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    Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
    Monday, March 7, 2005 in Room 3210 WMC at 7:00 pm
    Open Session
    Present: Stevenson, Michael, President and Chair of Senate
    Blackman, Roger
    Breden, Felix
    Brennand, Tracy
    Budd, James
    da Silva, Gisele
    Dean, Charmaine
    Delgrande, James
    Dickinson, John
    Driver, Jon
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    Easton, Stephen
    Fizzell, Maureen
    Giacomantonio, Chris
    Gordon, Irene
    Gordon, Robert
    Gupta, Kamal
    Harder, Derrick
    . ?
    Haunerland, Norbert
    Hayes, Michael
    Honda, Barry
    Hunsdale, Shawn
    Johansen, Elinor
    Krane, Bill
    Lewis, Brian
    Love, Ernie
    MacKenzie, Christine
    MacLean, David
    McInnes, Marcia
    Percival, Paul
    Plischke, Michael
    Rozell, Sara
    Schellenberg, Betty
    Shaker, Paul
    Smit, Bernard
    Smith, Don
    Waterhouse, John
    Weeks, Daniel
    Wong, Josephine
    Yerbury, Cohn
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services and Registrar
    . ?
    Watt, Alison, Director, University Secretariat
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary
    Apaak, Clement
    Beynon, Peter
    Copeland, Lynne
    Fung, Edward
    Grimmett, Peter
    Higgins, Anne
    Horvath, Adam
    Li, Ze-Nian
    Mauser, Gary
    McArthur, James
    McFetridge, Paul
    Pierce, John
    Pinto, Mario
    Sears, Camilla
    Scott, Jamie
    Tombe, Trevor
    Wessel, Sylvia
    Wong, Milton
    Woodbury, Robert
    Zandvhiet, David
    In attendance:
    Brandhorst, Bruce
    Wrenn, Phyllis

    S.M. 7 March 2005
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    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of Februar
    7. 2005
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair advised that he was still not in a position to provide a report on the
    budget but indicated that the Vice-Presidents, Finance of each University were meeting in
    Victoria on March
    with Ministry officials to discuss financial issues.
    As announced recently in the press, the Chair reported that the University has
    partnered with the Bill Reid Foundation which not only manages the artistic holdings of
    the Bill Reid personal collection but also has a mandate to work towards the acquisition
    of significant works in the West Coast First Nations arts traditions. The agreement
    between SFU and the Foundation involves a partnership in the appointment of a new
    President of the Foundation, who will also hold an Adjunct appointment in the Faculty of
    Arts and Social Sciences, working with the Department of Archaeology and the First
    Nations programs to develop and create a Bill Reid Centre of North West Coast Art
    Referring to another recent press announcement about the redevelopment of the
    Woodward's site, the Chair reported on the participation of SFU, with the relocation of
    the School for Contemporary Arts within that development. Senate was informed that
    although SFU has received a gift in land valued at over six million dollars, which
    establishes SFU' s independent presence on that site, significant fundraising requirements
    still need to be met in order to fully occupy the location. Senate was assured that there
    are contingencies in the agreement should the fundraising efforts fail, but there appears to
    be a significant amount of excitement and interest within the University and among
    private developers in having SFU part of the redevelopment.
    With respect to operating grants and capital funding, as reported earlier, the Chair
    indicated that discussions with the Ministry have been productive, and a proposal will be
    submitted to the Treasury Board in the near future with respect to funding requirements
    related to the enrolment growth expectations. Senate was reminded that the TASC I
    building, which was funded under the Double the Opportunity program is currently under
    construction, as is the Science module next to it, which includes a significant CFI
    component. Construction will soon begin on a new Arts and Social Sciences building,
    and finally, a new Health Sciences building is planned and awaiting approval.
    Senate was advised that the Canadian Mint will unveil a new coin
    commemorative of Terry Fox. The public unveiling ceremony is scheduled to be held at
    Simon Fraser University on March 14, 2005.

    S.M. 7 March 2005
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    In response to a question as to when SCUP might expect to discuss budget matters, J.
    Waterhouse indicated that the SCUP budget consultations would be postponed until more
    information was available from the Province, so it would likely be at the second meeting
    of SCUP in March.
    In response to an inquiry as to whether SFU would seek a matching gift from the
    Government in relation to the donation received for the School for the Contemporary
    Arts, the Chair assured Senate that the intention was to do so.
    Question Period
    Question was posed as to whether or not a Faculty Senator had been found to chair the
    new SCAISLE committee, and suggestion was made that consideration be given by
    SCAR to change the terms of reference so someone else can chair the committee if no
    Senator could be found. A number of policy matters remain unresolved and the Student
    Society would like to see the committee operational as soon as possible.
    Reports of Committees
    A) ?
    Senate Committee on University Priorities
    • ?
    i) ?
    Paper S.05-3 5 - External Review - School of Kinesiology
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by S. Hunsdale
    "that Senate concur with the recommendations from the Senate Committee
    on University Priorities concerning advice to the School of Kinesiology on
    priority items resulting from the external review"
    J. Dickinson, Senator and Director of the School, was in attendance in order to respond to
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    ii) ?
    Paper S.05-36 - External Review - Department of Molecular Biology and
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by I. Gordon
    "that Senate concur with the recommendations from the Senate Committee
    on University Priorities concerning advice to the Department of Molecular
    Biology and Biochemistry on priority items resulting from the external
    B. Brandhorst, Chair of the Department, was in attendance in order to respond to

    S.M. 7 March 2005
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    Brief discussion followed with respect to the report. It was pointed out that much of what
    was recommended has already been implemented.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    S.05-37 -
    Joint Honors Program in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
    and Business Administration
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by M. Fizzell
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the
    proposal for a new Joint Honors Program in Molecular Biology and
    Biochemistry and Business Administration"
    B. Brandhorst, Chair of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, and M.
    Fizzell, Senator and Undergraduate Curriculum Chair, Business Administration were in
    attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    Paper S.05-38 - Minor in International and Global Education
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by D. Weeks
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the
    proposal for a Minor in International and Global Education in the Faculty
    of Education"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    S.05-39 -
    Post Baccalaureate Di
    p loma in S
    ecial Education for Educators?
    and Healthcare Professionals
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by S. Hunsdale
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the
    proposal for a Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Special Education for
    Educators and Healthcare Professionals"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

    S.M. 7 March 2005
    vi) ?
    er S.05-40 - Certificate Program in Italian Studies
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by S. Hunsdale
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the
    proposal for a Certificate program in Italian Studies, as outlined in S.05-
    P. Wrenn, Chair of the Department of French, was in attendance in order to respond to
    A brief discussion took place with respect to the possible future of Italian studies within
    the framework of the Department. It was pointed out that the reference to the Faculty of
    Arts in the Calendar entry should be changed to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    B) ?
    Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
    Paper S.05-41 - Election of Facult
    Members to the Board of Governors
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by S. Hunsdale (the motion was editorially amended
    to read as follows):
    "that Senate approve that, in the election of faculty members to the Board
    of Governors in 2005 only, the candidate receiving the highest number of
    votes be declared elected for a three year term of office and the candidate
    receiving the second highest number of votes be declared elected for a two
    year term of office. Thereafter, the usual procedures shall apply"
    Brief discussion occurred with respect to the election process for faculty members.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    S.05-42 -
    Revision to the S
    p eciall y
    -Funded Appointments Policy. A 10.06
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by M. Plischke
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors that
    Academic Policy A10.06 be amended as indicated, effective 1 April 2005"
    In response to a question as to why the policy revisions did not go to SCUP, it was
    . ?
    pointed out that SCUP dealt with the terms for each individual chair, not the
    appointments policy itself.
    A concern was expressed that the change giving the Dean the discretion to waive letters
    of reference would result in people being treated differently and could be perceived as an

    S.M. 7 March 2005
    Page 6
    opportunity for favouritism or bias. Rationale was requested for the increase in the
    number of reference letters for junior chairs, and it was noted that the policy did not
    reference non-departmentalized faculties. Senate was advised that there was an omnibus
    inclusion in the policies covering non-departmentalized faculties; and that because
    referee time was scarce and shouldn't be imposed upon excessively, the process for
    obtaining letters of reference for junior and senior chairs was revised. It was also pointed
    out that the Dean would not be acting unilaterally since all appointments and
    reappointments must involve the appropriate departmental or faculty level committees.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    iii) ?
    S.05-43 -
    Revision to the Committee to Review the Research Ethics Policy
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by M. Hayes
    "that Senate approve the revised membership for the Committee which
    will review Policy R20.01 Ethics Review of Research involving Human
    Reference was made to the proposal to circulate the first draft of the report to the VPs,
    Deans and President. It was suggested that this was an unnecessary step since the policy
    arises mainly from the Tr-Council policies on ethics and there were already a number of
    experts in ethics and law on the committee. Unless there was an administrative or
    financial issue that needed specific senior administrative input, perhaps it would be
    satisfactory for the first draft to be circulated to the university community for input. The
    Chair indicated that the suggestion would be passed on to the Vice President Research.
    A question was posed about the reason why two members of the Research Ethics Board
    were changed from committee members to resource people. The response indicated that
    there was a perception of conflict of interest.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    C) ?
    Senate Graduate Studies Committee
    S.05-44 -
    Faculty of Education (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved minor revisions to an existing course in the Faculty of
    Paper S.05-45 - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under
    delegated authority, approved three new courses in the Masters of Public Policy program.
    Pa p er
    S.05-46 -
    Annual Re
    ort (For Information)
    The Dean of Graduate Studies pointed out an error in the first paragraph, which
    incorrectly stated that the Faculty of Health Sciences did not have a graduate program.

    S.M. 7 March 2005
    The Faculty does have a graduate program and it will be represented
    on the Senate
    Graduate Studies Committee as soon as possible.
    Following this correction, the Report was received by Senate for information.
    D) ?
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    S.05-47 -
    Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Applied Sciences (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved ten new courses and minor revisions to existing
    programs, requirements and courses in Computing Science, Kinesiology,
    Communication, and Engineering Science, including the introduction of a Biomedical
    Engineering Option to replace the existing Biomedical Engineering Stream.
    S.05-48 -
    New Courses
    - Faculty
    of Health Sciences (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved seven new courses in Health Sciences. In response
    to inquiries, Senate was advised that there were faculty members available to offer the
    courses, some of which would be offered in the Fall semester and some in the Spring
    semester, and that the courses would be available to students in other Faculties. The
    • ?
    courses were presently being evaluated to offer as breadth courses.
    S.05-49 -
    Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Science (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved two new courses and minor revisions to existing
    programs and courses in Physics and Statistics and Actuarial Science.
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Senate was advised that S. Zwagerman was nominated for a Faculty position on the
    Senate Committee on Academic Integrity in Student Learning and Evaluation and was
    elected by acclamation for term of office to May 31, 2007; and that F. Breden was elected
    to the Research Ethics Policy Review Committee for the term of the review. All other
    vacancies will be carried forward to the next meeting.
    Secretary's Note: As Senator Breden is a member of the Research Ethics Board, he is
    ineligible to stand for this position and further nominations will be sought.
    Other Business
    There was no other business.
    The next regular meeting of Senate is scheduled to take place on Monday, April 4, 2005.
    Open Session adjourned at
    pm and moved into Closed Session following a brief recess.
    Alison Watt
    Director, University Secretariat

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