    Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on?
    Monday, January 9, 2006 at
    pm in Room 3210 WMC
    Open Session
    Stevenson, Michael, President and Chair of Senate
    Apaak, Clement
    Breden, Felix
    Brennand, Tracy
    Caufield, Sarah
    Corbett, Kitty
    Delgrande, James
    Fleming-Saraceno, David
    Gordon, Robert
    Grimmett, Peter
    Halpern, Erica
    Hayes, Michael
    Honda, Barry
    Javed, Wasseem
    Louie, Brandt
    Magee, Sean
    McArthur, James
    Pinto, Mario
    Scott, Jamie
    van Baarsen, Amanda
    Williams, Peter
    Black, Sam
    Budd, James
    Dickinson, John
    Dickinson, Peter
    Easton, Stephen
    Easter, Martin
    Fizzell, Maureen
    Gordon, Irene
    Harder, Derrick
    Haun cr1 and, Norbert
    Heift, Trude (re p resenting J. Driver)
    Joffres, Michel
    Krane, Bill
    LaBrie, John
    Lewis, Brian
    Love, Ernie
    MacKenzie, Christine
    MacLean, David
    Owen, Brian (representing L. Copeland)
    Percival, Cohn
    Percival, Paul
    Pierce, John
    Plischke, Michael
    Schellenberg, Betty
    Shaker, Paul
    Smith, Don
    Tilley, Kevin
    Uhlmann, Sasha
    Warner, D'Arcy
    Waterhouse, John
    Weeks, Daniel
    Wong, Josephine
    Woodbury, Robert
    Zandvliet, David
    In attendance:
    Anderson, Gail
    Davison, Allan
    Kawasaki, Tsuyoshi
    MacAlister, David
    Perry, Tom
    Taboada, Maite
    Heath, Ron, Registrar
    Watt, Alison, Director, University Secretariat
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary

    S.M. 9 January 2006
    Page 2
    Approval of the Agenda
    Following the withdrawal of agenda item 6.A.vi - Senate paper S.06-6 - Cohort Special
    Arrangements Program - Master of Global Health, and the addition of an item under
    Other Business - Search Committee for the Associate Vice-President, Students and
    International, the Agenda was approved.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of December
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair reported that a series of questions regarding issues affecting post-secondary
    education had been sent by AUCC to all parties in the Federal election. Detailed replies
    are available on the web site of AUCC. In general, responses suggest that all parties take
    higher education very seriously and support improvements in funding. The Chair also
    reported that he had been in touch with all candidates running in the Lower Mainland
    with respect to the same issues. Local candidates were provided background information
    with an invitation to contact him if they wished to pursue any of the issues in detail.
    The Chair reported that detailed discussions about funding are currently taking place with
    the Provincial Government. The Perrin Assessment and Review of the last funding
    letters to universities resulted in recommendations similar to those of the TUPC. The
    Ministry and Treasury Board have authorized adjustments that should provide
    universities some short-term relief this year. Although recommendations for continuing
    and sustained funding are still unknown, there appears to be a commitment to follow
    through on the Accessibility Plan to add 25,000 seats in higher education, and there is
    acknowledgement that proper funding for this expansion needs to be in place. Detailed
    budget consultations within the university will begin this month and funding letters are
    expected to be received following the next budget.
    In a report on the activities of the Board of Governors, the Chair advised that the Board
    had approved the Ethical Procurement Policy.
    Question Period
    In response to a question as to whether the TUPC report referred to by the Chair was
    available, the Chair indicated that since the report was advice to the Minister there may
    be issues around confidentiality, but it was suggested that the Vice-President Finance and
    Administration be contacted in this regard.

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    0 ?
    6. ?
    Reports of Committees
    A) ?
    Senate Committee on University Priorities
    Paper S.06-1 - Extended Minor in the Asia-Canada Program and deletion of the
    Asia-Canada Minor
    Motion 1
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for an Extended Minor in the Asia-Canada program, in the
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences"
    T. Kawasaki, Political Science/Humanities, and T. Perry, Associate Dean, were in
    attendance in order to respond to questions.
    The question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    Motion 2
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    ? proposal to delete the Asia-Canada Minor program in the Faculty of Arts
    and Social Sciences"
    The question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.06-2 - Collaborative Major in First Nations Studies between SFU and
    Thompson Rivers Universit
    . and Post Baccalaureate Diploma in First Nations
    Motion I
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the proposal
    for a Collaborative Major in First Nations Studies in the Faculty of Arts and
    Social Sciences, between SFU (Kamloops) and Thompson Rivers University"
    T. Perry, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, was in attendance in order
    to respond to questions.
    The question was called, and a vote taken.

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    Motion 2
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for a Post Baccalaureate Diploma in First Nations Studies in the
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences"
    The question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.06-3 - Minor in Legal Studies, and Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Legal
    Motion 1
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for a Minor in Legal Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Social
    G. Anderson and D. MacAlister from the School of Criminology were in attendance.
    The question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by
    J. Waterhouse, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for a Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Legal Studies in the Faculty
    of Arts and Social Sciences"
    The question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.06-4 Joint Major in Computational Linguistics in the Faculties of Arts
    and Social Sciences and Applied Sciences
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by S. Hunsdale
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the
    proposal for a Joint Major in Computational Linguistics in the Faculty of
    Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Applied Sciences".
    M. Taboada, Department of Linguistics, was in attendance.
    A question arose with respect to the Topics in Linguistics courses on page 4 concerning
    how it would be decided whether these courses would be "suitable" for this program and
    what happened if a suitable topic was not offered. Senate was advised that the suitability

    S.M. 9 January 2006
    • of topics would be decided by the Department, and even if neither of these courses were
    offered with suitable topics, the Department offers computational content courses on a
    regular basis that would provide options to students to fit their requirements.
    A concern was raised that this is a very specialized area that most students would be
    unaware of when entering the University and they might lack adequate preparation. M.
    Taboada noted that different entry levels into the program were anticipated, and the
    Department felt that first and second year students would have no difficulty entering the
    program and fulfilling the requirements. It was noted that Cognitive Science is another
    program that students become acquainted with in their first and second years, and this
    program was quite popular with good enrolment. In response to a question about whether
    Computational Linguistics would draw enrolments away from Cognitive Science, Senate
    was advised that although there is some overlap in requirements and there is a question as
    to whether students would be allowed to major in both programs, the Department did not
    feel that the programs would interfere with each other.
    The question was called, and a vote taken.
    V) ?
    Paper S.06-5 - Graduate Diploma in Global Health
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by D. MacLean
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, the proposal
    for a Graduate Diploma in Global Health in the Faculty of Health Sciences"
    A. Davison, Faculty of Health Sciences, and D. MacLean, Senator and Dean of the
    Faculty of Health Sciences were available to respond to questions.
    With reference to the statement on page 2 concerning budgetary discussions being in
    progress, Senate was advised that full budgetary discussions have now been concluded.
    It was noted that the content of GLOH 510 might be challenging for students who would
    be returning to University after working for some time in the health field, and a question
    arose as to whether there were plans to provide tutorial support for this course. Senate
    was advised that the course was fairly basic and unlikely to require that kind of support.
    However, if this problem arose the Faculty would take steps to address it.
    The question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    vi) ?
    Paper S.06-6 - Cohort Special Arrangements Program - Master of Global Health
    The above-noted paper was withdrawn from the Agenda.

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    vii) ?
    Paper S.06-7 - Merck Frosst Chair in Statistics and Information Sciences for
    Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by D. MacLean
    "that Senate approve the terms of reference for the Merck Frosst Chair in
    Statistics and Information Sciences of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal
    Diseases in the Faculty of Health Sciences"
    A senator asked whether there would be further discussion of this item at the Board, and
    was advised by the Chair that there would be further consideration of the terms of
    reference since they also require the approval of the Board of Governors.
    The question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    Senate Committee on Continuing Studies
    i) ?
    Paper S.06-8 - Annual Report (For Information)
    J. LaBrie, Senator and Dean of Continuing Studies was available to respond to questions.
    The Annual Report of the Senate Committee on Continuing Studies was received by
    Senate for information without discussion.
    Senate Graduate Studies Committee
    1) ?
    Paper S.06-9 - Faculty of Education - Graduate Curriculum Revisions (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved a change in prerequisite for EDUC 876 and a minor
    Calendar change concerning the composition of the Ed.D. supervisory committee.
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    i) ?
    Paper S.06-110 - Change to Admission Requirements to the Faculty of Arts and
    Social Sciences
    Motion 1
    Moved by C. MacKenzie, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve a change to the requirements for admission to the
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) such that effective Fall 2006,
    students currently enrolled in other Faculties at SFU must have a GPA of
    2.0 or greater to enter the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences"
    The question was called, and a vote taken.

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    Motion 2
    Moved by C. MacKenzie, seconded by I. Gordon
    "that Senate approve a change to the requirements for admission to FASS so
    that effective immediately, if a student withdraws or is required to withdraw,
    and if the student is, at that time, in the FASS, and if that student is
    subsequently readmitted to the University, s/he shall be permitted to re-enter
    FASS, even though their SFU CGPA is less than 2.00"
    After various questions were posed about the rationale for this policy a lengthy
    discussion ensued. Several senators provided information about this matter, indicating
    that it was intended for those who had been required to withdraw and their GPA was
    below 2.0. In most cases, these students attend another institution and do better in their
    academic work but when they return to SFU their original GPA is still below 2.0. By
    this motion, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences was prepared to provide a
    mechanism for FASS students to seek readmission to the University but was not prepared
    to accept students who had been required to withdraw from other programs. Students of
    other Faculties would be in a different situation, such as Business Administration
    students who are required to maintain a 2.25 CGPA. A Business student whose grades
    drops below 2.0 and is required to withdraw, could not now be re-admitted to the
    University in FASS.
    Another senator asked whether a student who is re-admitted under these conditions would
    be put immediately back on academic probation, and the Registrar indicated that the
    student would be on academic probation until such time as his/her CGPA improves and is
    above 2.0.
    The question was called, and a vote taken.
    Motion 3
    Moved by C. MacKenzie, seconded by J. Pierce
    "that Senate approve a change to the requirements for admission to FASS so
    that effective immediately, students in Science and Tech One may not transfer
    into the FASS until the end of the second semester following their admission
    to the Science One or Tech One programs"
    Reference was made to the statement in the rationale for this motion that implied
    problems in the Surrey programs, and a Senator expressed the opinion that it might be
    better to address that issue rather than approve the current motion. Senate was advised
    that there had been an unprecedented situation in which students who were not qualified
    0 ?
    to be admitted to other programs had been admitted into the Tech One program, and then

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    Page 8
    had transferred into FASS after only one semester. The proposal is designed to address
    this situation and preserve the integrity of the cohort nature of the Surrey programs.
    Brief discussion followed with respect to admission requirements for Surrey and whether
    similar restrictions were being considered for the Surrey Explorations program. It was
    noted that both Science One and the Surrey Explorations programs had the same
    admission standards as other programs on the Burnaby campus. A question arose as to
    why FASS was the only Faculty included in the motion, since presumably students could
    transfer into other Faculties in the same way. Senate was advised that the other Faculties
    have not experienced any problems, and if problems arose in the future they would be
    addressed on a Faculty by Faculty basis.
    The question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    Paper S.06-11 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Arts and
    Social Sciences
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved new courses, and minor changes in programs and
    requirements in the following departments/programs: Archaeology, Chinese Studies,
    Cognitive Science, Contemporary Arts, Economics, English, French, Geography,
    History, Latin American Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Sustainable Community
    Development. SCUS also approved, under delegated authority, certified Writing,
    Quantitative and Breadth courses in a variety of departments/programs; and changes to
    FASS breadth requirements effective Fall 2006.
    Considerable discussion took place with respect to what impact the requirement of an
    additional 12 credit hours of breadth would have on a student whose major was outside of
    Arts but was doing an extended minor in Arts. It was noted that FASS already had a
    requirement of 30 credits of breadth outside their discipline and the intent of the change
    was to specify that 18 credit hours is to be designated breadth and the remaining 12 credit
    hours would be general breadth. Furthermore, the Registrar explained that a student
    completing a major in Science with an extended minor in Arts, must meet the Science
    requirements for the major, but would not be subject to the 30 credit hours of breadth for
    students majoring in FASS. It was stressed that the change did not have a negative
    impact on students doing extended minors.
    The Chair suggested that the Registrar's clarification be included in the minutes to
    provide an understanding of the change and suggested that the Committee might want to
    review the wording so that the legislation was clearly understood by students and faculty.
    Referring to item g. Department of English, Senate was advised that the credit hours for
    ENGL 399 should be 3 instead of 4. The Chair noted the change and advised that the
    correction would be made.

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    ii) ?
    Faculty of Business Administration
    Paper S.06-12 - Prerequisite changes to existing courses (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved prerequisite changes for BUS 237, 251, and 272.
    iii) ?
    Paper S.06-13 - Enrolment Priority System
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved changes to the enrolment priority system for new
    transfer students for a three semester trial period beginning Spring 2006. The change will
    give new transfer students an enrolment appointment that is approximately the same as
    that of continuing students with 60 credits. Senate was advised that students transferring
    into SFU currently had little registration priority in their first semester and this change
    would ensure they would be treated more fairly.
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.06-14— Elections
    Senate was advised that one nomination had been received and Derrick Harder was
    elected by acclamation to the position on the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules.
    There were no other nominations. Vacancies will be carried forward to the next meeting.
    7. ?
    Other Business
    J. Waterhouse advised Senate that the newly created position of Associate Vice-
    President, Students and International had been filled on an acting basis until August 3 1,
    2006, and in order to facilitate a timely search, the permission of Senate was requested to
    move ahead with the search process. The search process would be governed by the
    existing policy GP 29 Search Committees for Vice-Presidents and Associate Vice-
    Presidents and the proposed composition of the search committee would be similar to
    other Associate Vice-President positions. If Senate had concerns with the proposed
    composition, the Vice-President, Academic stated he would be prepared to postpone this
    item to the next meeting of Senate when a revision to GP 29 could be brought forward.
    In response to a question as to whether the election of students would be conducted
    concurrent with the regular student elections this semester, Senate was advised that if the
    process was to go ahead, the election process would start immediately.
    A Student Senator noted that students were usually selected by the Student Society rather
    than elected by the student population at large, and an inquiry was made as to why the
    process for student representation on this committee differed. A further question was
    raised as to which other committees required elections. The Vice-President, Academic
    advised that the process for student representation appeared to depend on the position
    being searched, and although he did not have detailed information on other committees'
    memberships at hand, he would be pleased to provide the information at a later date.

    S.M. 9 January 2006
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    It was pointed out that normally Senate voted on changes to policy such as this, and a
    clarification was requested as to why this was being presented to Senate for information.
    Senate was advised that permission was being sought to proceed with establishing the
    committee so that a timely search could be undertaken, and that a motion would be
    brought to Senate to approve the changes in policy at a later date. Following brief
    discussion, the Chair reiterated that the search process would proceed with a call for
    nominations, and that the appropriate adjustments in policy would be brought forward to
    Senate at the next meeting.
    8. ?
    The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, February 6, 2006.
    Open Session adjourned at
    pm and Senate moved directly into Closed Session.
    Alison Watt, Director, University Secretariat

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