1. S.M. 02/11/87
      2. • the Examining Committee for distribution to that Committee. A copy of
    1. Paper ? ,-1iT1iistiii1fl1Wlli.]iI..-
    2. . "That Senate approve the continuation of enrolment limitations for the
      1. admission of international students to Business Administration,

Ivany, J.W.G., Acting Chairman
Almassy, E.
Arnold, T.
Barn, P.
Barrow, R.
Boal, D. (replacing B. Clayman)
Berggren, J.L.
Brown, R.C.
Busch, P.
Carr, S.
Cercone, N.
Cleveland, W.
Cooper, A.
D'Auria, J.
Dobb, T.C.
Fowler, T.
Freedman, A.
George, D.A.
Goodman, D.
Hoegg, J.L.
Irvine, R.
Kazepides, A.C.
Kennedy, P.
Love, E.
Mathewes, R.
Mauser, G.
Milton, S.
Nielsen, V.
Osborne, J.
Reilly, N.
Salter, L.
Saunders, R.
Schierer, A.
Shapiro, S.
Singh, M.
Strate, G.
Swartz, N.
Tuinman, J.
Warsh, M.
Weinberg, H.
Winne, P.
Wotherspoon, A.
Heath, W.R., Secretary
Grant, B., Recording Secretary
Absent: ?
Clayman, B.
Heinrich, K.
Magid, S.
Rae, B.
Rieckhoff, K.
Roberts, M.
Salter, B.
Saywell, W.G.
Slanz, P.
Vining, A.
Webster, J.
In attendance: J. Blaney
S. Duguid
E. Scott

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Page 2
The Agenda was approved as distributed.
The Minutes were approved as distributed.
There was no business arising from the Minutes.
The Chairman reported that Dr. Saywell, upon acceptance of an invitation from the
Honorable J. Clark, was in Hong Kong on a federal trade mission.
Senate was informed of the following membership changes: (i) by-election of N. Reilly by
and from Joint Faculty to replace E. Boyanowsky on Senate for balance term of office; (ii)
by-election of T. Fowler by and from the Student Association to replace S. Wright on Senate
for balance term of office; (iii) S. Shapiro, Acting Dean of Business Administration; and
(iv) D. Boal representing B. Clayman as Acting Dean of Graduate Studies for the current
Senate was informed that, at the President's request, a task force of SCAP - Task Force on
University Size - has been established as a result of recent problems associated with
enrolment growth on the campus in the face of limited resources. As part of its mandate, the
Task Force will attempt to define immediate measures to take during the next year and, in
terms of long range interest, the intent is to study the size, shape, capacity and resource
needs of the campus. The Task Force also hopes to prepare a position paper for presentation
to the Government based upon the current size of the University and its resource needs if
growth is to continue. The Task Force is comprised of the following members: J.W.G. Ivany,
Chair; R. Saunders, W. Wattamaniuk, W.R. Heath, R.C. Brown, L. Salter, A. Wyckham, B.
Clayman and R. Irvine. The Task Force has begun meeting and hopefully will report back to
SCAP/Senate in the near future.
Paper S.87-22 - Annual Financial Statement
E. Scott, Vice-President Finance introduced the report by presenting a brief overview of the
Balance Sheet - Statement 1 - on page 2. Following a brief discussion, the Annual Financial
Statement was received by Senate for information.
At the request of the Chairman, J. Blaney, Vice-President Simon Fraser University at
Harbour Centre, joined the assembly and presented a report on recent developments
concerning the Downtown campus. He explained that approximately 100,000 square feet at
the Sears premises have been made available to Simon Fraser and that the private
anonymous donation of 13.5 million dollars will pay the rent and operating expenses (i.e.
heat, light, janitorial, etc.) for thirty years. In addition, the Provincial Government has
provided a ten million dollar grant (one million to be received per annum for ten years)
which will help pay for expenses such as a core for services such as admissions and library.
Senate was assured that the grant from the Government was completely separate from the
usual grant to the university system and that the development of Downtown would not take
place at the expense of campus programs. Senate was informed that it is hoped that ten
million dollars will be raised from the Bridge to the Future Campaign for Downtown
programs. Programs will include those that are already housed Downtown, programs or
courses departments or faculties wish to relocate Downtown, and programs or courses that
may be funded by special gifts or grants. It was noted, however, that programs and courses
could only go Downtown as budget is available. The sub-committee of SCAP on Downtown

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Page 3
Planning will be reactivated to examine the work previously done and set more explicit
criteria for the development of programs and courses. J. Blaney indicated he hoped to meet
with Dean's Advisory Committees and talk to Departmental Chairs/Directors about their
objectives and aspirations. He also noted that the Faculty Association has established a
Faculty Forum on November 23 and 24th and indicated he would be most happy to receive
advice or comments related to the development of Downtown.
In response to an inquiry as to a proposed timetable for Downtown offerings, J. Blaney
indicated he did not feel that the Downtown campus would be functioning until January
1989. Although it is hoped that the Howe Street location will be closed as soon as possible,
the construction crew does not start working on Harbour Centre until mid-April. He pointed
out, however, that it should be as active as possible and that programs will be installed only
as budgets allow.
Question was raised as to whether the initial monies received through the Bridge to the
Future Campaign would be earmarked for Downtown and J. Blaney indicated that allocation of
such funds may depend on donor interest.
In reply to a question about the cost of courses being more expensive Downtown, J. Blaney
expressed opinion that credit courses would be the same price regardless of where they were
offered while non-credit courses and professional development courses were generally
scaled to recover their instructional and marketing costs.
Concern was expressed that space development in advance of the academic planning and
program development which will eventually occupy that space may create a potential
conflict. J. Blaney indicated that the space must be fitted in a reasonably short time period
• and plans have been developed in accordance with the general outline presented by the
Downtown Planning Committee when it last met. (eg. large classrooms, tutorial rooms,
faculty offices and general office areas). Request was made that departments be given an
overview of the space layout and J. Blaney indicated he would be pleased to bring the layout
to a Dean's Advisory Committee meeting. Inquiry was made as to the possibility of housing
labs and J. Blaney advised that Science labs are not be permitted by code in that building but
there would be a possibility for other types of laboratory space.
In response to an inquiry about provisions for parking, J. Blaney indicated that the adequate
parking facilities are at market rates. He pointed out that Harbour Centre is the centre of
all public transportation in the Lower Mainland - the ALRT, Sea Bus and all the buses that go
downtown stop in the immediate area.
Inquiry was made about the approval procedure for new courses and programs and how the
facility and courses would be staffed. J. Blaney assumed the usual procedures or procedures
as may be modified by Senate would apply to course/program approval and that faculty
appointments would be done through existing departments and faculties. The Chairman
informed Senate that the Funds for Excellence provided funds for a new program in Tourism
which will be housed Downtown and a search is underway to hire in this area.
It was pointed out that if a department or faculty wished to relocate a program to the
Downtown Centre there would be incremental costs and it was noted that these costs would
come out of a budget established for downtown operations rather than the department or
faculty budget.
In reply to an inquiry concerning the mission of the Downtown campus, the Chairman
informed Senate that there is an extant statement of overall principles which was approved
in-principle by Senate several years ago. The Chairman indicated that he would take under
advisement a suggestion that this statement be brought forward to the attention of the
University community. He went on to ensure that Senate would be kept fully advised of and
involved in any development Downtown.

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The following are the results of elections to fill vacancies on the undernoted Senate
Senate Committee on Continuin
Studies (SCCS)
One Faculty Senator to replace J. Dickinson for balance term of. office, from date of election
to September 30, 1988.
Elected by acclamation: ?
J. Osborne
Senate Nominatin g Committee (SNC)
One Senator at-large to replace M. Roberts whose term of office expired September 30,
1987. Term of office is from date of election to September 30, 1988..
No nominations received
One Student Senator to replace R Slanz whose term of office expired September 30, 1987.
Term of office is from date of election to September 30, 1988.
No nominations received
One Student Senator Alternate to fill an existing vacancy for term of office, from date of
election to September 30, 1988.
No. nominations received ?
Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee (SGAAC)
Two Students at-large to replace E. Balka and A. Cadavid for terms of office, from date of.
election to September 30, 1988. (Nominations for these positions are provided by the
Student Society and forwarded to the. SNC
by the Registrars Office)..
Elected by acclamation:
R. McGiven
Insufficient nominations received
Senate Underaraduate Admissions Board (SUAB)
One Student Senator Alternate to fill an existing vacancy for term of office, from date of
election to September 30, 1988.
No nominations received
Paper S.87-24 - Annual Report
The Annual Report of the Senate Committee on Continuing Studies was received by Senate for

S.M. 02/11/87
Page 5
. ?
i) ?
Paper S.87-25 - Change to Graduate Regulation 1.9.4 - Preparation for Examination of
Doctoral Thesis
Moved by D. Boal, seconded by R. Brown,
"that Graduate Regulation 1.9.4 be modified as follows:
Preparation for the examination of a Doctoral thesis shall not take place
until the thesis is substantially complete and in the format laid down in
Appendix A of the General Regulations - Graduate Studies.
At least two months before the proposed date for the thesis examination,
the candidate's Supervisory Committee shall make a recommendation
concerning the composition of the Examining Committee (in conformity
with 1.9.3) and the date of the thesis examination. This recommendation,
which shall also include the thesis title, an abstract of the thesis, and a
short biography of the proposed External Examiner, shall be sent to the
Graduate Program Committee, then to the Faculty Graduate Studies
Committee for approval, then to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies
for consideration by the Senate Graduate Studies Committee. The
recommendation must reach the Dean of Graduate Studies at least five
weeks before the examination date. After the recommendation is
approved, the Dean of Graduate Studies shall invite the External Examiner
and provide information on the examination date and procedures.
Unbound copies of the completed thesis shall be given to the Chairman of
• the Examining Committee for distribution to that Committee. A copy of
the thesis shall also be made generally available for inspection by
interested faculty members and students. The completed thesis shall be
thus distributed no later than one month before the examination date and
in no case prior to the approval of the Examining Committee by the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee. The Chairman of the Examining Committee
shall inform the Dean of Graduate Studies in writing when the thesis has
been distributed."
In response to an inquiry as to when the proposed change would be implemented, D. Boal assumed it
would take effect as soon as it was published in the Calendar and pointed out that it was simply a
change in scheduling to allow time for approval of the Examiner before distribution of the thesis.
A suggestion by E. Almassy to change the word 'Chairman' to 'Chair' was accepted as a friendlV
Question was called, and a vote taken.
Administration, Computing Science and related programs
Moved by R. Saunders, seconded by N. Cercone,
. "That Senate approve the continuation of enrolment limitations for the
admission of international students to Business Administration,
Computing Science and related programs in accordance with document
SUAB 175 (revised). That these limitations be in effect for two years
until Spring Semester 1990, with review to occur in 1989."

S.M. 02/11/87
In response to an inquiry about a request to have identification of visa status on transcripts, R.
Saunders indicated that SUAB had made this recommendation to the Registrar's Office and it was his
understanding that the change is underway.
A motion by S. Carr to refer the proposal back to the Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board failed
for lack of a seconder.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
e) ?
i) ?
Paper S.87-27 - Annual Report
Following a very brief discussion, the Annual Report of the Senate Appeals Board was received by
Senate for information.
a) ?
Paper S.87-28 - 1988 Convocation Dates
Senate received for information the following dates for the 1988 Convocation ceremonies:
Thursday ?
June 2nd ?
2:30 p.m.
Friday ?
June 3rd ?
9:45 a.m. ?
Applied Sciences
Bachelor of General Studies
Friday ?
June 3rd ?
2:30 p.m. ?
Business Administration
There were no notices of motion.
a) ?
The date of the next regular meeting of Senate is scheduled for Monday, December 7, 1987.
The Assembly moved directly into Closed Session at 7:55 p.m.
W. R. Heath
Secretary of the Senate

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