    Minutes of a meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on Monday,
    April 7, 1997 at 7:00 pm in Room 3210 WMC
    Open Session
    Present: ?
    Etherington, Lois, Vice-Chair
    Absent: ?
    Akins, Kathleen
    Alderson, Evan
    Aujla, Angela
    Arnason, Kristjan
    Beattie, Suzan
    Barrow, Robin
    Blaney, Jack
    Baert, Jessica
    Blazenko, George
    Berggren, J. Len
    Cellik, Peter
    Boland, Larry
    Chan, Albert
    Clayman, Bruce
    Cleveland, William
    Crawford, Charles
    Coleman, Peter
    D'Auria, John
    Dahl, Veronica
    Dobb, Ted
    Gagan, David
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    Giffen, Kenneth
    Emmott, Alan
    Howlett, Michael
    Hewitt, Kevin
    Jones, Cohn
    Lewis, Brian
    Kanevsky, Larinie
    Mathewes, Rolf
    Kozminuk, Angela
    McInnes, Dina
    Liu, Susan
    Osborne, Judith
    Luk, Wo Shun
    Percival, Paul
    Marteniuk, Ron
    Peterson, Louis
    Mauser, Gary
    Pierce, John
    Naef, Barbara
    Rawicz, Andrew
    Nip, Harry
    Sanghera, Baiwant
    Overington, Jennifer
    Shapiro, Stanley
    Reed, Clyde
    Warsh, Michael
    Ross, Douglas
    Whitbread, Katherine
    Segal, Joseph
    Wortis, Michael
    Stubbs, John
    Wickstrom, Norm
    Whine, Phil
    In attendance: Beale, Alison
    Heath, Nick
    Klymchuk, Kai-Lee
    Richmond, Stuart
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services and Registrar
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary

    S.M. 07/04/97
    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of March 3, 1997
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    The Chair advised that Lay Senators had been contacted and had no
    objections to an early start time of 5:30 pm should SCAR decide that there
    would be a particularly short agenda.
    In response to a request for updated information about the report of the
    hoc Committee on Planning Priorities, Senate was advised that the Report
    had been presented to the Board of Governors for information last month.
    The Deans and the Vice-President, Academic are currently discussing the
    implementation of the planning process.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair advised that John Stubbs was currently in Asia, and announced
    that the Board of Governors has re-appointed him as President for a second
    five-year term.
    On behalf of Senate, the Chair extended congratulations to John Pierce on his
    appointment as the new Dean of Arts effective September 1997. ?
    5. ?
    Reports of Committees
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.97-32 - Elections
    Senate was advised that two further nominations had been received for
    SCODA and DQAC. Senate was advised that the following nominees have
    been elected by acclamation: Albert Chan to the Senate Committee on
    Disciplinary Appeals (SCODA) and Diverse Qualifications Adjudication
    Committee (DQAC); Jennifer Overington to the Senate Committee on
    Academic Planning (SCAP)/Senate Committee on University Budget (SCUB)
    and Senate Library Committee (SLC)/Library Penalties Appeal Committee
    (LPAC); and Susan Liu to the Senate Committee on Academic Planning
    (SCAP)/Senate Committee on University Budget (SCUB). All other positions
    remain vacant.
    Senate Appeals Board
    i) ?
    Paper S.97-33 - Annual Report (For Information)
    Kai-Lee Klymchuk, Chair, SAB and Nick Heath, Director of Admissions were
    in attendance in order to respond to questions.

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    Page 3
    is Brief discussion took place with respect to the apparent drop in activity on
    behalf of the Senate Appeals Board. Since CRUA has taken on some of the
    responsibilities previously handled by SAB, inquiry was made as to whether
    or not Senate could be given a report on the activities of CRUA. J. Osborne,
    Chair of CRUA, advised that she would be pleased to prepare a report for
    presentation to Senate.
    K. Amason noted that when SUAB was dissolved and the SAB was re-
    organized and CRUA established, Faculties were given the power to deal with
    retroactive withdrawals. Concern was expressed at that time that individual
    Faculties might deal with similar cases in different ways. Under the current
    procedure, since Faculties are not required to report, Senate has no way of
    knowing what process is being used by various Faculties or the level of
    activity in this area, and the following Notice of Motion for the next meeting
    was presented by K. Amason:
    "that henceforth when the Annual Report of the Senate Appeals
    Board comes to Senate, the Faculty Appeals Committees also
    present reports for information at that time"
    C) ?
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Graduate Studies
    I) ?
    Faculty of Education
    i) ?
    Paper S.97-34 - Proposed Ed.D. in Educational Leadership
    Moved by J. Osborne, seconded by B. Clayman
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.97-34, the proposed Ed.D. in
    Educational Leadership"
    R. Barrow, Dean of Education and S. Richmond, Chair of the Faculty
    Graduate Studies Committee were in attendance in order to respond to
    M. Wortis expressed opinion that programs offered in a distance education
    mode (or a partial distance education mode) need to maintain the same high
    quality and meet the same high standards as on campus programs, and he
    proposed as a friendly amendment that a statement be added to the motion
    explicitly stating this principle. Although there were no objections to the
    sentiment of the proposed amendment, objections were raised about the
    appropriateness of attaching such a statement to a specific program and
    concerns were expressed about- the implications to other distance education
    offerings. The proposed amendment was not accepted as friendly.

    S.M. 07/04/97
    Amendment moved by M. Wortis, seconded by C. Crawford
    "that the following phrase be added to the end of the motion:
    with the understanding that (a) this program is expected to
    provide an educational experience of the same quality as that of
    full time on campus degree programs in Education, and (b) the
    standard of work expected for completion of this degree will be
    the same as that of on campus PhD programs in Education"
    Senate was advised that the proposed program will be offered in a different
    venue but otherwise it is no different from on campus programs in Education
    in so far as standards, teaching and quality of thesis.
    It was also noted that guidelines for delivery of graduate programs in distance
    education specify that the quality of such programs must be fully comparable
    to that of on-campus programs and opinion was expressed that the
    amendment was therefore redundant. It was suggested that the amendment
    should be reworded so as not to isolate this particular program but still
    recognize that the program had been developed in accordance with approved
    policy. Reference was made to the program description and Senate's
    attention was drawn to the first paragraph on page 9 of the documentation.
    Opinion was expressed that the issue could be addressed by amending the
    program description to reflect the sentiment of the proposed amendment is
    prior to the documentation going forward to the Board and the Ministry's
    Degree Program Review Committee.
    Concern was expressed that the amendment, as it stands, implies that what is
    being proposed is different from previous proposals, and in order to clarify
    that the program does not deviate from policy, L. Boland suggested that the
    'like all such programs'
    be inserted in the amendment. This
    suggestion was accepted as friendly by the mover and seconder. The result
    was the following amended motion:
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.97-34, the proposed Ed.D. in
    Educational Leadership with the understanding that like all such
    programs (a) this program is expected to provide an educational
    experience of the same quality as that of full time on campus
    degree programs in Education, and (b) the standard of work
    expected for completion of this degree will be the same as that of
    on campus PhD programs in Education" (amendment in italics)
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

    S.M. 07/04/97
    . Brief discussion followed with respect to resources required for the offering of
    the program, and Senate was advised that the Faculty has made a
    commitment to this program and if necessary will cut back in other areas but
    will not be seeking any additional funding other than that already committed
    through the Academic Enhancement Fund.
    Inquiry was made as to whether or not the concerns reflected in discussion of
    the amendment might be addressed by adding a paragraph at the appropriate
    point on page 9 before the documentation goes forward to the Board or the
    Ministry's Degree Program Review Committee. R. Barrow advised that he
    would be willing to include wording to reflect the sentiment of the
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    II) ?
    Faculty of Applied Sciences
    i) ?
    Paper S.97-35 - Communication - Graduate Curriculum Revision
    Moved by J
    Osborne, seconded by B. Clayman
    . "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.97-35, the curriculum revisions in
    the School of Communications"
    B. Lewis, Director, School of Communication and A. Beale, Chair of the
    Graduate Program, were in attendance in order to respond to questions.
    B. Clayman advised Senate that any of the changes by themselves would not
    have justified Senate action but taken together, they comprised enough
    change that he felt they should come to Senate for approval.
    In response to an inquiry as to whether these numerous changes imply a
    particular direction of change for the School, Senate was advised that there
    was no significant change to the graduate program and that the various
    changes mainly address housekeeping issues that have arisen over the years.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

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    Page 6
    ii) ?
    Paper S.97-36 - Resource and Environmental Management - Graduate
    Curriculum Revisions
    Moved by J. Osborne, seconded by B. Clayman
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as et forth in S.97-36, the curriculum revisions in the
    School of Resource and Environmental Management"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    ifi) Faculty of Arts
    Paper S.97-37 - Criminology - Graduate Curriculum Revisions
    Moved by J. Osborne, seconded by B. Clayman
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.97-37, the curriculum revisions in
    the School of Criminology"
    was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.97-38 - English - Graduate Curriculum Revisions
    Moved by J. Osborne, seconded by B. Clayman
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.97-38, the curriculum revisions in
    the Department of English"
    on was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.97-39 - Geography - Graduate Curriculum Revisions (For
    Senate received information that the SGSC, acting under delegated authority,
    deleted four courses (GEOG 712, 749, 754, 758) and approved one new course
    (GEOG 755), and changes to existing courses within the Department of

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    Page 7
    0 ?
    iv) Paper S.97-40 - Political Science - Graduate Curriculum Revisions
    Moved by J
    Osborne, seconded by B. Clayman
    that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.97-40, the curriculum revisions in
    the Department of Political Science"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    IV) Faculty of Business Administration
    i) ?
    Paper S.97-41 - Graduate Curriculum Revisions (For Information)
    Senate received information that the SGSC, acting under delegated authority,
    deleted one course (MBA 635) and approved changes to existing courses
    within the Faculty of Business Administration.
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Committee on
    Enrolment Management and Planning
    . ?
    1) ?
    Paper S.97-42 - Faculty of Business Administration - International
    Student Intake Targets for 1997/98 - 1999/2000
    Moved by J. Osborne, seconded by S. Shapiro
    "that Senate approve, as set forth in S.97-42, that the number of
    international students, excluding exchange students, admitted
    into the Faculty of Business Administration at SFU in the
    academic years 1997/98, 1998/99 and 1999/2000 be limited to a
    maximum of 10% of all admissions into the Faculty"
    Senate was advised that the limit has been set at 10% for some time and
    rather than bring forward the same recommendation each year, SCEMP has
    framed a motion covering three years. The limit can be reviewed at any time
    over the course of the three years if necessary.
    Brief discussion ensued with respect to how the 10% figure was reached, why
    the percentage of admissions had decreased over the past several years, and
    the number (and consequence) of students admitted in this category who go
    on to receive Permanent Resident status or citizenship.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

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    Page 8
    e) ?
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Committee on
    Undergraduate Studies
    Paper S.97-43 - Termination of PBD in Aquaculture
    Moved by J. Osborne, seconded by L. Berggren
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.97-43, termination of the Post
    Baccalaureate Diploma Program in Aquaculture"
    Senate was advised that the graduate Aquaculture Program no longer exists
    and the requisite courses required for the PBD Program are no longer offered.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.97-44 - Faculty of Arts Breadth Requirements (For Information)
    Senate received information that SCUS, acting under delegated authority,
    approved a change in Calendar language to include Science (SCI) courses as a
    separate 'department' under the Faculty of Arts Breadth Requirements
    f) ?
    Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
    i) ?
    Paper S.97-45 - Student Representation on Senate Committees
    Moved by L. Boland, seconded by L. Berggren
    "that Senate approve the revision of the membership of the five
    Senate committees as set forth in S.97-45"
    An amendment put forth by K. Whitbread which would empower the Simon
    Fraser Student Society to appoint the at-large students to the committees in
    question was ruled out of order.
    It was pointed out that the Student Society could still solicit nominations
    from the student body and Student Senators would still be able to run for the
    positions; the motion simply widens the pool of available candidates and
    takes some of the burden off the group of Student Senators.
    In response to an inquiry as to the amount of student input, Senate was
    advised that the Senate Nominating Committee called a meeting to discuss
    the issue of student representation on committees and all of the Student
    Senators were invited to attend. Three Student Senators attended the

    Page 9
    meeting and a number of possibilities were discussed before this proposal was
    put forward.
    Brief discussion ensued with respect to the election procedure that would
    apply to the at-large positions and concern was expressed that students were
    being elected by Senate whose majority of members were not students. It was
    noted that the committees in question were committees of Senate. Concern
    was also expressed that the at large positions were not widely enough
    advertised and that candidate selection was therefore quite restrictive. It was
    pointed out that the Student Society is routinely informed of all at large
    positions and invited to submit nominations, and on occasion
    advertisements have been placed in The Peak and circulated on e-mail.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Other Business
    A. Rawicz drew Senate's attention to an article published by the University of
    British Columbia which alleges that Simon Fraser University has the third
    highest administrative costs of universities in Canada. The Chair noted the
    Thedate of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, May
    12, 1997.
    The Assembly moved directly into Closed Session at 8:10 pm.
    W. Ron Heath
    Dean of Student Services and Registrar

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