    Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
    Monday, December 6, 2004 in Room 3210
    WMC at
    Open Session
    Present: Stevenson, Michael, President and Chair of Senate
    Beynon, Peter
    Apaak, Clement
    Blackman, Roger
    Breden, Felix
    Brennand, Tracy
    da Silva, Gisele
    Budd, James
    Gordon, Robert
    Collinge, Joan (representing C. Yerbury)
    Grimmett, Peter
    Copeland, Lynn
    Gupta, Kamal
    Dean, Charmaine
    Higgins, Anne
    Delgrande, James
    Honda, Barry
    Dickinson, John
    Horvath, Adam
    Driver, Jon
    Li, Ze-Nian
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    McArthur, James
    Easton, Stephen
    McFetridge, Paul
    Fizzell, Maureen
    McKinnon, Stephanie
    Fung, Edward
    Rozell, Sara
    Giacomantonio, Chris
    Sears, Camilla
    Gordon, Irene
    Scott, Jamie
    Harder, Derrick
    Smit, Bernard
    Haunerland, Norbert
    Smith, Don
    Hayes, Michael
    Weeks, Daniel
    Hunsdale, Shawn
    Wessel, Sylvia
    Johansen, Elinor
    Zandvliet, David
    Krane, Bill
    Lewis, Brian
    In attendance:
    Love, Ernie
    Daminato, Cathy
    MacKenzie, Christine
    Dench, Sarah
    MacLean, David
    Frisken, Barbara
    Mauser, Gary
    Iverson, Rick
    McInnes, Marcia
    Percival, Paul
    Perry, Tom (representing J. Pierce)
    Pinto, Mario
    Plischke, Michael
    Schellenberg, Betty
    Shaker, Paul
    Tombe, Trevor
    Waterhouse, John
    Wong, Josephine
    Wong, Milton
    Woodbury, Robert
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services and Registrar
    Watt, Alison, Director, University Secretariat
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary

    S.M. 6 December 2004
    Page 2
    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of October 4, 2004
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    S.04-85 -
    President's Agenda (For Information)
    The President's Agenda which included a statement of objectives for the coming year
    was received by Senate for information.
    Fundraising Campaign
    "Reaching New Heights"
    At the request of the Chair, C. Daminato, Vice-President Advancement spoke to Senate
    about the launch of the $125 million dollar campaign 'Reaching New Heights'. Senate
    was advised that the official kick off of the campaign took place the previous Thursday at
    which time it was announced that $80 million dollars had been achieved towards the
    campaign goal which hopefully would be reached by December 2006.
    5. ?
    question Period
    D. Harder raised a question about declining entrance averages for college and high school
    students in relation to a reduction in admission applications and wondered if there was a
    specific explanation for the decline in admission averages. Senate was informed that the
    overall admission averages for college and high school applicants this year were very
    similar to last year. Admissions by diverse qualifications were evaluated by a new
    adjudication process which might account for a discrepancy with previous years.
    The Chair suggested that the question be formally submitted in writing so that the
    appropriate administrative office could investigate the issue more fully and have specific
    details available at the next meeting of Senate.
    6. ?
    Reports of Committees
    A) ?
    Senate Committee on Universit y
    i) ?
    Paper S.04-86 - PhD Program in Business Administration
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by E. Love
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the
    proposal for a PhD Program in Business Administration, as set forth in

    S.M. 6 December 2004
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    R. Iverson, Faculty of Business Administration, was in attendance in order to respond to
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    B) ?
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    Paper S.04-87 —Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Applied
    Sciences (For Information): Kinesiology
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved one new course, one course deletion, and minor
    revisions to existing courses and program requirements in the School of Kinesiology.
    Paper S.04-88 - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - List of Certified '0' and
    'B' Courses (For Information)
    S. Dench, Director, University Curriculum and B. Frisken, Chair, Undergraduate
    Curriculum Task Force were in attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved the certification of 'Q' and 'B' for the courses listed
    . in the above-noted paper. Question arose about courses with cross postings and
    particular reference was made to CRIM
    that showed the breadth science with a
    question mark. Senate was advised that this was an oversight in the document and that
    the B.Sci designation should have been removed. It was also pointed out that when a
    course was double or triple designated, a student must choose one of the designations
    since one course cannot be used to satisfy two or three different requirements.
    Following the above discussion, the paper was received by Senate.
    Paper S.04-89 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Arts and
    Social Sciences (For Information): Contemporar
    Arts, BA Requirements for
    Mathematics Program
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved minor revisions to existing courses and requirements
    in the Dance program in the School for the Contemporary Arts, and changes to the BA
    requirements for the Major and Honors Mathematics program.
    Paper S.04-90 - Under
    raduate Curriculum Revisions - Facult
    of Education
    (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved two new courses, two course deletions, and minor
    revisions to existing courses in the Faculty of Education.

    S.M. 6 December 2004
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    C) ?
    Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
    Paper S.04-91 - Revision to SCUP Membership
    Moved by J. Wong, seconded by P. Percival
    "that Senate approve the addition of one student senator to the
    membership of the Senate Committee on University Priorities"
    Senate was advised that this motion was brought forward by the Student Senator caucus
    as a result of the recent addition to the SCUP membership of one faculty senator to
    represent the new Faculty of Health Sciences. This change increased the number of
    faculty members to six while the student senator members remained at two, and since the
    Alternate Student member could only attend SCUP if both the regular members were
    absent, students were generally only represented by one person. It was suggested that
    students were being asked to pick up more of the budget shortfall through tuition fee
    increases, and since SCUP was the only Senate committee empowered to provide formal
    input into the university budget, students should consequently have a greater voice in that
    Brief discussion took place with respect to the role of the Alternate student member. It
    was stressed that the motion before Senate called for the addition of a full student
    member, and that the position of Alternate would not change unless revised by a
    subsequent motion or revised procedures approved within the committee.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.04-92 - Revision to SCUS Membership
    Moved by J. Waterhouse, seconded by R. Blackman
    "that Senate approve the addition of the following members to the Senate
    Committee on Undergraduate Studies:
    • a representative from the Faculty of Health Sciences, and
    • the Director, University Curriculum, Ex officio (non-voting)"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.04-93 - Senate Dinner Location (For Information
    Senate was advised that due to renovations the Diamond University Centre would be
    closed and, during this period, Senate dinners would have to be held in a different
    location as noted in Senate paper S.04-93.
    Suggestion was made that Senate dinners be relocated to the Highland Pub. The Chair
    indicated that the suggestion would be taken under advisement.

    S.M. 6 December 2004
    - ?
    Other Business
    There was no other business.
    The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is scheduled for Monday,
    January 10,
    Open Session adjourned at 7:30 pm. Following a brief recess, Senate moved into Closed
    Alison Watt
    Director, University Secretariat

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