    Minutes of a Meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on?
    Monday, December 4, 2000 at 7:00 pm in Room 3210 WMC
    Open Session
    Present: Stevenson, Michael, President and Chair
    Atkins, Stella
    Bawa, Parveen
    Blackman, Roger (representing I
    Clayman, Bruce
    Cooper, Kait
    Copeland, Lynn
    D'Auria, John
    Davidson, Willie
    Dill, Larry
    Driver, Jon
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    England, William
    Finley, David
    Gerson, Carole
    Gill, Alison
    Grimmett, Peter
    Hill, Ross
    Jackson, Margaret
    Jones, John
    • Klymson,
    Love, Ernie
    Marteniuk, Ron
    McArthur, James
    McInnes, Dina
    Ogloff, James
    Osborne, Judith
    Paterson, David
    Peters, Joseph
    Russell, Robert
    Smith, Michael
    Steinbach, Chris
    Stewart, Ryan
    Warsh, Michael
    Waterhouse, John
    Weldon, Larry
    Wessel, Sylvia
    Winne, Phil (representing R. Barrow)
    Wong, Milton
    Wortis, Michael
    Yau, David
    Yerbury, Cohn
    Zaichkowsky, Judith
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services and Registrar
    Watt, Alison, Director, University Secretariat
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary
    Absent: Budra, Paul
    Chan, Albert
    Delgrande, James
    Giffen, Ken
    Gupte, Jaideep
    Hold, Angela
    Livadiotakis, Georgia
    Mauser, Gary
    McFetridge, Paul
    Mirahles-Sanchez, Veronika
    Naef, Barbara
    Percival, Paul
    Runyowa, Mac
    Sanghera, Balwant
    To, Shek Yan
    Zazkis, Rina
    In attendance:
    Burley, David

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    Members of Senate, led by Vice-Chair J
    Ogloff, extended a warm welcome and
    best wishes to M. Stevenson as he starts his term as President of Simon Fraser
    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of November 6, 2000
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    At the request of the Chair, W. Davidson was asked to provide Senate with an
    update on the status of the report from the ad hoc Senate Committee to Review
    the Research Ethics Policy. Senate was advised that the Committee hoped to
    have a draft report prepared and available for comment/input on the Web by the
    end of December. Open meetings will be planned for January and expectations
    were that the report would be submitted to Senate shortly thereafter.
    The Chair reported that he, and other university presidents, met with the
    Minister of Advanced Education, Training and Technology and other
    government officials to discuss public policy on education and on the
    universities. The plan was to continue the positive developments of last year in
    terms of improved funding to universities.
    The Chair assured Senators that he would treat Senate as absolutely integral to
    the life of the university and as fundamental to good governance at Simon Fraser
    University. The Chair thanked Senate for the warm welcome and stated that he
    looked forward to working with Senate in the future.
    Ouestion Period
    No written questions were received. A question was raised about the status of
    the LSG proposal, and Senate was advised that until resolution of the motion
    later on the agenda (6.d.i) was resolved no further action had been taken.
    Reports of Committees
    a) ?
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.00-103 - Elections to Senate Committees
    The following are the results of elections to Senate committees. There were
    insufficient nominations to fill all positions; vacancies will be carried over and
    brought forward to the next meeting of Senate.
    Senate Committee on Continuing Studies (SCCS)
    One Student Senator for term of office to May 31, 2002.
    No nominations received

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    Senate Committee on Enrolment Management and Planning (SCEMP)
    One Graduate Student (at-large) for term of office to May 31, 2001.
    Diverse Oualifications Adjudication Committee (DOAC)
    One Undergraduate Student (at-large) to replace Steven Yeung for term of office
    to May 31, 2001.
    Elected by acclamation: ? Dorian Prior
    b) ?
    Senate Committee on University Priorities
    Paper S.00-104 - External Review - Department of Archaeology
    Moved by J
    Waterhouse, seconded by R. Blackman
    "that Senate concurs with the recommendation from the Senate
    Committee on University Priorities concerning advice to the
    Department of Archaeology on priority items from the external
    review, as outlined in S.00-104"
    D. Burley, Chair of the Department of Archaeology, was in attendance in order to
    respond to questions.
    . ?
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    Paper S.00-105 - Proposed Residency Requirements /Credit Hour
    Moved by J
    Waterhouse, seconded by J
    "that Senate approve the proposed residency requirements as set
    forth in S.00-105"
    Concern was expressed about the use of the word 'residency', especially since it
    had a different meaning at the graduate level. There were no objections to
    changing the term to more precise common use language but it was suggested
    that the term should be retained in the Calendar index because it was still in use
    at other institutions.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.00-106 - Proposed Residency Requirements /Credit Hour
    Requirements - Faculty of Applied Sciences
    Moved by J
    Waterhouse, seconded by M. Smith

    S.M. 4 December 2000
    "that Senate approve the proposed Faculty of Applied Sciences
    residency requirements as set forth in S.00-106"
    Clarification was requested with respect to recommendation B.2 on page 2 of the
    documentation. Senate was advised that the intent of the recommendation was
    to clearly specify the maximum allowable transfer credit that could be used.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    iii) ?
    Paper S.00-107
    Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Arts
    Moved by J
    Waterhouse, seconded by R. Blackman
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.00-107, the following curriculum
    revisions in the
    Department of Sociology and Anthropology
    Deletion of the Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Ethnic and
    Intercultural Relations
    New Certificate in Ethnic and Intercultural Relations;
    and in the
    Department of Women's Studies
    New Joint Major program with Criminology
    New Joint Major program with History
    New Joint Major program with Humanities"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
    Studies, acting under delegated authority, approved the following
    undergraduate curriculum changes in the following departments /programs:
    Canadian Studies Program
    - Changes to lower and upper division requirements for Major and Joint
    Major programs
    School for the Contemporary Arts
    - Changes to requirements for Extended Minor Program in Theatre
    - Change of description and prerequisite: FPA 253, 393
    - Change of prerequisite: FPA 254, 255, 355, 372
    - Proposal for an Articulation Agreement between SFU and the National
    Ballet School
    C) ?
    Department of Political Science
    - New courses/Cross-listing of courses:
    POL 223 (cross-listed with CNS 280)
    POL 340 (cross-listed with LAS 311)
    POL 383 (cross-listed with LAS 318)
    - Change of number (from POL 332 to POL 232), credit hour, title,
    description, prerequisite and vector
    - Prerequisite changes for all 200 and 300 level Political Science courses

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    Department of Sociology and Anthropology
    - New course: SA 352
    - New courses/Cross-listing of courses:?
    SA 328 (cross-listed with LAS 318)
    SA 403 (cross-listed with LAS 403)
    - Change of prerequisite: SA 318, CNS 280, LAS 311, LAS 318, LAS 403,
    POL 337, SA 392
    - Addition of SA 371 to optional list for PBD in Social Policy Issues
    - Change of credit hour: LAS 311, 318, 403
    - New courses/Cross-listing of courses:
    LAS 337 (cross-listed with POL 337)
    LAS 392 (cross-listed with SA 391)
    Department of Women's Studies
    New courses for Co-Op Education Program: WS 421, 422, 423, 424
    iv) ?
    Paper S.00-108 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - F
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
    Studies, acting under delegated authority, approved the following changes:
    - Change in the name of the Human Resource Management area to
    Management and Organization Studies (MOS)
    - Inclusion of BUS 472 in the MOS concentration
    - Change of prerequisites: BUS 346, 380, 432, 478
    - New Special Topics courses: BUS 490 and 491
    ulum Revisi
    Moved by J
    Waterhouse, seconded by P. Winne
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.00-109, the new Post Baccalaureate
    Diploma in Early Childhood Education"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
    Studies, acting under delegated authority, approved the following changes:
    - Change of prerequisite: EDUC 252, 326, 437, 463,464,482
    - Changes to the Minor in Early Childhood Education
    - Changes to the B.Ed. as a 2' Degree
    - Changes to the B.Ed. Degree requirements
    - New courses: EDUC 327, 328, 412, 414, 415, 416
    - Change of title and description: EDUC 472, 474, 475, 476
    - Changes to the Minor in Physical Education
    - Changes to the Minor in Educational Psychology
    - Changes to the Minor in Environmental Education

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    Discussion took place with regard to changes for EDUC 441 which had been
    approved by SCUS. Concern was expressed that full consultation with other
    departments affected by this change had not taken place prior to approval, and
    as a result of the change, EDUC 441 which would be used primarily for PDP
    students, would not be available to other students. Senate was advised that
    SCUS was aware of the implications to the two diploma programs within the
    Faculty of Arts. However, since this course was one of a long list of elective
    courses that could be taken by students, the change proposed by the Faculty of
    Education would not significantly reduce the overall range of courses available.
    The Vice-President Academic advised Senate he would seek clarification of this
    matter with the Chair of SCUS and report back to Senate.
    iv) ?
    Paper S.00-110 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Facul
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
    Studies, acting under delegated authority, approved the following changes:
    a) Department of Chemistry
    - New course: CHEM 381
    - Change of prerequisite and title: CHEM 450, 455
    - Change of prerequisite: CHEM 459
    b) Department of Earth Sciences
    - Changes to the Earth Science Major program
    - New course: EASC 103
    - Change of prerequisite: EASC 303, 304, 306, 309, 406, 411
    - Change of description: EASC 406
    - Change of description, prerequisite and title: EASC 417
    c) Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Programs:
    - Change in lower and upper division requirements for Majors and Honors
    in Mathematics
    - Change of description and prerequisite: MATH 418
    - Change in title, description, and prerequisite: MATH 467
    - Change of prerequisite: MATH 408
    Statistical and Actuarial Science Program
    - Change in the wording for upper division requirements for Majors and
    Honors in Statistics
    - Change of number (from STAT 301 to 201) and prerequisite
    - New courses: ACMA 490,495
    d) Department of Physics
    - Changes to Major and Honors programs
    - Change in the introductory paragraph in the Calendar entry for the
    Applied Physics Honors program
    - Change to Applied Physics Honors program
    - Change of credit hour: PHYS 492
    - Change of prerequisite: PHYS 101, 120, 365, 385, 395
    Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
    i) ?
    Paper S.00-111 - Notice of Motion - R. Russell

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    Moved by R. Russell, seconded by R. Stewart
    "that before a formal proposal for the Learning Strategies Group be
    sent to the Board of Governors, it be brought to Senate with a clear
    description of the LSG's accountability within the current
    university governance structure"
    Concern was expressed that Senate did not have the authority to deal with this
    motion because it was outside its jurisdiction. Opinion was expressed that since
    there were academic implications involved, Senate should play a role in looking
    at those implications, and needed to fully understand the relationship of the
    proposed LSG organization to the rest of the university in order to make an
    appropriate assessment of the implications.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    ii) ?
    Paper S.00-112 - Terms of Reference and Membership - Ad Hoc Senate ?
    Committee to Review and Develop the Undergraduate Curriculum
    Moved by J
    Waterhouse, seconded by J
    "that Senate approve the establishment of the ad hoc Senate
    Committee to Review and Develop the Undergraduate Curriculum
    as outlined in S.00-112"
    Prior to approval, Senate was advised that the proposed membership of the
    committee should be changed to six Faculty Members, one of whom will be the
    Chair and, instead of one faculty member from each Faculty, the Faculty of Arts,
    because of its size, would have two faculty members, one from Humanities and
    one from the Social Sciences.
    Opinion was expressed that the rationale for having a review at this time did not
    appear to be very strong. The necessity of the review was questioned, especially
    in light of the significant amount of work which would be involved.
    Traditionally curriculum changes/ideas have been initiated by departments and
    concern was expressed that this proposal resulted in changes being made from
    the top down. Reference was made to points 6 and 7 of the terms of reference
    and clarification was requested with respect to the approval /implementation
    Senate was advised that the proposed review was designed to examine
    innovations in undergraduate curriculum. Senate was assured that there was no
    intent to short circuit the current proce ss of curriculum development and
    approval by departments /Senate. It wa however an attempt to look more
    generally at whether the curricula availab] e to students met the goals that have
    been articulated for SFU.

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    Discussion ensued with respect to the increased representation from Arts on the
    committee. Comment was made that if the spirit under which the membership
    was being set was to bring expertise and breadth to the committee, other
    Faculties also had breadth but had not been given increased representation.
    Senate was advised that while the spirit was to be as inclusive as possible of
    broad areas within the University, in the interest of having a committee that was
    manageable, not every area could be included. Since the Faculty of Arts
    represented approximately 45% of the University, it was decided to increase their
    representation by one.
    Opinion was expressed that this type of endeavour represented a considerable
    amount of work and concern was expressed that the timeline proposed was not
    feasible. Senate was advised that if the timeline proved to be too ambitious the
    committee could adjust the schedule and report the change to Senate.
    Amendment moved by R. Stewart, seconded by L. Dill
    "that the membership of the committee be amended to include
    one teaching assistant"
    Brief discussion took place with respect to the definition of 'teaching assistant'
    and who would be eligible to serve on the committee in this category. The intent
    was to have a person who taught at the undergraduate level. Since the mandate
    of the committee was to review the curricula and look at curriculum
    development, opinion was divided on the need to have a teaching assistant on
    the committee since TAs are not involved in the design/ development of
    curriculum. Comment was made that the committee had intentionally been kept
    relatively small and increasing its membership would affect its effectiveness as a
    working group.
    Since most undergraduate students do not participate in curriculum
    development, suggestion was made that the undergraduate student appointed to
    the committee should be someone that has been involved with the
    departmental/ faculty curriculum committee process. Senate was advised that
    this was the intent.
    In response to an inquiry as to how members would be chosen for the committee,
    Senate was advised that the membership would be recommended by the Vice
    President Academic to the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules for approval.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.
    After further discussion, the question was called
    on the main motion, and a vote was taken.

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    0 ?
    7. ?
    Other Business
    i) ?
    Paper S.00-113 - Notice of Senate Vacancy
    Senate received information that Shek Yan To had resigned from Senate effective
    January 1, 2001 and a by-election to seek a replacement to fill his position would
    be issued at the same time as the regular call was issued for the annual election
    of students to Senate next semester.
    8. ?
    The next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is scheduled for Monday,
    January 8, 2001.
    The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm. Following a brief recess, Senate moved into Closed
    Alison Watt
    Director, University Secretariat

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