    Minutes of a meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on Monday, April 6, ?
    1998 at 5:30 pm in Room 3210 West Mall Centre
    Open Session
    Present: ?
    Blaney, Jack, President and Chair
    Bawa, Parveen
    Beattie, Suzan
    Blackman, Roger (representing J. Pierce)
    Boland, Larry
    Bowman, Marilyn
    Chan, Albert
    Clayman, Bruce
    Cleveland, William
    D'Auria, John
    Emmott, Alan
    Jones, Cohn
    Kanevsky, Lannie
    Ki rczenow, George
    Lewis, Brian
    Marteniuk, Ron
    Morris, Joy
    Osborne, Judith
    Overington, Jennifer
    Parmar, Neelam
    Percival, Paul
    Peterson, Louis
    Russell, Robert
    Sanghera, Balwant
    Selman, Mark
    Tam, Lawrence
    Waterhouse, John
    Winne, Phil
    Words, Michael
    Baert, Jessica
    Barrow, Robin
    Berggren, Len
    Blazenko, George
    Coleman, Peter
    Dobb, Ted
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    Etherington, Lois-
    Gagan, David
    Giffen, Ken
    Gilhies, Mary Ann
    Hassan, Nany
    Ho, Lawrence
    Jones, John
    Mathewes, Roll
    Mauser, Gary
    McInnes, Dina
    Naef, Barbara
    Nip, Harry
    Oglouf, James
    Reed, Clyde
    Segal, Joseph
    Warsh, Michael
    Wickstrom, Norman
    Wong, Tim
    Yagi, Ian
    Wong, Tim
    In attendance:
    Knockaert, Joseph
    Rieckhoff, Klaus
    Tamminga, Philip
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services/Registrar
    Watt, Alison, Director, Secretariat Services
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary

    S.M. 06/04/98
    Page 2
    The Chair noted the election of Lawrence Ho to Senate as a Student Senator
    to fill an existing vacancy until May 31, 1998; and recognized the presence
    of Klaus Rieckhoff, former Senator and former Board member.
    Approval of the Agenda
    Due to time constraints of the resource person attending to speak to item 6-
    c, the Chair suggested that 6-c be dealt with prior to 6-a and 6-b. Following
    this minor adjustment, the Agenda was approved.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of March 2, 1998
    Referring to page 4, Senate paper S.98-25, J. D'Auria requested that the
    Minutes clarify that J. Pierce was Chair of SPCSAB during the period covered
    by the annual report and that the present Chair of the committee is J.
    D'Auria. The Chair noted that the Minutes would be amended accordingly.
    Referring to the discussion in the second paragraph on page 9, concern was
    expressed that the Minutes did not accurately reflect discussion wherein it
    was suggested that the word 'defined' should be replaced. Senate was
    advised that all of the concerns and comments raised by Senate were
    considered. The revised Statement of Purpose will be brought back to
    Senate for further consideration in May.
    Following the above amendment/clarifications, the Minutes were approved.
    no business
    from the
    the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair reported that although the general nature of the budget has been
    announced, the actual budget letter which activates the process of
    discussion and allocation has not yet been received.
    Reports of Committees
    a) ?
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Committee on
    Undergraduate Studies
    Faculty of Applied Sciences
    Pa p
    er S.98-32 -Com
    utin g
    Science Under
    raduate Curriculum
    Revisions (For Information)
    Senate received information that SCUS, acting under delegated authority,
    approved a proposal for a two-year pilot project designed specifically for
    non-computing students to allow them to obtain essential software
    knowledge and skills. The project consists of two existing courses and the
    following new course: CMPT 118 which was also approved for addition to
    the list of elective courses for the Certificate in Computing Studies.

    S.M. 06/04/98
    Page 3
    b) ?
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Graduate Studies
    Paper S.98-33 - Senate Graduate Studies Committee - Revision to
    Moved by B. Clayman, seconded by J. Osborne
    "that Senate approve the recommendation that the Associate
    Dean of Graduate Studies be added as an ex-officio voting
    member of the Senate Graduate Studies Committee"
    Amendment moved by L. Boland, seconded by G. Kirczenow
    'to insert the word 'non' before the word 'voting'
    B. Clayman briefly explained the organization of the Office of the Dean of
    Graduate Studies and advised that the position of Associate Dean of
    Graduate Studies is a position of significant responsibility in the University.
    He felt it was appropriate for a person holding this position to be a voting
    member of the SGSC, and advised that the SGSC overwhelmingly supported
    the motion. Opinion was expressed that it was inappropriate to give
    administrators votes on committees making decisions on behalf of academic
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken. ?
    Question was called on the main motion,
    and a vote taken.
    of ADDlied Sciences
    Paper S.98-34 - Communication Graduate Curriculum Revisions (For
    Senate received information that the SGSC, acting under delegated
    authority, approved the following new courses: CMNS 891 and 892;
    changes to the Comprehensive Exams; and minor changes to existing
    graduate Communication courses.
    Paper S.98-35 - Resource and Environmental Management Graduate
    Curriculum Revisions (For Information)
    Senate received information that the SGSC, acting under delegated
    authority, approved changes to Required and Elective course requirements;
    change in wording for the Ph.D. degree requirements; and minor changes to
    existing graduate REM courses.

    S.M. 06/04/98
    Page 4
    iii) Faculty of Arts
    Senate received information that the SGSC, acting under delegated
    authority, approved revisions to the Ph.D. dissertation procedures.
    Paper S.98-37 - Master of Publishing Program Curriculum Revisions
    (For Information)
    Senate received information that the SGSC, acting under delegated
    authority, approved new courses: PUB 605, 606, 607, 898; an increase in
    course work for the degree from 40 credit hours to 43 credit hours; and
    minor revisions to existing graduate Publishing courses. Brief discussion
    took place with respect to the increase of credit hours for course work.
    Senate was advised that the increase resulted from the introduction of the
    new courses and a rearrangement of credits of existing courses to better suit
    the needs of the program.
    Other Business
    c) Paper S.98-40 - Motion re CJSF Radio
    Moved by J. Morris, seconded by A. Chan
    "that Senate supports CJSF Radio's application to the CRTC for
    an FM license"
    Philip Tamminga, Program Coordinator,
    Radio was in attendance in
    order to respond questions.
    In response to questions about the operation of the radio station and how
    the expanded license will impact students, Senate was advised that funding
    for the radio station comes primarily from the Student Activity fee, a
    proportion of which is dedicated to
    Additional funding will not be
    requested from students or from the University.
    is operated by the
    Simon Fraser Campus Radio Society, a non-profit registered society under
    the Societies Act in BC. The station is currently designated and licensed by
    the CRTC as a campus community radio station with a mandate to provide
    services to students and the SFU community. Policy is determined largely
    through the membership which is a volunteer organization (with the
    exception of two paid staff) and conforms with the policies of the CRTC.
    Programming in terms of music emphasizes local musicians, particularly
    SFU artists, and public affairs and news programming emphasizes SFU's
    academic achievements. The radio station is seen as a link between
    Burnaby mountain and the surrounding community and provides
    opportunities for students and community members to gain media access
    and media training skills.

    S.M. 06/04/98
    Page 5
    • ?
    The Chair informed Senate that he had personally written a letter of support
    which did not include any implication or expectation of financial support.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    a) ?
    Paper S.
    98-38 - R.
    Russell motion re Eastern Indonesia University
    Development Project
    Moved by R. Russell, seconded by L. Peterson
    "that Senate recommend to the Board of Governors that an external review
    of the Eastern Indonesia University Development Project be undertaken and
    completed by March
    1, 1999.
    The purpose of the review is three-fold:
    To determine what academic benefits SFU has accrued as a result of the
    To see if the Simon Fraser University Policy on International Activities
    has been adhered to by the EIUDP
    see if the stated goals of the EIUDP have been met"
    J. Knockaert, Director of the Office of International Cooperation, and K. Rieckhoff,
    former Senator and past member of the Board of Governors, were in attendance in
    order to respond to questions.
    Senate was advised that the EIUDP is a CIDA funded international development
    project which was awarded to Simon Fraser University in
    and was reviewed
    and renewed in
    The mandate of the project was to strengthen the teaching
    programs, primarily in the basic sciences, in a number of Eastern Indonesia
    universities and to promote the establishment of long term linkages between SFU
    and Indonesian campuses. There were five universities in Indonesia and SFU was
    actively engaged in partnerships with a number of other Canadian universities who
    assisted SFU in the project. The EIUDP is one of the largest CIDA funded
    development projects to be operated through a university and SFU's role was to
    coordinate activities such as sending faculty to Indonesia to give
    seminars/workshops and short courses and placing Indonesian graduate students
    from the project in Canadian university programs.
    R. Russell emphasized his view that the people who have worked on the project
    have all been well intentioned. However he felt an external review was necessary
    because of the concerns many other people have about the project and about the
    way it has been run, including concerns about the previous internal review by
    SCIA, and SFU's involvement with the Indonesian Government. Questions have
    also been raised about whether or not academic standards in the program were
    being met in accordance with university policy, and what long term benefits were
    being accrued to the university.
    It was noted that the issue of SFU's involvement with governments such as the one
    in Indonesia was an issue more fittingly concluded in a discussion of SFU's policy

    Page 6
    on international activities. Expectations are that Senate will be receiving a revision
    of this policy soon.
    Several members of SCIA expressed opinion that the questions raised in the motion
    were sound and deserved to be addressed, but concern was raised about the
    appropriateness of referring this matter to the Board of Governors. Suggestion was
    made that referral to SCIA would be more appropriate since at least two of the
    questions fell within the academic jurisdiction of Senate. It was noted that while
    SCIA did not have the resources or the depth/breadth on its membership to conduct
    the review itself, it could arrange for a review by selecting a committee with an
    appropriate membership which could include both internal and external members.
    Senate was provided with a history of the project by K. Rieckhoff who indicated
    that at the time of the review in
    concerns were raised about the academic
    qualifications of the Indonesian participants in the program, the lack of
    information/consultation with the Board and the university community, and the
    review processes conducted both by CIDA and internally. Many people felt that
    members of SCIA who reviewed the project had conflicts of interest with the
    project, and that the positive ranking by CIDA of the project was flawed because
    participants who were receiving considerable funding from the project were not
    likely to criticize the program when consulted during the review process.
    The following motion was moved by
    Overington as an amendment but the Chair
    ruled against it because it was not germane to the main motion and suggested that
    it be presented as a notice of motion for a subsequent meeting:
    "that Senate recommend to the Senate Committee on International
    Activities that procedures through which international projects are
    developed and approved are reviewed and are amended to include
    more input from the campus community"
    Senate was advised that CIDA itself will be undertaking a monitoring of the project
    in May
    and will be organizing a final review of the project in the year 2000.
    Opinion was expressed that although it was important that the questions in the
    motion be addressed, an external review conducted by the University would be
    expensive and might not be the best process. CIDA is not likely to be convinced to
    include questions of particular interest to SFU, although it might be prepared to
    look at the issue of academic benefits. Opinion was expressed that a CIDA review
    would not serve the same needs of the University and an external review should be
    independent of both CIDA and SCIA. Concern was expressed that the motion
    spoke against Senate and its subcommittee process and that if broader input for
    every project were to be undertaken the process would become unworkable.
    Opinion was expressed that the main motion, if passed, concedes Senate's
    jurisdiction to the Board of Governors, implies a lack of confidence in one of
    Senate's subcommittees, and sets a dubious precedent.

    S.M. 06/04/98
    Page 7
    0 ?
    Amendment moved by J. Osborne, seconded by A. Chan
    "that Senate review the Eastern Indonesia University Development
    Project to be completed by March
    1, 1999....
    It was noted that the rest of the motion would remain. SCAR would then decide
    the appropriate subcommittee structure, and the external review process and
    membership issues.
    Suggestion was made that the composition and terms of reference of the review
    committee be subject to the approval of Senate. Since the amendment specified
    that Senate undertake the review, the Chair assured Senate that this was implicit in
    the amendment.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.
    Opinion was expressed that point three was too broad in scope and should be
    curtailed to focus on SFU's interest.
    Amendment moved by P. Winne, seconded by B. Sanghera
    "that the words 'with respect to Simon Fraser University's interest' be
    appended to the end of point 3"
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.
    Suggestion was made that it would be appropriate for the reviewers to consider
    how such projects in the future might be improved to enhance the university, its
    mission and benefits to the institution. The Chair advised that Senate's comments
    concerning a review and a review committee will be taken under consideration by
    In response to an inquiry as to whether CIDA could provide funding for a review,
    Senate was informed that CIDA would not pay for a review initiated by the
    university. If the University were interested, however, it might be willing to include
    a representative appointed by SFU as part of their evaluation team.
    In response to previous comments that implied that the program had deficiencies, J.
    D'Auria noted that the Chemistry Department was a strong contributor to the
    program and he personally had been in Indonesia and felt that the program was a
    success and faculty members had achieved good results.
    On the assumption that the purpose of the current motion was to look at the
    University's involvement and to determine whether its stated goals had been met
    and to use the experience from this program as a guideline for future projects, it
    was suggested that the timing is inappropriate. Opinion was expressed that the

    S.M. 06/04/98
    Page 8
    deadline date should be after CIDA has done the data gathering and completed its
    review. The University review committee would then benefit from the work done
    by CIDA and have this information available in order to make a better decision as
    to whether the project was successful, whether it was run in a responsible manner,
    and what, if any, lessons can be drawn from it.
    Amendment moved by M. Wortis, seconded by C. Jones
    "that the deadline date be changed from March 1, 1999 to a time
    following the final CIDA evaluation of the project"
    It was noted that the costs for an external review for a project of this size would be
    considerable and in view of the current budgetary situation, it made better sense to
    minimize costs to the university by benefiting from the data in the CIDA review.
    Although there would be some beneficial material, opposition was expressed with
    regard to waiting and using information from an international development agency.
    The University needs to be responsible and review its own academic standards and
    In response to an inquiry as to how long CIDA reviews traditionally take, Senate
    was advised that the process could take six months.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken. ?
    The main motion, as amended was read
    "that Senate review the Eastern Indonesia University Development
    Project following the final CIDA evaluation of the project. The
    purpose of the review is three-fold:
    1. To determine what academic benefits SFU has accrued as a result
    of the EIUDP.
    2. To see if the Simon Fraser University Policy on International
    Activities has been adhered to by the EIUDP.
    3. To see if the stated goals of the EIUDP have been met with respect
    to SFU's interests."
    The Chair noted that it was also understood that the terms of reference of the
    review will come back to Senate for approval.
    Question was called on the main motion
    as amended, and a vote taken. ?
    b) ?
    Paper S.98-39 - G. Kirczenow motion re Presidential Search Procedures
    Moved by G. Kirzcenow, seconded by R. Russell

    S.M. 06/04/98
    Page 9
    • "that Senate recommend to the Board of Governors that the
    procedures for the recommendation and selection of candidates for
    president of SFU be reviewed and that a revised version be brought to
    Senate for discussion and approval at least twelve months before the
    next presidential search begins"
    Concern was expressed about the size and the membership make up of the search
    committee. Opinion was expressed that it would be difficult for a committee of this
    size to function properly and the majority of the members were non-academic.
    Since the current Chair of the Board promised to follow procedures to the letter
    when making the next Presidential appointment, it was felt that the membership
    and the terms of reference should be reviewed prior to that time.
    Background information was provided to Senate with respect to process and
    rationale of the previous joint Board/Senate committee decisions which had
    established the current committee and terms of reference. It was stressed that the
    search committee was intended to be representative of the campus community, and
    it was noted that the academic community formed the largest proportion on the
    Opinion was expressed that any review should be a joint review by Senate and the
    Board of Governors, and any revisions would have to be approved by both bodies.
    Amendment moved by P. Percival, seconded by R. Marteniuk
    "that the word 'jointly' be inserted in the third line before the word
    'reviewed', and the words 'and the Board of Governors' be inserted
    in the fourth line following the word 'Senate'
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken. ?
    It was pointed out that the current set of terms of reference and procedures have
    never been used and opposition was expressed about revising the committee at this
    Question was called on the main motion
    as amended, and a vote taken.
    7. ?
    The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, May 11,
    The Open Session adjourned at 7:00 pm and moved directly into Closed Session.
    'S ?
    Alison Watt
    Director, Secretariat Services

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