences, N. Angerilli, Associate Vice-
    President, Students and International and M. Klemetski, Acting Director, Co-operative
    Education were in attendance in order to respond to questions.

    S.M. September 18, 2006
    In answer to a question, J. Waterhouse indicated the additive credits would be included in
    student FTEs. The issue of fees was raised, and J. Waterhouse indicated that no
    additional fees will be charged, and he has no intention of recommending a change in the
    fee as a consequence of this action. A question was also posed about the impact of
    increased co-op enrollments in a department and whether this might lead to some
    individuals receiving some teaching relief for overseeing co-op work terms; J.
    Waterhouse indicated that this would depend on the department, but in principle some
    resources would result from increased enrollments..
    The question was called, and a vote taken. ? MOTION CARRIED
    v) ?
    Paper S.06-94 - Jarislowsky Foundation Endowed Chair in Cultural Change
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the terms
    of reference for the Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Religion and Cultural
    Change Dynamics supported by the Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural
    Change Endowment Fund."
    A senator noted that the fund was sufficiently large to support the cost of a faculty
    position and asked why the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is to provide the faculty
    position. J. Pierce noted that it was the wish of the donor that the funds be available to
    develop the broad purposes of the chair, including supporting a new program of study.
    The question was called, and a vote taken. ? MOTION CARRIED
    B) ?
    Senate Committee on Under
    raduate Studies
    S.06-95 -
    of Arts and Social Sciences - Curriculum Chan
    ges (For
    Information): Latin American Studies Program
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved the re-instatement of LAS 300-3 and LAS 312-3.
    Paper S.06-96 - Faculty of Science - Curriculum Changes (For Information):
    Earth Sciences, Statistics, Biological Sciences, MBB, Physics
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved a variety of curriculum revisions for courses in the
    above-noted departments.
    er S.06-97 - Faculty of Applied
    Sciences - Curriculum Chan ges (For
    Information): Computing Science, Engineering Science, Interactive Arts and
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved a variety of curriculum revisions for courses in the

    S.M. September 18, 2006
    above-noted departments, including a new course CMPT 376 and the deletion of JART,
    INTD, MTEC, and TECH courses.
    er S.06-98 - Facult y
    of Education - Curriculum Chan
    ges (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved a moratorium on new enrollments in the Certificate
    in Literacy Instruction for two years, and minor revisions to courses in the Faculty of
    Paper S.06-99 - Faculty
    of Business Administration - Curriculum Chan
    ges (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved some minor curriculum revisions for courses in the
    Faculty of Business Administration
    er S.06-100 - Faculty
    of Health Sciences - Curriculum Chan
    ges (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    • ?
    under delegated authority, approved the following new courses: HSCI 214, 215, 303,
    304, 307, 322, 323, 324,
    340, 399,
    431, 432, 441, 442, 443, and 499; the
    deletion of HSCI 130 and minor curriculum revisions to one course in the Faculty of
    Health Sciences.
    C) ?
    Senate Committee on Graduate Studies
    Paper S.06-101 - Faculty
    of Education - Curriculum Chan
    es (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies, acting under
    delegated authority, approved a new course EDUC 879 in the Faculty of Education.
    Paper S.06-102 - Faculty
    of Science - Curriculum Chan
    es (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies, acting under
    delegated authority, approved a new course PHYS 864 in the Faculty of Science.
    ii) ?
    Paper S.06-103 - Faculty of Business Administration - Curriculum Changes (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies, acting under
    • ?
    delegated authority, approved the deletion of the Specialist MBA program, and the
    addition of the following new courses: BUS 974, 875, 976, 977, 978 in the Faculty of
    Business Administration.

    S.M. September 18, 2006
    Page 6
    Paper S.06-104 - Facult
    of Health Sciences - Curriculum Changes (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies, acting under
    delegated authority, approved the following new courses GLOH 625,
    and HSCI 893,
    894, 898 and minor revisions to other courses in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
    D) ?
    Senate Committee on A
    enda and Rules
    Paper S.06-89 - Revisions to the Rules of Senate
    Moved by P. Percival, seconded by J. Waterhouse
    "that Senate approve the revisions to the Rules of Senate contained in
    paper S.06-89 with minor editorial revisions."
    P. Percival noted that he and A. Watt had noted a few minor editorial revisions that were
    needed. The Vice-Chair asked if Senate was willing to accept that these revisions would
    be dealt with, and there was no objection to that suggestion.
    Referring to section V.B. 1. I. Gordon spoke against increasing the number of senators
    required to call a special meeting from
    to 10. It was noted that no special meeting had
    been called in 10 years. The change in the size of Senate was not an adequate
    justification in her opinion. Others spoke in favour of the recommended change and the
    parallel change in the size of the quorum that had been recommended by SCAR.
    The question was called, and a vote taken. MOTION CARRIED WITH 2/3 MAJORITY
    Paper S.06-105 - Low Risk Approvals
    - Senate Committee on International
    Moved by J. Driver, seconded by D. Harder
    "that the Chair of SCIA be authorized to approve low risk international activities
    using criteria outlined in
    with the understanding that all such approvals
    will be reported to SCIA, and that SCIA has the right to change the Chair's
    The question was called, and a vote taken. ? MOTION CARRIED
    Paper S.06-106 - Chan
    es to Senate Committees resultin
    from Student Services
    This matter was circulated to Senate for information.
    E. ?
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.06-107 - Elections

    S.M. September 18, 2006
    Page 7
    Senate was advised of the following elections to Senate committees (by acclamation):
    Senate Committee on Continuing Studies: Gillian Judson
    Senate Committee on University Priorities David Zandvliet
    Senate Graduate Studies Committee
    Anthony Kupferschmidt (Regular member)
    Marie-Claude Lavoie (Alternate member)
    Miraj Khaled (Alternate member)
    The remaining vacancies will be carried forward to the next meeting of Senate.
    ii) ?
    Paper S.06-108 - Research Ethics Board
    Moved by M. Pinto, seconded by J. Waterhouse:
    "that Senate approve the list of names for the Research Ethics Board noted in
    paper S. 06-108, consisting of Dr. E. Goldner, Dr. D. MacLean, Dr. T. Takaro and
    Dr. C. Waddell."
    In answer to a question, the Vice-President, Research noted that these names are being
    put forward as a list, and the Research Ethics Board will select an individual from the list
    to deal with cases that require medical expertise.
    The question was called, and a vote taken.
    7. ?
    Other Business
    Declaration of Vacancy
    A. Watt reported that a student senator had recently resigned, and she announced that a
    by-election for two student senator vacancies would be held shortly.
    Notice of Motion
    In accordance with the Rules of Senate, a notice of motion regarding revision to the time
    of Senate meetings was presented to Senate. This item will be on the agenda for
    consideration at the next meeting of Senate.
    W. Ronald Heath, retirin g
    as Registrar
    The Chair noted that this would be the last meeting that Ron Heath would be attending as
    Registrar after 22 years of service to SFU. On behalf of Senate, she made a presentation
    to him, and thanked him sincerely for the advice and direction he has provided in this role
    over many years. Senate gave Mr. Heath a standing ovation in appreciation of his
    commitment and service to SFU.
    8. ?
    The date of the next regular meeting of Senate is Monday, October 16, 2006.
    The Open Session adjourned at 7:45 p.m., and Senate moved directly into Closed Session.
    Alison Watt, Director, University Secretariat

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