    ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1995 IN ROOM 3210
    7:00 P.M.
    Present: ?
    Stubbs, J.O., Chair
    Alderson, E.
    Absent: ?
    Cohen, M.
    Amason, K.
    Dean, C.
    Bacanl, J.
    Dobb, T.
    Barrow, A.
    Einstein, D.
    Beattie, S.
    Giffen, K.
    Blaney, J.
    Mathewes, A.
    Boland, L.
    Mauser, G.
    Bullock, D.
    Naef, B.
    Chan, K.
    Osborne, J.
    Ciria, A.
    Segal, J.
    Clayman, B.
    Warsh, M.
    Crawford, C.
    Wickstrom, N.
    D'Aurla, J.
    Wideen, M.
    Dhir, R.
    Wu, S.
    Driver, J.
    Dunsterville, V.
    Eaton, C.
    Etherington, L.
    Hater, L.
    Heinrich, K.
    Hoeflich, K.
    Jones, C.
    W ?
    LeMare, L.
    In attendance:
    Lord, T.
    Gee, E.
    Gutman, G.
    Marteniuk, R.
    Wister, A.
    McAskiII, I.
    McInnes, D.
    Morrison, T.
    Munro, J.
    Percival, P.
    Perry, T.
    Peterson, L.
    Rawicz, A.
    Sanghera, B.
    Shapiro, S.
    Stewart, M.L.
    Swartz, N.
    Vining, A.
    Winne, P.
    Heath, W.A., Secretary
    Grant, B., Recording Secretary

    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of January 9. 1995
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair reported that budget concerns continue to focus in two areas. Firstly,
    funding for research councils might be substantially reduced, and secondly, it is
    difficult to assess the effect the Federal budget will have on transfer payments to
    the provinces in 1996/97.
    Reference was made to the recent announcements regarding Government
    funding for the establishment of a technical, degree-granting institution in the
    Fraser Valley at Cloverdale, and the degree-granting status given to Kwantlen
    College. The Chair wished to correct a story which appeared in a local
    newspaper that the former Dean of Arts, A. Brown, was a member of the
    Advisory Committee for the new university. H. Brown was on a number of
    committees that looked into this matter before the Government made its
    decision but he is not on the Advisory Board of the new institution.
    Report of Committees
    a) ?
    Senate Nominating Committee
    i) ?
    Paper S.95-9 - Elections
    The following are results of elections
    Senate committees:
    conducted by Senate to the following
    One Lay Senator to replace M. Warsh for balance term of office, from date of
    election to September 30, 1996.
    Candidates: V. Dunsterville, B. Naef
    Individual receiving the higher number of votes and declared elected:
    V. Dunsterville
    Two Student Senators to replace K. Chan and J. Bacani for balance terms of
    office, from date of election to September 30, 1996 and September 30, 1995
    Candidates: K. Amason, R. Dhir (Nomination of T. Morrison withdrawn)
    Individual receiving the higher number of votes and declared elected for term of
    office from date of election to September 30, 1996:
    K. Amason

    • ?
    Runner-Up declared elected for term of office from date of election to
    September 30, 1995:
    A. Dhir
    Senate Committee on Disciplinary Appeals (SCODA)
    One Student Senator to replace K. Chan for balance term of office, from date of
    election to September 30, 1995.
    Elected by acclamation: ?
    R. Dhir
    Senate Library Committee (SLC)/Library Penalties Appeal Committee (LPAC
    One Student Senator to replace K. Hoeflich for balance term of office, from date
    of election to September 30, 1996.
    No nominations received
    b) ?
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Graduate Studies
    MEW M
    Moved by J. Munro, seconded by B. Clayman
    "that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of
    Governors as set forth in S.95-10, approval of the Master of
    Arts in Gerontology.
    Dr. G. Gutman, Director of the Gerontology Program, and Drs. A. Wister and E.
    Gee were in attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Opinion was expressed that the proposal contained vague language,
    euphemisms, and specialized jargon and concern was expressed about the
    use of words such as 'older persons', 'older adults', and 'built environment', It
    was suggested that precise language should be used with terminology such as
    'the elderly', 'seniors' or 'accommodating the elderly', being recommended.
    It was pointed out that, as a field, Gerontology does not deal exclusively with
    persons age .65 and over. It is concerned with adult development and aging.
    The use of words like 'older persons' is used to distinguish individuals and is
    the choice of experts in the field. Many older persons object to being called
    seniors or the elderly because they feel that homogenizes them as a group and
    doesn't recognize individual distinction. It was also noted that some publishers
    even refuse to publish articles using terms such as the elderly. Comment was
    made that perhaps other Calendar material should be edited to reflect this. The
    term built environment is quite clearly understood in the field to designate
    housing and the design of care facilities and other places in which older

    persons tend to gather, and using the word built clearly disthgulshes it from
    those programs that are concerned with the green environment.
    It was noted that the concept of the program appeared to be Well presented and
    suggestion was made that too much attention was being given to specific
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    c) ?
    Senate Committee on University
    i) ?
    Paper S.95-11 - Annual Report - For Information
    J. Munro extended congratulations to K. Heinrich, Chair of SCUB, and her
    colleagues for the improved format of this 'ear's annual report. However, he
    wished to clarify that before any enrolment funding or any' budget allocations
    were done last year the Library received an off-the-top allocation of $500,000
    for acquisitions. This is not reflected in the Annual Report.
    At the request of the Chair, K. Heinrich explained procedures that SCUB wished
    to follow for this current budget cycle
    . In December, SCUB met
    'with the Vice-
    Presidents to talk about their portfolios and to ask a variety of
    .questions, some
    of which were based on last year's report and input received from the
    community. Further meetings will be held and
    it is expected
    they will be
    concluded by the end of February. Next month, SCUB hopes
    'td ,
    send a letter to
    the community describing, one or two scenarios based on the University's
    guess as to what is likely to happen with respect to the budget allocation. The
    Vice-President, Finance and Administration, has prepared, for distribution, a
    guide to the budget to clarify the various' components of the
    , budget and those
    items where funds can be moved from one component" to aflother. The
    guidelines from the Government, for the way in which funds can be used within
    the University will also be distributed. The university. community, should then
    have a. much broader picture and better understanding of the budget process.
    Hopefully in March or early April SCUB will
    meet with each
    Faculty and the
    Library, and will also hold a' general meeting in order to gather input from the
    community. SCUB's goal is for the university community to work together to find
    a long term strategy to deal with. the changing budget situations..
    6. ?
    Other Business
    There was no other business.
    The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of' Senate is Monday, March
    6, 1995.
    The Assembly moved directly into Closed Session at 7:25 p.m.
    W. R. Heath
    Secretary of' Senate

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