1. IflhiI*iV1i1iTIk.1iiiliT1 triiii r
      2. Page
      3. and a vote taken. ? AMENDMENT CARRIED
      4. and a vote taken. ? MOTION CARRIED
      5. Question was called, and a vote taken. ? MOTION CARRIED

Present: ?
J. Munro, Chair
Alderson, E.
Barrow, R.
Bawa, M.
Blackman, R.
Boland, L.
Cavers, J.
Ciria, A.
Clayman, B.
Cohen, M.
Covell, M.
Dill, L.
Dobb, T.
Driver, J.
Etherington, L.
Evenden, L.
Fickling, D.
Gill, W. (representing J. Blaney)
Green, C.
Heinrich, K.
Hoegg, J.L.
Hotter, A.
Jones, C.
Leiss, W.
Lim, K.
Luk, W.S.
Marteniuk, A.
McKeown, B.
Menzies, R.
Morrison, T.
Nielsen, V.
Palmer, E.
Palmer, L.
Percival, P.
Pinfield, L.
Rieckhoff, K.
Shannon, D.
Shapiro, S.
Smith, S.
Stewart, M.L.
Thomson, K.
Wade, S.
Warsh, M.
Winne, P.
Wotherspoon, A.
Heath, N., Acting Secretary
Grant, B., Recording Secretary
Beattie, S.
Bowman, M.
Carlson, R.
D'Auria, J.
Dawson, J.
Flores, J.
Giffen, K.
Gray, P.
Haje, P.
Hoeflich, K.
Mauser, G.
Osborne, J.
Plommer, T.
Rae, B.
Saywell, W.
Walker, A.
In attendance:
R. Anderson
M. Rosin

of the
as distributed.
Aporoval of the Minutes of the Open Session of December 7. 1992
The Minutes were approved as distributed.
IflhiI*iV1i1iTIk.1iiiliT1 triiii r
i) Library resources for new courses/programs
In response to an inquiry about the status of the establishment of rules
and regulations concerning library resources for new courses/programs,
Senate was advised that this issue is still under consideration by the
Senate Committee on Academic Planning and should come forward to
Senate at the next meeting.
Report of the Chair
i) SFU President
The Chair was pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. John
Stubbs as the new President of Simon Fraser University. Dr. Stubbs is
expected to begin his term this summer.
ii) Senate Membership
The Chair, on behalf of Senate, welcomed newly elected Senator, J.
Cavers to the meeting.
Report of Committees
a) Senate Nominating Committee
i) Paper S.93-1 - Elections
The following is the results of elections conducted at Senate to the
undernoted committees:
Senate Committee on Academic Discipline (SCAD)
One Faculty Member to replace S. Richmond for balance term of office,
from date of election to September 30, 1993.
Candidates: L. Ballentine, G. Mauser
Individual receiving the higher number
of votes and declared elected:
G. Mauser
Senate Committee on Academic Planning (SCAP)/Senate Committee on
University Budget (SCUB)
One Lay Senator to replace A. Wotherspoon for balance term of office,
from date of election to September 30, 1993.
Elected by acclamation: ?
M. Warsh

S.M. 11/1/93
Page 3
• ?
Senate Committee on Continuing Studies (SCCS)
One Faculty Senator to replace N. Cercone for balance term of office, from
date of election to September 30, 1994.
Vacant - No nominations received
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.11 ?
Moved by B. Clayman, seconded by S. Wade
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors, as set forth in S.93 - 2 the revised procedures for
limitation of enrolment in the Department of Communication"
R. Anderson, Chair of the Department of Communication, was in
attendance in order to respond to questions.
Concern was expressed that as more and more departments introduce
enrolment limitations, other areas of accommodation are getting smaller
and smaller, and inquiry was made as to what long term solutions are
being planned by the administration to deal with this situation. Senate was
informed that the overall operation of departmental and Faculty enrolment
limitation practices are currently under review by the Senate Committee on
Enrolment Management and Planning.
Discussion turned to what effect the proposed revisions would have on
students and the Department. Senate was advised that the effect of
having a flexible admission quota and a higher continuation GPA would
only have a modest effect on enrolments but would provide the
Department with the ability to better manage enrolment in relation to
available resources.
Concerns were expressed with respect to the proposal that graduation
standards be increased to 2.25. Opinion was expressed that it appears to
prohibit grandfathering of students currently in the program and also sets
an unprecedented, inequitable graduation requirement which prevents
students from graduating in Communications with the University minimum
requirement of 2.0. It was pointed out that these particular issues had
most likely been experienced in other limited enrolment programs and had
very likely been worked out in these other situations; opinion was
expressed that the Communication programs should not be singled out
because of that and there was no reason why those precedents could not
be applied in this case.
It was pointed out that grandfathenng of students was in fact automatic
because of a Senate motion which had been passed some twenty years
ago specifying that students were bound by the graduation requirements
which were in place in the Calendar in effect at the time they declared their

S.M. 11/1/93
program. However, concern was expressed about a statement which
appears in the current Calendar implying that if the University changes
rules and regulations, such changes can be imposed on students, and
opinion was expressed that this statement contravenes the motion of
Senate. The Chair indicated that the Calendar issue should be dealt with
at a different time, and discussion returned to the issue of the graduation
requirements in Communication.
Moved by P. Winne, seconded by K. Rieckhoff
"that the words 'and to graduate from the program' be stricken from
the Calendar entry"
Concern was expressed about making amendments from the floor of
Senate and suggestion was made that the general issue which applies to
all such limited enrolment programs be referred back to the appropriate
Senate committee for consideration. Opinion was expressed that the
issue of the graduation requirements has no impact on the ability of the
Department to manage enrolments which was the basic intent of the
proposal before Senate and therefore the amendment was appropriate for
Senate to consider. It was agreed, however, that it would be a good idea
to re-examine the question of why the university has graduation
requirements more stringent in some programs than in others.
Question was called on the amendment,
and a vote taken. ? AMENDMENT CARRIED
Question was called on the main motion,
and a vote taken. ?
(as amended)
ii) Paper S.93-3 - SchoolNof Computing SciencenUndergraduate
Curriculum Revisions
Moved by B. Clayman, seconded by S. Wade
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors as set forth in S.93 - 3 the elimination of the Digital Systems
Design Honors Program and changes to the Computing Honors
Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
c) Senate Committee on Academic Planning
i) Paper S.93-4 - External Review Department of Political Science
(For Information)
Senator M. Covell, Chair of the Department of Political Science was
available to respond to questions. ?

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Page 5
Concern was expressed that certain problems identified in an earlier
review in 1985 were still being identified in the current review, and while it
is recognized that the Department is aware some of its weaknesses and is
trying to eliminate them, opinion was expressed that it is hoped that these
things will be resolved before the next review takes place. It was pointed
out that the summary before Senate was not terribly informative and that
the full review was in fact much more positive and that many of the
recommendations related to quite minor issues. It was also noted that
since the last review the Department has been able to incorporate new
and younger colleagues and the Department is therefore in a much better
position now than it was in 1985.
In response to inquiries about upper division course offerings as related to
recommendations number 2, 3 and 7, Senate was informed the
Department is considering changing the 300-level courses to larger lecture
courses from seminar courses but before doing so they wish to undertake
an overall examination of the curriculum from a pedagogical viewpoint to
determine the feasibility of such a change.
Discussion turned to the issue of Senate receiving executive summaries
which were sometimes felt to be less than helpful rather than full reviews.
Senate was reminded of the reasons behind this practice and of the fact
that copies of the full review were available upon request from the
. Secretary of Senate. A suggestion that Senate be provided with the
Department's response as well as the executive summary was taken
under advisement, and the Chair agreed to a suggestion that reviewers be
asked to provide an abstract or a brief summary of their overall report
which could then be provided to Senate.
d) Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Graduate StudieL
41Ti .i.y - NewI.i'ii KIN I8113
Moved by B. Clayman, seconded by M. Cohen
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors, as set forth in S.93 - 5 the curriculum revision for
the Faculty of Applied Science as follows:
S. 93 - 5a ?
School of Kinesiology"
Senator A. Hoffer, Chair of the School of Kinesiology and M. Rosin,
School of Kinesiology were in attendance in order to respond to questions.
Senate's attention was drawn to the Appendix to this paper, distributed
prior to the meeting, which set out the arrangements which had been
. ?
worked out between the School and the Library, and clarification was
requested as to whether or not the resources are or are not in place to

S.M. 11/1/93
Page 6
properly offer the course. It was noted that although current Library
holdings were not adequate to support this course, the School of
Kinesiology has committed funds to provide for the implementation of this
course and arrangments have been made for students to have library
access at UBC and the Cancer Agency. In response to a concern that the
access arrangement with the Cancer Agency could be jeopardized if
demand became too great, it was pointed out that M. Rosin is a full-time
staff member at the Cancer Agency and has an agreement with the
Librarian with regard to access by graduate students which involves only
six to ten graduate students per year. Senate was also advised that many
of the journals listed by the Library as being necessary were in fact
available in Dr. Rosin's lab within the School and students would have full
access to them. Reference was made to the acquisition of core
monographs and it was pointed out that this material should also be part of
the core material at the undergraduate level for KIN 431 so there was in
fact an overlap of library allocations in this area.
In response to inquiry about departments directly subsidizing the library
budget, and whether or not a portion of the library funds will be earmarked
to support new courses, Senate was advised that while subsidization is
not common it has been done in the past, and that determination for the
allocation of library funds for new courses is waiting for the establishment
of the rules and regulations with regard to library resources which is
currently under consideration by SCAP.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
.t1ZeY ?
Moved by B. Clayman, seconded by K. Rieckhoff
"that Senate approve establishment of a Senate Committee on
International Activities sub-committee, the International Student
Exchange Committee"
As an introduction to the paper, Senate was advised that many exchanges
already exist but there was a certain lack of consistency and coherence to
the activities in this area and it was important to have a committee to
oversee the process and the establishment of international exchanges at
the academic level. However, it was pointed out that the intent of SCIA
was that the proposal would only apply to undergraduate student
Amendment moved by B. Clayman, seconded by L Boland

S.M. 11/1/93
Page 7
• "that the word undergraduate be inserted in the motion itself
establishing the committee after the word International and under
responsibilities of the committee under #1 before the word student"
In response to the current number of graduate exchange programs,
Senate was advised that of the 20-30 exchange programs currently in
existence, only two involve graduate students and that these and future
ones would be handled under the current procedures.
Question was called on the amendment,
and a vote taken. ? AMENDMENT CARRIED
Amendement moved by S. Wade, seconded by K. Rieckhoff
"that the undergraduate student representative be elected by
Senate rather than named by the Student Society"
Opinion was expressed that the proposed amendment standardizes
election procedures to Senate committees. However, it was pointed out
that there is a mixed practice with respect to student representation on
Senate committees whereby some students are elected by Senate while
others are named by the Student Society.
Question was called on the amendment,
and a vote taken.
Question was called on the main motion,
and a vote taken.
(as amended)
Moved by B. Clayman, seconded by K. Rieckhotf
"that Senate approve the rules for attendance at meetings of
committees of Senate as set forth in S.93-7."
Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
!I'i i .i ka
In order to participate in debate as the Chair of the Senate Library
Committee, J. Munro vacated the Chair to L. Boland.

S.M. 11/1/93
Page 8
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by M. Cohen
"that Senate approve the procedures for a new Library loan policy
as set forth in S.93-8."
Senate was provided with brief background information with respect to
why it was felt the proposed revisions were necessary. Senate's attention
was drawn to the recommendation for a three tier loan system which it
was felt would help to increase accessibility especially for high demand
items which would be restricted to a one week loan period.
Concern was expressed with respect to the one week loan period because
it was felt that students, especially those with a full course load, would find
it difficult to adequately utilize library materials in such a short time. It was
pointed out, however, that the proposal actually increases the time for high
demand items from the current three day loan period when such books are
put on reserve.
Amendment moved by C. Green, seconded by K. Rieckhoff
"that the one week period be changed to-a two week period
and that the three week period be changed to a four week period"
Opinion was expressed that a two week loan period while still providing a
significant reduction from the current policy would also provide a more
reasonable length of time to students to make better use of the material
borrowed. Brief discussion followed.
Question was called on the amendment,
and a vote taken. ?
Discussion then turned to the mechanics of how classification of materials
would be determined. Senate was advised that this information would not
be available until the new system was in place but that expectations are
that approximately 10% of the collection would fall within the three week
loan period. Initial determinations will be made from statistics at the end of
the semester but modifications based on borrowing patterns under the
new system are expected to occur and adjustments will have to be made.
Brief discussion took place with respect to the self-serve take out terminal
and the costs associated with this and some of the other technological
changes. The changes which need to be made are partly associated with
the higher number of loans and partly with the cost of adjusting the
communication software to permit a much improved system of effectively
placing holds on library materials and Senate was advised that the system
is expected to pay for itself within 2 1/2 years.

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Page 9
. In response to inquiries about the impact of these revisions on students
taking correspondence courses, Senate was advised that discussions in
this regard as well as the impact on inter-library loans and SFU's
obligations to the Open Learning Agency are under consideration by the
Senate Library Committee. Borrowing by these three enterprises is not
significant but expectations are that adjustments will be made to
accommodate these services.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
J. Munro resumed the chair of Senate.
There was no other business
"the Rules of Senate, Section II Officers, A. Chair to be changed
from: Chair: The Chair of Senate is empowered and expected to take
actions he/she deems necessary to ensure the orderly
. advancement of the legitimate business of the Senate. In case the
President is unable to chair a meeting of Senate, the Academic
Vice-President will take the chair.
to: Chair: The Chair of Senate is empowered and expected to take the
actions he/she deems necessary to ensure the orderly
advancement of the legitimate business of the Senate. The Vice-
Chair shall be elected annually by and from the members of
Senate, and shall sit as a member of the Senate Committee on
Agenda and Rules. In no case shall a Vice-Chair serve more than
two consecutive terms."
Senate was reminded that this item was for discussion at the next meeting
of Senate.
The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday,
February 8, 1993.
The Assembly moved directly into Closed Session at 9.00 pm

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