1. S.M. 11/04/88
      3. The Agenda was approved as distributed.
      4. The Minutes were approved as distributed.
      5. Business Arising .i from .L the IMinutes of January 11, 1988
      6. Paper S.88-10 - Follow-Up Report re proposed changes to procedures and
    1. Rules of Senate relatina to election of students to Senatei and Board of
      1. b) Enrolments
      2. S.M. 11/04/88
  2. 11,!1.iuiiiili(I.1IWX.i]It.FLi1I1[*
      1. Moved by T. Kazepides, seconded by A. Wotherspoon,

Present: ?
Ivany, J.W.G., Acting Chair
Absent: ?
Arnold, T.
Almassy, E.
Barn, P.
Berggren, J.L.
Barrow, R.
Brown, R.C.
Busch, P.
Cercone, N.
Carr, S.
Clayman, B.P.
Cooper, A.
Cleveland, W.
Freedman, A.
D'Auria, J.
George, D.A.
Dobb, T.C.
Irvine, ?
Fowler, T.
Love, E.
Goodman, D.
Magid, S.
Heinrich, K.
Milton, ?
Hoegg, J.L.
Rae, B.
Jones, C.
Rieckhoff, ?
Saywell, W.G.
Kennedy, P.
Schierer, A.
Mathewes, R.
Slanz, P.
• ? Mauser, G.
Warsh, M.
Nielsen, V.
Weinberg, H.
Osborne, J.
Reilly, ?
Roberts, M.
In attendance: ?
N. Heath
Salter, ?
V. Loewen
• ? Saunders, A.
Shapiro, S.
• ? Singh, M.
Strate, G.
Swartz, N.
Tuinman, J.
Vining, A.
Winne, P.
• ? Wotherspoon, A.
W. R. Heath, Secretary
Grant, B., Recording Secretary

S.M. 11/04/88
Page 2
The Agenda was approved as distributed.
The Minutes were approved as distributed.
There was no business arising from the Minutes of February 1, 1988
Business Arising .i
from .L the
IMinutes of January 11, 1988
Paper S.88-10 - Follow-Up
Report re proposed changes to procedures and
Rules of Senate relatina to election of students to Senatei and Board of
R. Heath explained that the paper responded to concerns expressed by Senate
that the definition of full-time student as applied for election purposes in the
Rules of Senate might be carried into other areas. Other than suggesting some
editorial changes to tidy up the wording of the Rules, the University's solicitor
advised that the Rules were satisfactory and suggested their continuation.

Back to top

G. Ivany reported that although the budget looks to be in the range of 4.5 to
5.5 percent, final figures have not yet been confirmed. The problem is that a
percentage figure has been attached to a base budget from last year but the
Ministry has had difficulty in determining what last year's base budget included.
Expectations are that this, as well as the capital budget, will be clarified within
the next week.
G. Ivany reported that the proposed budget does not reflect a concern for the
enrolment growth which has taken place at the University over the past several
years and the President has communicated to the Premier and the Minister of
Advanced Education that Simon Fraser University would not be able to continue
with its open-door policy under such circumstances. The Government has
substantially altered funding for student aid without any equivalent increase in
budget and the Presidents of the three universities have pointed out this
contradictory action in a joint letter to the Premier. It was felt that the
legislation passed by Senate to restrict enrolments by GPA will become a reality
in September
G. lvany explained that although the Task Force on University Size has not yet
completed its report, it has made suggestions on how the GPA enrolment

S.M. 11/04/88
Page 3
limitations should be handled should they become necessary. Recommendation was
to maintain the evolving percentages of intake from high schools, colleges and
other groups.
c) ?
Mission Statement
G. Ivany reported that
an edict was issued
in late February from the
Premier's office that the Province,
a whole, was to be engaged in a long range
planning exercise. Each Ministry was asked to prepare a 'strategic plan' covering a
ten-year horizon and a 'technical plan' covering a three-year horizon. These plans
would then be provided to the Ministry's Joint Planning and Articulation Committee
(JPAC) in order to produce a document which would then be translated into a
tactical statement to be used to influence next year's budget cycle. In addition,
each institution in the Province has been asked to submit a mission statement to
JPAC. All of this is to culminate in a statement due in the Premier's office by
April 15th . A further document, the Provincial Statement of Planning, based on
this accumulated material, is then expected to be issued from the Premier's office.
Provincial institutions have collectively pointed out that it would be impossible to
prepare a mission statement in such a short time frame and it has therefore been
agreed that this document would take the form of a Presidential letter outlining
general objectives as to where the institution has been and where it might be
going in the next ten years. Vice-Presidents, Deans, Department Chairs and
Academic Directors have been given opportunity for feedback and comment on the
draft of that Presidential statement and, even though it
had to be submitted
without benefit of further consultation, it will be presented to be tabled at the
next meeting of the Senate Committee and Academic Planning and the next meeting
of Senate. The transmittal message to the Ministry will clearly indicate that the
statement does not have the endorsement of the University.
J. Berggren recalled that the President had committed himself to preparing a
mission statement at the time of the PACCUP recommendations and he was
disappointed that the University had not produced a statement before this time.
Paper S.88-11 - Senate Nominating Committee - Elections
The following are the results of elections to fill vacancies on the undernoted
Senate Committees:
Electoral Standing Committee
One Senator (at-large)
to serve
on the Electoral Standing Committee for
specified term of office.
Elected by acclamation:
J. Osborne

S.M. 11/04/88
Senate Committee on Academic Planning (SCAP)/Senate Committee
on University Budget (SCUB)
One Student Senator
to replace A. Schierer for balance term of office,
from date of election to September 30, 1988.
No nominations received:
Senate Committee on Agenda & Rules (SCAR)
One Student Senator
to replace A. Schierer for balance term of office,
from date of election to September 30, 1989.
No nominations received:
Senate Committee on Continuing Studies (SCCS)
One Student Senator
to replace A. Schierer for balance term of office,
from date of election to September 30, 1988.
No nominations
received: ?
Senate Nominating Committee (SNC)
One Student Senator Alternate
to fill an
existing vacancy for term of
office, from date of election to September 30, 1988.
No nominations received: ?
Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board (SUAB)
One Student Senator
to replace A. Schierer for balance term of office,
from date of election to September 30,1988.
No nominations received:
One Student Senator Alterhate
to fill an
existing vacancy for term of
office, from date of election to September 30, 1988.
No nominations received
b) ?
Senate Graduate Studies Commi
Referring to Page 12, Appendix B, Item 3, T. Fowler pointed out that the
language inferred that female graduate students did not require approval of
Graduate Program Committees or of Senior Supervisors. B. Clayman advised that
Senate had in fact already amended the language and A.
Heath confirmed that the
material in the Calendar had been edited to reflect the amendment.
G. Ivany reported that the University, in agreement with the Faculty
Association, has adopted as official University policy, that all persons be referred
to as Chairs.
Referring to the Table on Page 4, A. Mathewes noted the decline in the number
of masters degrees and requested clarification. B. Clayman expressed opinion that

S.M. 11/04/88
Page 5
further experience would be required before a pattern, if any, could be determined
and it would best be discussed with that additional data base in next year's report.
In response to concerns about the length of time it was taking students to
obtain a PhD in Geography, B. Clayman explained that the statistics actually
represented one student who had dropped out of the program and returned at a later
date to defend the thesis and referred Senate to the explanation provided in the
introduction that the data was not sensitive to part-time studies or to students
who leave and then return. L. Salter suggested that future reports contain
notations at the bottom of the page to clarify such insensitivities.
Referring to Page 1, E. Almassy requested elimination of the sexist language
noting that reference should be made to the Chair of the Senate Graduate Studies
Committee. Referring to the comments on Page 11 with regard to workspace for
graduate students, she pointed out that in some Departments all graduate students
are provided with office space while in others, such as Sociology and
Anthropology, only TAs receive office space, and she wondered if the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee could look into this situation.
With the agreement to amend the language of the report, the Annual Report of
the Senate Graduate Studies Committee was received for information.
c) ?
Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships. Awards & Bursaries
Paper S.88-13 - Information Requested by Senate
The information provided by the SPCSAB in response to a request from Senate
for further details on certain issues, was received by Senate.

Back to top

Moved by T. Kazepides, seconded by A. Wotherspoon,
"that the Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships,
Awards and Bursaries report annually to Senate in
June of each year"
Question was called, and a vote taken.
Electoral Standing Committee
Paper S.88-15 - Report on Elections
The following report on the results of elections to Senate and the Board of
Governors was received by Senate for information:

S.M. 11/04/88
Page 6
Student Election to Board of Governors
There were six candidates. T. Fowler, Faculty of Education and C. Hartmann,
Faculty of Business Administration were declared elected. The other
candidates were: J. Chapman - Faculty of Applied Sciences, M. Hoechsmann -
Faculty of Education, J. Wilson Stroup - Faculty of Business Administration,
and D. Gagnier - Faculty. of Business Administration.
Student Election to Senate
There were fifteen nominations received. Only one nomination was received
from the Faculty of Science: R. Maaske was declared elected by acclamation.
The following candidates were declared elected: S. Rashed - Faculty of
Applied Sciences, E. Almassy - Faculty of Arts, R. McGivern - Faculty of Arts,
J. Shickele - Faculty of Arts, R. Beedie - Faculty of Business Administration,
C. Horn - Faculty of Arts, C. Fitzsimmons - Faculty of Applied Sciences, H.
Bains - Faculty of Arts, S. Nyvik - Faculty of Business Administration, and I.
Nicol - Faculty of Arts. The other candidates were: R. Irvine - Faculty of
Arts, G. Jones - Faculty of Arts, S. Magid - Faculty of Business
Administration, and K. Schindel - Faculty of Arts.
No nominations were received from the Faculty of Education and a 2nd Call
for nominations will be issued on Tuesday, May 10, 1988 during the first
week of classes in the Summer Semester.
Faculty Elections to Senate
Faculty of Applied Sciences
The following nominee was declared elected by acclamation:
L. Salter
Faculty of Business Administration
The following nominee was declared elected by acclamation:
D. Tjosvold
Joint Faculty
Thirteen nominations were received. Only one nomination was received
from the Faculty of Applied Sciences: N. Cercone was declared elected
by acclamation. The following candidates were declared elected: P.
Kennedy, S. Djwa, M. Covell, G. Strate, J. D'Auria and L.H. Palmer. The
other candidates were: D. Crozier, L.M Dill, K. Heinrich, N.J. Lincoln, M.
Singh and A.M. Unrau.
f) ?
Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board
Paper S.88-16 - Annual Report
The Annual Report of the Senate Undergraduate Admissions
Board was received by Senate for information.

0 ?
S.M. 11/04/88
-, ?
Paper S.88-17 - Adult Basic Education Provincial Diploma
Moved by R. Saunders, seconded by T. Kazepides
"that the University accept applicants for
admission on the completion of the Adult Basic
Education Provincial Diploma, subject to the
following conditions:
minimum age on completion to be 19 years
the student must have a standing in A.B.E.
Advanced Level or Grade 11 English, Algebra,
Science, Social Studies and a language other
than English (the Social Studies could be a
subject combining several disciplines, or could
be in a single discipline such as Geography)
the student must have a
minimum of four
subjects at the Provincial level including
English and any three Grade 12 equivalent
subjects from
any of the following:
Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer
Languages. Humanities and Social Sciences:
Literature, Languages, Geography;
Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry,
All of the four Provincial level subjects should
be graded to show the level of achievement (ie.
pass/fail or mastery/incomplete grades are not
minimum average of C+ is required on the four
Provincial-level subjects
each college offering a Provincial Diploma
program must submit outlines of the courses
which may be included in the program, and on an
ongoing basis, samples of final examinations in
any course given at a Provincial (Grade 12
equivalent) level."
In response to
questions about how high school subjects are categorized and
selected as eligible for admission, N. Heath, Director of Admissions, explained that
there was an element of arbitrariness in the categorization of the subject, and
thatSUAB tried to follow as closely as possible the secondary school curriculum
and those subjects which were excluded were usually ones not offered in the
curriculum. He further explained that the three categories - Sciences,

S.M. 11/04/88
Page 8
Languages/Humanities/Social Sciences, and Mathematics - were not relevant to
this specific motion since the student was only required to have any three of the
subjects irrespective of which category they are from. A friendly amendment to
remove the sub-categories from point
was accepted. In response to an inquiry,
Heath advised that the exclusion of History was an oversight and that it should
be included
with the list of eligible subjects.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
g) ?
Senate Appeals Board
Paper S.88-18 - Annual Report
The Annual Report of the Senate Appeals Board was received by Senate for
There was no other business.
There were no notices of motion.
The date of the next regular meeting of Senate is scheduled for Monday, May
9, 1988.
The Assembly moved directly into Closed Session at 7:45 p.m.
W. R. Heath
Secretary of the Senate

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