    Minutes of a meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
    Monday, July 5, 1999 at 5:30 pm in room 3210 West Mall Complex
    Open Session
    Present: ?
    Blaney, Jack, President and Chair
    Al-Natour, Sameh
    Baldwin, Paul (representing L. Copeland)
    Benezra, Michael
    Blackman, Roger (representing J. Pierce)
    Boland, Larry
    Budra, Paul
    Chan, Albert
    Chuah, Kuan
    Clayman, Bruce
    D'Auria, John
    Delgrande, James
    Driver, Jon
    Finley, David
    Gillies, Mary Ann
    Heaney, John
    Hyslop-Margison, Emery
    Jones, Cohn
    Kanevsky, Lannie
    McBride, Stephan
    McFetridge, Paul
    McInnes, Dina
    Munro, John
    Naef, Barbara
    Niwinska, Tina
    Osborne, Judith
    Peterson, Louis
    Reader, Jason
    Russell, Robert
    Smith, Michael
    Steinbach, Christopher
    To, Shek Yan
    Waterhouse, John
    Wessel, Silvia
    Winne, Phil (representing R. Barrow)
    Wong, Milton
    Wortis, Michael
    Yerbury, Cohn
    Zazkis, Rina
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services and Registrar
    Watt, Alison, Director, Secretariat Services
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary
    Atkins, Stella
    Crossley, David
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    Emerson, Joseph
    Fletcher, James
    Harris, Richard
    Jones, John
    Kirczenow, George
    Marten iuk, Ron
    Mathewes, Rolf
    Mauser, Gary
    McArthur, James
    Ogloff, James
    Paterson, David
    Peters, Joseph
    Sanghera, Balwant
    Warsh, Michael

    S.M. 5/7/99
    Page 2
    The Chair was pleased to introduce and, on behalf of Senate, extend a welcome to
    the following newly elected and re-elected members of Senate:
    Chancellor: Dr. Milton Wong
    Convocation Senators: Albert Chan, Valerie Dunsterville, James McArthur, Silvia
    Faculty Senators: Stella Atkins, Paul Budra, James Delgrande, Jon Driver, Lannie
    Kanevsky, Gary Mauser, Paul McFetridge, David Paterson, Michael Smith, Michael
    Student Senators: Sameh Al-Natour, Michael Benezra, Kuan Chuah, David Crossley,
    Joseph Emerson, James Fletcher, Emory Hyslop-Margison, Stephan McBride, Tina
    Niwinska, Jason Reader, Christopher Steinbach, Shek Yan To
    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of May
    17, 1999
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    Senate was informed that the policies for search committees for Vice-Presidential
    appointments, approved by Senate at the last meeting, went to the Board of
    Governors for approval. The Board approved the membership of the committees but
    made a minor amendment to the search committee procedures. The amendment will
    therefore have to come back to Senate for approval and will be presented to Senate at
    the September meeting.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair announced that Cohn Jones, who had served two terms as Dean of Science,
    was ending his term of office in August and this would be his last Senate meeting.
    On behalf of Senate, the Chair extended thanks and appreciation for his years of
    service and was pleased to announce his appointment as Director of International
    SCAR constituted a committee which was approved by Senate to conduct a review of
    Senate, and John Munro was appointed as a faculty member to that committee. Due
    to his recent appointment as Vice-President Academic pro tern, his status changed
    from faculty member to faculty member/administrator. The members of SCAR had
    been canvassed and had no objection to J. Munro continuing as a member and Chair
    of the Senate Review Committee. There were no objections from Senate.
    The Chair advised that he was pleased to see some very good press coverage recently
    about four SFU Engineering Science students. He also wished to recognize the
    achievements of SFU's student athletes and extend congratulations for winning the
    Sears Directors Cup for the third year in a row. He also wished to acknowledge the
    election of George Kirczenow as a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced
    Research, and the recent award of the
    Canadian Association of College and
    Universities Libraries Innovation Achievement Award to the SFU Library.
    The Chair reported that a search committee for the Vice-President Academic would
    be put together in September with meetings expected to commence in early October.

    S.M. 5/7/99
    The constitution of the Presidential Search Committee was currently underway and
    • meetings are expected to commence in early September. As a matter of public
    record, the Chair wished to clarify that he will not seek nor accept a renewal or
    extension of his appointment as President.
    5. ?
    Reports of Committees
    Senate Appeals Board
    i) ?
    Paper S.99-43 - Annual Report (For Information)
    The Annual Report of the Senate Appeals Board was received by Senate for
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning
    i) ?
    Paper S.99-44 - Annual Report (For Information)
    The Annual Report of the Senate Committee on Academic Planning was received by
    Senate for information.
    Senate Committee on Continuing Studies
    Paper S.99-45 - Annual Report (For Information)
    Reference was made to page 21 and clarification was requested with respect to the
    column labelled 'Activities by Administrative/Service Units'. Senate was advised that
    activities such as the President's Lecture Series and the International TA program
    • administered by the Vice-President Academic's office would be included under this
    heading. The Annual Report of the Senate Committee on Continuing Studies was
    received by Senate for information.
    6. ?
    Other Business
    Paper S.99-46 - Election Report - Senate Committee Election!
    A report with respect to the results of elections to Senate committees was received by
    Senate for information.
    7. ?
    Date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, August 9, 1999.
    Expectations are that the August meeting will be cancelled and that the next meeting
    of Senate will take place on Monday, September 13, 1999 at 7:00 pm. However, if a
    meeting of Senate in August is required, a notice will be distributed at the end of July.
    The Open Session adjourned at 5:45 pm. Following a short recess, the Assembly moved into
    Closed Session.
    Alison Watt
    Director, Secretariat Services

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